#16 - Five Years Too Late

1581 Words
Lily It was supposed to be a very mature conversation. With Asher being the sole focus. The only person I should have cared about tonight, but things have never been that simple with Adrian. I sighed into the cold night, temper still simmering beneath the surface, despite my efforts to keep calm as I tugged at my dress while I headed up the trail. Running in my dress was probably not the best of decisions tonight, but Courtney simply made me mad. Five years hadn't changed that. Not even the promise I'd made myself to keep her out of tonight's conversation could keep my anger from flaring when her name flashed on Adrian's phone. It was just a simple call that he rightly ignored, but it was enough to scrape at my wounded heart. It was as good as having her standing right there with him. God, I could almost picture that smug smile of hers, taunting the hell out of me, making me feel pretty much like the other woman. I wasn't the other woman, damn it! I scowled at the cold night as I stomped forward, determined to put a distance between everything that made me feel that way. A shadow up ahead froze me in my tracks. "What the..." I blinked at the burly figure when they decided to fill the path, clearly intent on not letting me pass. I'd been on this path many times before, both day and night, this was definitely unusual for Radiant Springs. A cold chill ran down my spine, confirming my unease. "Lily, wait!" I jumped, scared out of my mind when Adrian's voice filled the silence. Casting one last wary glance at the figure ahead, I turned to face him. He looked ridiculous, hiking in his suit and fancy shoes. I would have laughed at the sight if only panic hadn't gripped me so tightly the next second. "You can't just leave my son alone!" I whisper-yelled, the dark figure I had encountered on the path somehow making me forget that Wallace and Benji were still at the house. "He's not alone." Adrian scowled so hard as if it was impossible for him to make such a careless decision. Which it was if I was being honest with myself. Adrian had always been that 'meticulous' with everything... except with me. I waved away the sting to my heart at the reminder. "Wallace, Benji and the others-" "The others?" I halted and pivoted, almost losing my balance as my gaze darted up the path. "I have men watching-" "Of course you have men." I let out a bitter laugh. I should have expected that. He was probably worse than Wallace. Benji had always been around me, but I wasn't so stupid as to think he was the only one. And now Adrian... "I'm just Lily here and I love it. Don't ruin it." I sighed. "Okay." He said after a while, shocking me. I'd honestly expected him to blow up or something. Just like he'd done back at the house. "Okay?" I repeated. "I'm not going to fight you on this. On Asher. Whatever you want, I'll do it." Whatever I wanted? I blinked at him, barely keeping my hands from reaching up to scratch my ears because I wasn't sure I heard him right. "Don't look at me like that." He smiled, the thing so blinding I was tempted to glare at it to keep its charm away. "I'm not that unreasonable." "Yeah right." The statement slipped out of mouth without my permission. He only chuckled, startling me. It had been forever since I heard such a sound from him and before I gave in to the natural urge to banter with him, like we did all those years ago, I began walking, reminding myself that this was not my Adrian. "We should go back." He followed quietly, but his gaze on me was so intense it might as well have been as loud as a marching band. I couldn't walk fast enough. And when his suit jacket settled on my bare shoulders, and that familiar scent encompassed me, I almost stumbled. Taking it off, I handed it back. His eyes blazed almost instantly. "It's cold," he growled. "I don't need it." I countered, shoving it in his hands. In truth, it was how much I wanted it that made me give it back so quickly. Besides the fact that I didn't want him getting any closer than he already was. I stepped back, putting the much needed distance between us. "We should probably hurry if we don't want to find Asher already sleeping." Adrian only watched me, for a second too long before he started walking, the silence between us stretching uncomfortably. It was never this way. Another painful reminder of just how broken everything was. "Thank you," he suddenly said, surprising me. "What on earth for?" Before he could answer, the sound of a door closing drew both our attention to my driveway. I frowned at the figure stepping away from the car parked there. I wasn't expecting anyone. "Courtney?" Adrian halted, recognition dawning in his voice. "What's she doing here?" He was clearly surprised, but that didn't change the anger I felt towards Adrian in the moment. He'd led her here! He swung towards me, his voice panicked. "Lily, I didn't-" I glared at him, cutting off whatever was about to come out of his mouth. "Adrian!" Courtney exclaimed, breaking our stare down. "Don't you just love small towns, where everyone knows everyone? I was told that I would find you here when you didn't answer my call- oh..." She stopped, her eyes falling on me while her hand went to her mouth. Something on it flickered under the moonlight. The most beautiful engagement ring. It wasn't a wedding band, but it sent my heart aching and my feet retreating. I was running, but I didn't care. I didn't have to endure her. "Lily wait," Adrian called, but I refused to stop. I paused at the door though and glanced back over my shoulder. "If you still want to meet your son," I said, my voice devoid of any emotion. "Son? What son? Adrian?" Courtney sounded as if she'd been slapped. It should have made me happy, but the lump in my throat, it stifled any satisfaction over Courtney's astonishment at the news that I shared a son with Adrian. "Lily, please..." Adrian caught up just as I was about to step inside. "There is nothing I want more than to have Asher know that I'm his father." When I only stared at him, he added. "Tonight, now. Just give me a moment to take care of this," he pleaded, sincerity palpable in his voice. He wanted to take care of her first? That stung, but I also reminded myself that tonight was about Asher so I nodded. Relief flooded Adrian's face and he was about to say something, but I simply waved him away and said, "I'll be inside." Turning the door handle, I shoved everything Courtney away and pasted on a smile. When I walked in, I found Asher doing some kind of awkward victory dance and the sight was the balm on my wounded heart. Whatever game they'd been playing, Wallace must have let him win and I knew we'd both never hear the end of it. It was a good thing that after tonight Wallace would be around. "So how would you like to have Wallace come and play with you again?" I said, jumping in head first before I chickened out about the whole thing. At the sound of my voice, Asher turned to me with a grin wide, easing all the chaos inside. "I would like it very much! Grandpas are so much fun!" He said, innocently unaware that Wallace was indeed his grandfather. He probably called him that simply because he was old-looking. "And daddies too!" I choked on my words, but thankfully my son didn't notice. Wallace, on the other hand, did, if his sympathetic expression was anything to go by. Did he know that she was here and that Adrian had chosen to stay with her? "Izzy has a fun dad." Asher smiled when he mentioned his best friend's dad at school. "I bet your dad is just as fun too." As if on cue, Adrian walked in, his gaze finding mine in an instant. I hadn't expected him here that fast, neither did I expect that look. Something swam in there. Regret? Apology? And for what? I looked away, choosing to focus on Asher. That resolve shook, however, when Adrian came and sat close to me, his warmth something I couldn't ignore when he was so close. "You see, Mr. Frost is not just your best friend; he happens to be your dad too." I pulled back my trembling hands to my lap, nervous about my son's reaction. "Would you like me as your dad?" My heart jolted when Adrian reached for my hand and squeezed. Despite everything, I was so glad he was here for this. "Yes!" It took my son seconds to answer and he went barreling into Adrian, instantly easing my bundles of nerves too. Adrian caught him easily, his gaze darting to me as he held on tightly to our son. That he would look for me in this moment was bittersweet. As perfect as the moment was, it was five years too late.
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