The Location

490 Words
The LocationOne of the privileges of wealth is to be able to surreptitiously spend significant sums, not only without financial repercussions, but with little cognizance of one’s mate as well. Reggie is not the only member of the Bouvier household with a secretive checking account. And another privilege is having access to the many estates, farms, summer homes and ranches which the billions have accumulated. Reggie once suggested that if the numerous cousins, uncles and aunts were able to concur, a Bouvier could stay in a different house... mansion... for every week of the year and not reside in the same dwelling twice. So it’s an easy matter to mentally review the numerous abodes and select one not only of relative seclusion, but into which distant annoying relatives are unlikely to barge. And the choice... an old family vacation home in the Adirondacks. Lavish, purchased in the days before air conditioning when summer destinations for the wealthy were either the coolness of the mountains or the consistent breezes of the ocean, it stands unused. Fortunately for my plot, such long drives into the remote timberlands of northern New York are no longer in vogue. No family members will seek access. Most of the land has been donated to conservancy trusts, assuring even more seclusion. Thus I can modify the facility and assemble my team with little if any notice from outsiders. Yes, Reggie is going to have a new home. He will be cared for, offered sustenance and water. And I will have him exercised. Not portly by any means, there’s no advantage to allowing the slightest paunch. And stamina is important, so I want that maximized. For a man who has never worked a day in his life, Reggie will learn exertion... along with loyalty, discipline and obedience. And so I write a few checks to contractors. I’ll need modern communications. A satellite dish, monitoring cameras, instant internet connectivity. Completing the alterations will require a couple of months and many thousands of dollars. And despite the considerable effort, no one will know. Each of my cohorts will have a theater of operations... for want of a better term. For Nurse Peggy, a fully equipped medical room where Reggie’s health will be closely monitored. I spare no expense in assuring that, but for the most dire emergency, there will be no need for the attention of outsiders. For Major MacDonald, a sizable gymnasium and exercise facility. Reggie will be kept in good condition... for me. And for Cassandra Neville, aka Ling Wong... well there is the spacious basement which I convert utilizing Ling Wong’s input and contacts. What she requires needs discretion, and is purchased over the internet, shipped, then assembled in a small warehouse I rented in the industrial section of Newark. Ling Wong graciously oversees transportation to the Adirondacks employing well paid men from her secretive world of wickedness. In the cover of darkness, the windowless basement, rumored to have served as a festive ballroom during Prohibition, becomes a dungeon.
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