Chapter 7

1115 Words
Who is this woman? She looks different from the Mia I know. Vanessa took a step back and trembled slightly. Mia smirks and turns to her brother, “Let's go, Victor. She isn't worth our time. When I'm ready to deal with her, I know exactly how to go about it and as for Brian, I hope he can handle what's coming to him.” Vanessa shook in fear. The woman in front of her seemed different from the timid Mia she once knew. What changed? She thought. Mia walked away with her shoulders tall, she couldn't care less about Vanessa because she had lots of work to do. Today was supposed to be the day she let go of the past and start afresh, but those two traitors just had to show their faces around her. Mia had been battling with her crazy uncle at work and his two mischievous sons and the last thing she wanted was an additional pain in the ass. After dealing with her family drama, she decided to have a day off, but those annoying faces just had to ruin her day with their baseless accusations. “Can this day get any better?” She heaved a deep sigh, leaning against Victor's shoulders. “Why did I have to bump into them? I'm sure Tristan will be worried sick about our absence. Besides, he looked like he was out for a meeting. Do you have any idea what Brian is up to?” “No, I don't, but I do know that his company needs to survive. I guess he's just working hard to avoid any bad news about his company,” Victor replied, stroking her hair. “You don't have to worry about that, sis. Brian is in the past now. All you have to do now is to look for a way to make him pay for everything he did to you. And why the hell did you let that woman off the hook? You should have slapped her across the face, sis. I can't believe that Brian would stoop so low to date such a trash.” “That's enough, Victor. Vanessa is human too, I guess she had his heart from the onset and I just came between them. It's not her fault.” “Yet she ran after a married man, sis. Why the hell are you so kind? You have to make them understand that you're not weak. How did you even cope with Brian and his crazy mother?” “I had Grandpa Wade,” Mia said with a smile evident on her lips. “He was my anchor. It wasn't that bad with him around. I guess you should understand that Brian is just foolish not to see that Vanessa is only after his money.” “Don't tell me you're still in love with that beast? I won't be happy to hear something that awful. You better not make me disown you as my sister,” Victor warned with a harsh tone. “Are you kidding me? It hasn't gotten to that. Besides, my feelings don't matter. Let's go now.” “You better don't have any feelings for him because I can swear that he is still a monster and will never change.” “What I want is to get my revenge,” Mia stood up and walked towards the car. She smirked at her brother and winked at him, “You have work to do, Victor.” “And what's that? Don't tell me I have to look after your company again, because if not for Tristan, you would have gone bankrupt by now.” Mia laughed at his silly words, “It's not that. I need you to look into Brian's company.” “And what are you going to do with the information when I look into it?” “I want to buy it,” Mia informed him. “You don't mean it?” Victor gaped in disbelief. “What the hell sis?! You are evil. And then what, he gets to bow before you?” “Whatever that will make him bow before me, then I am game. The battle has just begun, but for now, we have to keep our profile low in case we bump into them next time. It's better to keep them guessing and think they're still in power. This is the beginning of his downfall, Victor. Those people made me lose myself and I won't forgive that. By the way, call Tristan and tell him we're heading home. If he wants to come around, then it's fine by me. I can't stay here anymore. I'm sure Uncle is plotting something bad against me right now. I need to go back to the company and see what's going on there.” “Alright, sis. I'll put a call across to Tristan right away.” “Okay,” she replied and entered the car without looking back. “Just make it snappy because I need to go back now.” “What is it saying, Victor? We are running late.” “He's not picking up. I think I need some time before we leave or should we go and maybe contact him later?” “I think that's better. C'mon, let's go now.” Victor entered the car and the driver steered it onto the driveway, and before they knew it, they left the building. ** Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes, she held her chest in horror and leaned on the fountain with her eyes widened. “What the hell just happened? How did Mia get so dangerous? I have to reach out to Brian and tell him about his new lover. I won't let Brian fall back to her. That b***h must not win this battle. I just hope that Brian hasn't met her yet. She looks stunning. No…no…no. I must find a way to keep them away from each other. I worked so hard to make him notice me and I won't lose to that woman.” Vanessa held onto her tummy and sighed deeply, “I still couldn't keep him even when I announced my pregnancy. Ever since that witch left the house, he has been looking everywhere for her and treats me like trash. What does she have that I don't? I need to get away from here. Maybe Mary could help me talk to him because he listens to her. It's a good thing I have her wrapped around my hands. What if he doesn't want me anymore and when he sees her he goes crawling to her?” She groaned, striking her forehead.
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