
Blood Moon Eclipse: Tales of the lone white wolf

opposites attract
female lead
high-tech world
enimies to lovers
previous incarnation

**Alternate title: Legend of the lone wolf. **

Born a white wolf, the only one of her kind in the world, Anathi is oblivious to her true destiny. She's the unpopular girl in her last few weeks of High school about to make a fresh start at a new and prestigious college. She lives with a curse that makes her hated by her pack, she killed the luna of her own clan. She is blamed for this all her life. When she is rejected by her 'supposed' mate, she vows to never love any man again. Tired of hiding her true identity, she learns there are more people like her in town, meanwhile after a disastrous date with the high school 's bad boy, her dark secret begins lurking in the shadows and spreading like wild fire. and out of fear, she is cast out and hunted by her family, for exposing the ancient secret of the existance of wolf bloods to every one. She's on the run she seeks to make a new life for herself but nothing is foreseen, a war breaks out between the humans and the supernaturals threatening a total anihalation of her own kind.

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This is the tale of how an ordinary girl like me found her self a living legend in a world that is harsh, cold, cruel and unforgiving. I am legend. I have come to live long years of wisdom in a short space of time, that I have lived well enough to be deemed a hero by others like me, a monster by some who are like me and like wise but also to be deemed as the one who valiantly saved humanity and it's kind. A warrior with the spirit of a warrior. Standing on a tall and rocky cliff over looking the wide, deep and blue waters of the ocean, I gaze into the horizon utterly engulfed in pride, self fulfillment and closure. I wonder what would have become of me if I had given up on my self and perished during those dark times I went through. Looking at the beautiful world now, none would have thought a war which had broke out between the humans and the supernaturals would end so quick and would have done so much damage in such a short space of time. The world was now anew, repairs and reparations were still being undertaken. Now that the world was anew, no secrets were hidden, nothing was forbidden except that which is harmful. My kind was no longer being hunted like savages, and humans were no longer the prey. It was all because of me that we creatures of earth came to this understanding, to dwell and coexist side by side in peace and in utter harmony, sharing nothing but love and friendship. The sun shone in my deep and yellow eyes as I fathomed my happiness and bathed in the pride of my political and humanitarian achievement. My paws were burning from the scorching rock of the cliff. I let out a long howl which echoed into the woods near by. A little breeze brushed through my white and soft fur as I morphed into my human form. I stood naked, my hips a little wide, my dark hair coiled into locks flowing down my back. My knees were shaking at the taste of my long awaited freedom , I had always wanted to do this. "Go for it babe!" He shouted from far below the ridge of the cliff. He had swam into the ocean from the coast bank to the spot I was going to jump because no human could survive the force of falling over the tall cliff except if they were wolf like me. I could spot his figure in the deep waters below; his frame naked, his dark soft hair stuck to his skulp as if glued to it, shinny and silky. He summoned me with his hand. "Jump in baby, you can do it, whooah!" He clapped. "I believe in you, come on, you can do it Anathi!" I paced a few steps back and sprinted towards the edge on the cliff. The next few minutes were total freedom. The smell on summer filled the air, the wind lightened up my frame, I felt I was in flight. I plunged into the water with so much force, that large waves of aqua were splashed a couple of metres away , even sending my partner Mark flying in the air and plunging in a deep and dark sport nearer to the wall of the cliff, further away from me. I sank into the deep blue ocean to seep in the scenery underwater. To see the life hidden below the earth's surface deep in the sea. Usually us wolves don't like anything that has to do with water, even in our human form, we don't like water but that day, it was like, the moon goddess had summoned me herself to venture into this ordeal, to launch my self into these cool and calm waters of freedom, waters of the spring of life that birthed all makind that birthed my home Atlantis. Nature was my calling. I loved it. I played with Mark a bit, then we swam ashore then chased each other on the beach. To understand my story of how I became a hero you'd have to go from the very beginning, two years ago, before the war, before the dawning of a new era.; the edge of the supernatural. My name is Anathi, and I was born the only one of my kind. Right before the realization of my major abilities I was just Anathi, the secondary school graduate with prospects of enrolling in the prestigious national university of Atlantis. I was just Anathi, the plain Jane who bore a sinuous secret that led to a double life. The girl who did her best to hide the secret that she was a werewolf before she realised she was the incarnation of the great wolf prince, in a feminine form, descendant to the spirit, deity Anubis meaning 'hidden one' in the African language of Tjikalanga, or simply know as the language of the living deities from the one of oldest African civilizations in the world; Egypt. I adored my nation Atlantis as it had birthed Egypt, the land of life. The land were Ntu, (the first man) travelled to. Atlantis was the home of my ancestors from the very first man to walk those western desert sands to the last incarnation of our dynastic kings, and Atlantis being the home of our eldest man Ntu, of course we retained the same language and knowledge and religion which I adored and treasured and to this day from when I learned to be one with the earth, the fire, the water and the wind and of course the spirit within. When I learned to morph into my true self. My beast.

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