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Logan's POV "**,************,**********" Translation: "Logan, it's been months since your fiance's disappearance, you better find her now or else," my dad told me. He was sitting firmly as he is busy with the tons of his files in his desk. I just nod my head in response and set my way to find my fiance, whom I don't even know who personally because I haven't met her eversince. I only know her name and picture base on the email my dad sent me before. I immediately get the photo I have been keeping for some time now. She looks good actually, better than the chinese people I have in my hometown. I mean, no offense meant to my fellow people, but this girl surely looks amazing. What about her attitude and all? What is she like? This questions still run in my head that's why I just shrugged the thoughts away. I grab my keys from the table and set my way to the garage. I am Logan Xi, half chinese, half filipino. My mother is a pure filipino, that's why she taught me how to speak tagalog. But I only know a few, I don't engage in long tagalog conversations because I don't know if I can handle that. We've been in the Philippines for almost a year. Probably around 10 months or so. We are only in the country for like 4 or 5 months before the war and pandemic broke out, that's why we have no choice but to stay here longer. We are affected by the war, that's why we can't go back to China and live normally there, or that as if everything is still normal. When WWIII started, it's not military versus military anymore. It's like living versus walking dead persons. Walking dead as in zombies! According to my mom, she overheard dad talking over the phone, before the lines were cut off. I don't know what had happened, like why on Earth does the connection abruptly stopped. Is it becaue there's no one managing the cable lines? Or they were just hiding something in their sleeves? I just shrugged my shoulders at that thought. According to the mom's story, she heard that a missle hit the old and abandoned Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. It is destroyed and the radiation coming from the plant spread to it's nearby places. Fuego's Mental Laboratory is one of the establishments that is caught by the plant's radiation. This is the place where the real s**t has begun. The patients with Cotard's syndrome had been affected and they mutate due to intense radiation. I still don't know the entire process but the radiation is like cancer that metasthasize and spreads like a wild fire in the body. The thing that happened to them causes everything to crumble into pieces. It's like another virus that infects from person to person, making them those zombie's that we had seen on the movies, but the case today is that their real now. People who loved games and movies involving zombies before are rejoicing, because they thought that it would be cool killing zombies like they had watched and played efore in the games and netflix. But it's not how it works. Reality sucks too hard. There is nothing to be rejoiced because this is real life, where we can all die and became an ugly living dead creature too. For once, the countries are united to one single goal, and that is to stop zombies from infecting their lands, and to survive. The economy is down, and there is little to no help from the government anymore because they are all decapitated. No work, no transportation and no communication. The place is in chaos. Real chaos. This is worst than a normal war wherein soldier's of different countries or beliefs kills each other in order to protect their land. This is the real war. Dead killing the living, and the living killing each other to survive. President from other countries are trying to find a cure, in hopes that everything would be back to normal again. In hopes that Earth will be saved, before we all succumb to our planet's doom. — I've been driving my personalized porche across the streets. It has heavily tinted glass and this whole vehicle is bullet proof. With what is happening right now, you won't know what can kill you. I've been roaming the city for quite some time, looking for signs of alive people. But I found none, only the dead roaming the place. Some tried to block my way but I just hit them. I am about to turn back to return home when I spotted someone being surrounded by a horde of zombies. I did not think twice and smash them with my car. The zombies stopped in their tracks for a while, then they angrily went to my direction. I loaded my Glock-16 and hit them in the head one by one. The gun shot I fired attracted the other zombies within the vicinity. I only have a few bullets left, that's why I did not think twice to open my car doors. "Hey! What are you doing there? Come here or else we'll die together!" I shouted He immediately understand what was happening and hurriedly went to my car. I started the engine and left the place even before the zombie horde get's near us. "Who are you? And why are you out there? You know how deadly this world is," I asked "Ako si Benj, maghahanap lang sana ako ng pagkain kaso napalibutan nila ako. Thank you for saving me man." I don't completely understand what he said, all I know is that he is Benj and he is thankful that I saved him. "No problem, I will bring you to my place. I'm also thankful that I found someone who has no intention of eating me haha," he also laughed to what I said, and we exchange convo on our way back.
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