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"Was a bit tough in there aye mate?" Dumuzi smirked gazing in my direction while doing his arrogant walk. He was mocking me. "Could tell you were about to burst into tears kid!" He comtinued. "She really put you in a tough spot didn't she? " I ignored him as I paced ahead of him in the corridor. "I'm surprised you didn't dare utter my name!" He tried to catch up to me. I mean you could have if you wanted. Or do you still want to meet up with me for more good time?" I was almost running while he hugging my books headed for my locker which was on the second floor hall way. I could feel the warmth of my tears soaking up my rosey cheeks which were probably changing colour in embarrassment. I was about to climb down the stairs when I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulDer and pinned against the wall. "Listen b***h! It's a good thing you didn't snitch on me! I told her about it to test you to see what you would do! At one moment I thought you were going to tell her!" He said his chest heaving with anger. His breath was audible, he spoke in a harsh whisper. I was scared. I had never seen such a side to him. Come to think of it, I didn't really know him that much either, except that he caused trouble and was in to drugs and all that junk. If you had uttered anything about me or if you ever dare think of such a thing as ratting me out in future,... I will end you Anathi!" He raged. "Now you want to tell me how to live my life?" I asked in a ridiculous but angry tone. Before I could say more, I felt a hard shove that hurt my arm and sent me tumbling down t He concrete stairs which were long. At one point, I was falling in mid air, which saved me breaking my neck or hitting my head against the concrete stairs. I closed my eyes to meet my fate, to hit hard on the base floor of the stair. I was imagining what injuries I would incure from the fall before I even hit the ground. I was caught mid air. Then I was in his arms, his sweet muscular arms. He gazed at the top of the stairs to the spot were dumuzi had been standing, Dumuzi had run away. He carried me with no struggle. H carried me down all the other stairs and then walked me to my locker while he gazed at me and smiled. I had my hand around his neck and avoided eye contact as I was extremely shy, bit then , i looked at him. His beautiful blonde hair, his charming green eyes. His unique smile. I was thinking how such a beautiful being could exist in this world. Atlantis was the center of the world next to Egypt. Atlantis had citizens from all places of the world, according to our teachings, just like egypt, the indigenous people's were known to be eEvaic; people of soil. The indigenous atlantians possessed dark skin like that of the soil. The foreigners had also come through travel and slave trade in the ancient past. Migration happened. These foreigners were Adamaic: people of water for they possessed light skin or unmelanated skin similar to the colour of water. Therefore after thousands of years of mixing, our nation had many nationalities who now bore the customs of the indigionous pharonic culture and religion. Our nation bore beautiful people like this man who stood before my very eyes. Carrying me in his brawny arms. Some came from far away nations. And to think hundreds of years to come, our nation would cease to exist submerged under water; according to a prophecy. The beauty of our nation and men like him would no longer bear the gift of life, they would be no more. I was sort of a geek. A philosopher. "Put me down here, Rydian!" I asked him as he was about to pass my locker. He paused then placed me on the ground on my feet. "Next time be careful bae! You could have hurt your self badly down those stairs!" He said leaning on the locker next to mine as I opened mine. I smiled at him and nodded. "You know my name!" He continued. "What's your name, sweet pie?" He asked. "You seem very familiar! Hey aren't you that girl from the photo, umm....Anathi, is that your name?" He asked me, looking surprised. "Yes I am!" I said uncaringly. This man had rejected me. Now he was trying to chat me up? For what? I did not want to be nice to him. Boys like him and Dumuzi who only thought about s*x, girls and looks did not deserve my attention. I realized it when he carrying me down the rest of the stairs down the hallway to my locker while I was contemplating about the purpose of his beauty. I realized I had so much more to me dreams and a conscience than a boy who only wanted a petty relationship from me. "It was pleasure to meet you Anathi, you know, I asked my friends to pass on the message about me being in a current relationship with someone else!" He said. Relationship with someone else? Of course he was letting me down easy, trying make up for sending his friends over to me instead of coming him self. "Its okay, Rydian you don't have to lie. I perfectly understood that I wasn't to your liking. I'm not that kind of girl either!" I could tell he was deeply hurt by the look on his face as I uttered those words, confidently shutting my locker door in his face. I walked off feeling pleased with my self. Dumuzi had been spying the whole time. He stood by one of the school's elevators gazing in our direction. I igonred him. I went home and as usual, like the previous day, dad had invited his friends over to gloat about my acceptance to the university of Atlantis. I went straight to sleep because I was tired. I woke up around five pm to a text from my friend Kairi. "Help! Please!" Come to me, I really need you!" Then she texted me her location. My heart missed a beat for a second when I saw the locations she wanted me to be at. The forests near the Indu temple shrines and graves. The same place Rydian had sent his friends to meet me. Was this a joke? A trap? A prank? The past few weeks had shown me that people could be nasty when it came to a prey they could bully. I did not think twice before going though because Kairi was my friend. I met her at the location already present. "What's wrong Kairi?" I asked her. She gave a warm embrace. Then she stepped back and gazed down on the floor. I put my hand on her cheek and looked her in the eyes! "Whats wrong Kairi? " I was apprehensive. "She pulled my hand away." Listen Anathi, I can't be friends with you anymore!" She was sweating profusely I was shocked! Was it the bullying? Was she now afraid of being my friend because of fear of being bullied along with me. I didn't blame her. "I understand if you're ashamed of being my friend and I accept what ever decision you have made regarding our friendship." I said. "Yes, I'm deeply ashamed." She said uncaringly. She looked away trying to fight back tears. "You're a liar!" I said to her. "Why then are you crying, you said we will always stick together through thick and thin. If you really don't want to be my friend you could have just texted me.! There was no need for you to call me to come here." I said as my tears fought to break free from mine eyes. "Anathi!" She held my hand. "I am crying because you were my friend and it hurts me so much to break our friendship but I have to for my own sake and wellbeing. Anathi there are rumours surrounding you about vile man eating creatures. Wolves Anathi humans who possess abilities to turn into wolves. How am I supposed to take that? You know we live in a society that frowns upon these kind of things. I don't want to beassociated with that crap any more. If it's our friendship I have to sacrifice then so be it." Her eyes were pleading, she couldn't look me straight in the eyes because as she was tearful mess. She ran off into the woods and went home. I also went home in a state of sadness and disbelief. She had slipped a note into my hand. A note I  took home with me. The last thing my best friend would ever give to me. I hated her.  I wanted to shower her with all my rage and hate but I would later regret it after reading the letter. A letter were she had poured out all her thoughts, feeling and heart, and most of all, her hatred for me. I regretted it because I felt sorry for her.  It read;  Dear Anathi, I did not wish to do this., but I was forced to. I did not want to  end our  friendship that sprout from when we were just little kids but circumstances have forced me to do so. Your so called black mailer has always been my love, I have always loved Dumuzi from when we were ilittle and seeing you with him stirred so much jealousy within  me. I hated the fact  that he had asked you to  out instead of me. I hated the fact that he loves you. It had me thinking what exactly you have that I don't have. That he would fail to notice all my efforts at a relationship with him and come to you. Out of all people. You're not pretty, you're not rich, you don't have an attractive personality!  I began spreading those rumours about you because I hated you. I pretended to be your loyal friend but in reality  I'm a really bad friend and I don't deserve you. Why you then? Why did he fall in love with you,my best friend out of all people? But then I withdrew my anger  because you're my friend and I was   feeling guilty because the whole school was bullying you. I  ended our friendship because I don't want to ever face you again because I'm very ashamed of what I did to you. I have decided  to write my exams and leave town forever because I know you're not going to forgive me. It's no use to stick around  if seeing the fruits of my hatred  will haunt me and give me sleepless nights. There is no use in mending our friendship because  you will never be able to trust me again. I f I can't forgive you for stealing my love away from me unintentionally, I can imagine how you must feel while reading this note and finding out it was all me. You probably hate me too. Probably more than I love you because don't get me wrong, I love you so very much,  more that any guy because you're like a sister to me. I don't even like my own sisters as much as I like my best friend!  Your bestie Kairie We became friends because fate wanted it to be But we will always be sisters at heart and by choice! "What!" I literally exclaimed out loud. There is no feeling like one of betrayal. There is no other feeling when you find out that the only other person whom you thought liked you, who isn't family turns out to be nothing but one of your arch enemies. Your hater. So Kairi had done this? It was all her?  So I had struggled so much because of a jealous friend? I had been bullied shouted at, threatened, black mailed again,  even had things thrown at me all because of some guy  and now I had lost my best friend. Why was life so cruel to me? I had never cried in my entire life as much as I did  on that day.  I hugged my pillow wept my self to sleep. I would wake up later to my sister knocking at my bedroom door. " Anathi, please come out for dinner.  You can't go to bed on an empty stomach!" She said to me, but I did not want her to know that I was in agony. Emotional agony. She would fine out that her little sister was being bullied. I know Kairi had wronged me, but I found it hard to just let our friendship slip away just like that!  My heart failed me, my one feeling of neediness came back to me. That feeling of wanting someone to love me, of wanting to not be disappointed as I grew up not being loved by my own single parent.  I found my self dialing her number and she answered but there was no one speaking on the other  side. I could hear her breathing. "I forgive you! " I said. "Talk to me!" But she hung up the phone. I slept the rest of the night uneasy. Graduation was only in a  few days. Destiny was presenting me with a new life. 
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