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When i arrived I was disappointed to find no one. I thought they were playing a joke on me. I wanted to burst into tears, but then from the corner of my eyes I noticed them. The woods were wet, from the drizzling rain. The smell of wet grass, leaves and wet mud filled the air. My wolf senses picked up the smell of daffodils that stood planted near to the burial shrine, miles away from were i waited. This shrine was a place that people in my town commemorated for it held an important place in their hearts. Great ancient Atlantic kings were buried there and the place was secluded and guarded. From were I was at, I could sense the woods spread miles away until reaching the ocean. First I sensed the sound of their paws against the wet ground as they approached. Then I saw them, large grey and black wolves heading in my direction. Their fangs hung out of their mouths causally. I was scared. I climbed the tree I had been leaning on screaming and they stooped right below me and I watched in horror as they all formed into their human forms. They laughed at me as I clung to the tree like an infant clinging to its mother. "Get down from there Tarzan!" One of them yelled. I noticed he was they guy who had spoken to me earlier. Caleb. I slowly but hesitantly climbed down the tree and landed on the ground with my feet, i brushed dirt off my boots and picked up my backpack. "Whats wrong with you Tarzan, did we frighten you? I thought you were one of us. So why did you get all so scared?" He continued. "Maybe she isn't one of us and it was all just rumour." One of them added. "Then we'd have to kill her because she has seen us and she knows who we are!" Another added. I jumped at their mention of death and I found my self begging for their mercy. "Please let me go!" "Then morph for us to prove that you're one of us!" Caleb said. I looked at them in bewilderment. What if I failed to morph again. I could only morph at the site of danger and I had only morphed twice before. I knelt on the ground struggling in a bid to prove to them that I was a wolf like them. I sought to summon my inner beast until I head them all laugh again. "Just get up Tarzan, we know you're wolf like us!" Caleb continued. "You know? How?" I asked in a surprised tone. Had Dumuzi shown everyone the footage of me morphing into my form? But he had promised. "We can smell your scent!" He said. I then nodded in relief. Of course the scent,... how could that have preceded me. I was not yet able to sense other wolf forms because I had only morphed a few times and my perception of senses was still more human than wolf. Although i had one time witnessed my brother Japhet turn into his wolf, i had not stuck around for too long to perceive the full transformation like my father wanted. He had initiated him into doing so in order to harness my wolf senses into activity. To harness the wolf in me to emerge. That was way back a little before I had my first traformation, before he made me fall over the stack of rocks. I was afraid of anything in wolf form, even my family. When they turned, they were unrecognizable. They were vicious. They would leave the house every full moon and emerge into the forests leaving me alone lying on the couch in front of the T.V, while munching on junk food, and they would resurface by dawn as if nothing ever happened, as if we were the perfect family and nothing was amiss. "Listen here bae, I'm truly angry with my brother Rydian for not seeing the gem in you sweet pie!" He said as my heart sank, Rydian had changed his mind. He was my crush, my everything and I stood waiting for his friend to utter those sheer words of rejection. I was ashamed to admit it but I was starting to dream of my mate. After all I would be eighteen in a few weeks. Right about the time I would be graduating from the academy and I still had big hopes of getting into the University of Atlantis. "He gave your photo one look and decided you two were not meant for each other." He said sadly. "But he was meant to me my mate!" I mumbled under my breath to my self in order to hide the pain of my rejection. It's not the first time someone had rejected me but it still hurt every time. "Your mate?" One of them said in a ridiculing tone and burst into laughter, some of them laughed along. "Quiet, guys don't do that to my sweet sis, Anathi, " Caleb said as he put his hand around my shoulder noticing I was about to burst into tears. I don't know what had gotten over me to think of Rydian as my future mate. It could have been the fact that I anonymously chatted to him on i********: and had developed a bond with him though I refused to disclose of my identity to him or the fact that he stuck up for me unknowingly but I had imagined once I turned eighteen, when my dad would start looking for a groom for me to wed as per culture, a mate to spend the rest of my life with, that mate would be Rydian. Ofcourse the fact that this dream of mine had less chances of becoming a possibility never dawned in on me. Rydian was wealthy and came from a high class family like Dumuzi. He belonged to northern wolf clans whose ancestors migrated from the Russian mountains right into the land of life that birthed my sweet home Atlantis. His wolf clan bore the power to heal while my pack belonged to the southern clans who had no power except to transform into their forms. Eastern wolves had the power of destruction and possesed so much strength than any human can fathom. Western wolves were known for their heightened abilities when it came to the senses, they were like the superheroes of were wolves.
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