Elizabeth Bouvier

442 Words
Elizabeth BouvierBorn semi wealthy, well educated, as beautiful and glamorous as any of husband Reggie’s trollops, I am not a jealous person. Please do not misunderstand my intent, I want the best for Reggie, not revenge. Thus for my role, I must do some more internet research. Some reading on pharmaceuticals. Some on chemistry. I conspire away and as stated find information abundant and surprisingly accurate. Dimethyl sulfoxide, otherwise known as DMSO, is a chemical compound with the formula (CH3)2SO. This colorless liquid is an important polar aprotic solvent that dissolves both polar and nonpolar compounds and is miscible in a wide range of organic solvents as well as water. It has a distinctive property of penetrating the skin very readily. What does that mean to me? Compounds can be readily mixed with DMSO and the combined ingredients are readily absorbed by the skin. So, for example, if I wanted to introduce something into the body slowly, consistently and over a long period I could use DMSO to formulate my own transdermal patch... like those worn by people trying to quit smoking. I also Google the term ‘fentanyl’ and read onward. Fentanyl is ‘an opioid analgesic with a potency approximately 81 times that of morphine. Fentanyl is extensively used for anesthesia and analgesia, most often in the operating room and intensive care unit.’ I also read up on emetics... compounds, plants etc. that can induce vomiting. So I make my list, and whereas the average person would have difficulty obtaining what I need, access to comparatively limitless funds makes assembling the lot most facile. Then comes putting it all together. Planning... timing... in general scheming like a professional bank robber. A challenge yes, yet I am having fun. I also must review the prenuptial agreement and what I have been provided concerning the arcane trust agreements which cause vast sums to monthly rain into our bank accounts. As Reggie’s wife, my monthly stipend is considerable. Not as large as Reggie’s, but enough to live quite comfortably. As Reggie’s former wife or widow, the sum would become rather penurious, as stated. Thus upon divorce or Reggie’s demise, my lifestyle will have to change. Under the iron clad terms I get no assets. Reggie’s ancestors set up a myriad of spendthrift trusts. In other words, we enjoy the income, but never the corpus. And to assure my loyalty, and I suppose my care, the spendthrift provisions become drastic should Reggie and I part ways. No one will marry into the Bouvier family and walk off with millions. I can enjoy the milk but the Bouvier cow is sacrosanct. And the flow of milk becomes a trickle if and when I am no longer Reggie’s wife.
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