#15 - Killing Two Birds With One Stone

1709 Words
Adrian When the door to Lily's house opened, every cell in me wanted to rush in and embrace them both, overwhelmed by the sight of my dashing son in an almost matching tux with me, and my ex-wife... stunning ex-wife. Motherhood had really transformed her, enhancing her beauty in ways I hadn't thought possible and God, my hands itched to touch every one of those curves her figure-hugging dress flaunted so innocently yet so seductively, sending all my blood rushing in a chaotic frenzy. I stayed rooted in my spot instead, hands clutching tightly to the bottle of wine I had picked up at the hotel's reception, hoping the perfection claim it held was as perfect as the woman and child before me. She only deserved perfection, I decided, even if it was just wine. "Hi," she greeted and I swear my world slowed as her sweet voice floated through the air, momentarily crippling my voice of reason while I stepped towards her, unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing me closer. "Hey," I croaked out. Smooth, real smooth, Frost. I mentally cursed myself for stumbling over such a simple greeting. I was never this person, but for some reason tonight, Lily had somehow managed to draw out that awkward bone I never knew I possessed. Although, not even my awkwardness could stop me. I was almost there, inches away from filling my hands with her. Her scent wafted in my direction and I inhaled, greedily, mind filling with nothing but Lily. "He's my surprise?!" Count on the kid to kill all the tension in his space. It took me less than a second to halt and sober up thanks to him. "Is he, mom?!" I watched with wonder as Asher's excited gaze turned to his mother. Lily's gaze, however, remained on me. For the longest glorious second it did, leaving me feeling a surge of hope amidst the awkwardness. Had she felt that too? Was she looking forward to this dinner as much as I was? It didn't even matter that 'surprise' probably just referred to the fact that Asher would be meeting me, his father, today nothing more. That is if that is what she had decided. I hoped that was it. I smiled at her, but regretted it the next second when that action seemed to wake her from whatever had had her holding my gaze. She turned to our son and smiled, her smile bright and blinding as her perfectly manicured hands cupped his tiny cheeks gently. I wanted that smile. "He is, but that should not be the reason for you to forget your manners, now is it?" Lily chastised. Seeing her slipping perfectly into her motherly role did things to me. I wanted to be right there with her. "No mom." My son mumbled before turning to me, eyes twinkling still. "Good evening, Mr. Frost." "Good evening, Asher.' I matched his beaming smile. I couldn't wait for him to call me dad or to have him barrel into me when greeting me instead of standing so far out. My arms longed to spread out in invitation for my son to do just that, but I guessed I could hold on a little while longer, for Lily's sake. She probably had a plan of how she wanted the night to unfold. I would respect that. "So did Batman get to save Gotham yet?" I asked, hating the fact that I knew so little about my son to drop in a conversation. Those tiny lips split in a satisfied smile. It could have easily been Lily's, which I would have preferred, but instead, my son's smile reflected mine. "Of course he did! Want to play with me? I could be Batman, you Superman and mom can be Wonder Woman." I caught movement behind Asher before I could respond. "Sure, but maybe Wonder Woman might not make it on the mission tonight." I answered, noting the relief on Lily's face. Despite the sting of her not wanting to spend time with me, doing this for her felt satisfying. "That's okay, she can come on the next one. Right, mom?" Hopeful eyes turned to Lily. "You bet I will." Lily ruffled Asher's hair. "Who knows when you two might just need back up." It would be nothing but role playing, yet I found myself looking forward to the three of us embarking on those imaginative adventures, more so because of all the excitement that painted my son's face as he ran out of the room. "This is for you." Instead of giving in to my urges to pull her into my arms, I held out the wine to Lily once we were alone. She accepted it with a small smile, dampening mine. I hated it even though I probably deserved it. "The receptionist at the hotel said it was the best around here." I added, hoping to get more than a silent thank you and that seemed to do it. She smiled. A heart stopping, breath-stealing split of her perfect lips, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. I hated that too. "Not a lie," Lily said as she waved me in. "I can actually bet my life on the fact that whatever Derby told you about Radiant Springs is true too." "I bet it is, or you would have never stayed. You always did love being close to nature." She froze at my statement, making me realize what had come out of my mouth. I didn't intend to bring up our past, but I certainly wasn't going to apologize for it either because it was true, and maybe I hoped it would break the ice that would have us conversing like before. I had reminisced over some of those while I drove here. It didn't and if I was being honest, I was ignored. "Make yourself at home." Lily invited when she finally got a hold of herself and disappeared through her kitchen door. A male voice filtered through the door right after, their tone full of excitement, sending me clenching my fists. I hoped to God it wasn't Warrick. "Or maybe it would have been better to have that prick." Betrayal prickled when a familiar figure emerged from the kitchen. "Adi my boy!" my grandfather beamed, stressing my nickname for no other reason but to get me to behave if I knew what was good for me. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it." He walked in, a bowl of something in his hand. What was he doing here? And how was he so comfortable in Lily's house. "I thought you said you have never been here," I accused when he was close enough. "Of course, I haven't." Wallace shrugged, setting the bowl down on the dinning table. "Drink?" He was the perfect host too. I stomped after him to a cabinet that was surprisingly well stocked with some of the finest wines I knew cost a fortune. I was struck with guilt for not knowing Lily's taste. "Then how the hell do you know where to find the drinks?" "Duh? Isn't it obvious?" My grandfather gestured towards the cabinet. God, I hated him when he was like this. "Why are you even here?" I demanded. "You are both Asher's family, I figured killing two birds with one stone by introducing you both was best." Lily answered. Was that disappointment I felt at this dinner not being just an us affair? Killing two birds with one stone? I made a face at the statement. Wallace was clearly amused at the situation. "I'm guessing this is not what you expected?" He whispered when Lily went out of earshot. "Perhaps this is the right time to remind you that beggars can't be choosers." I scowled even when I knew he was right. "I was also hoping to talk to you both without Asher." Lily's presence smoothened out my scowl. "It's just been the two of us so he might not react in the way you-" "Let's jump that bridge when we get there." I cut her off, my hand shooting out for hers, which betrayed how nervous she felt. Surprise flickered in her eyes at the contact, but she made no attempt to let go as she sat down at the dining table and pulled me along with her. I was about to celebrate that win when my phone rang. Pulling it out, I wished I hadn't touched the damn thing when I found Courtney's name flashing on the screen. I cut the call and slipped the phone back in my pocket, eager to get back to Lily. In the second it had taken me to do that, I realized I lost that contact with Lily and she sat back, glaring. I arched a brow at her. "You can be his father from Glanbury." "I'm sorry, what?" It took me too long to realize that she was laying down her demands about Asher. "You can't stay here, but you can visit him whenever you want." She bit out as I wondered what the hell just happened. It was as if someone just flipped a switch inside her and instead of being mad, I panicked. "And that will have to be alone. You can't take him away from here either." "He's my son, you can't just ration my time in his life." I snapped. "You are welcome to fight me on this." She spat before pushing off the table, her chair scraping loudly on the wooden floor. That would definitely leave a mark. Why did I care? I thought as I shoved to my feet and went after her, barely ignoring my grandfather's presence. "Lily?" She stopped, but not on my account. She bent down to pick up a pair of running shoes. Her dress rolled up higher as she did, giving me a delicious peek of her gorgeous legs that for the love of me I wanted more than anything to trace my hands over. The sound of her heels dropping to the floor after she kicked them off drew my attention to my fuming ex-wife. "Let's talk about this." I demanded, but she only glared and pushed past me. "I need air."
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