Reginald Augustus Bouvier

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Reginald Augustus BouvierReginald Augustus Bouvier makes a wonderful first impression. He did so on me. I married him. How is it I came to be so fortunate when the young handsome playboy, known to date the beautiful and the glamorous, could have his pick of thousands? And that’s not to suggest I am not beautiful and glamorous. I hold my own in that department. No, Reggie found a degree of genuineness in me that he doubted in others. You see, I have money of my own. Not vast like Reggie, but enough so that when I express affection for a billionaire, such expression is not cast aside as a disguised attempt to gain wealth. I have wealth. Therefore Reggie logically concluded it was he with whom I found attraction... not the billions held in trust. And such is true. Yes, at the time my affection was genuine, and though somewhat modified, still is. The man is charming, his ability to allure with simplicity combined with the complex makes an impression. A cheap spaghetti dinner with wine aged for a week can be followed by a private jet voyage to Bermuda to watch the moon rise over a secluded beach. For a girl brought up in similar comfort, that type of thing is romantically enticing. But I found that the charm is ubiquitous, freely offered and willingly shared. Reggie just can’t stop being a frat boy. Eager for the next party, a day’s work is foreign to him. Seriousness escapes. There is not a problem to be encountered not solvable by writing a check. And that includes, I also found, worming his way out of trysts which are obvious traps... obvious to me anyway. Such could also be obvious to Reggie as well. But a ‘guy’, as he has so nobly lectured, has to do what a guy has to do. Another way of saying the pecker chronically overrules common sense, an opportunity to get laid never to be passed up by concerns over infidelity. And certainly not concerns over extortion. Yes, Reggie’s secret check book is filled with evidence of payoffs. In a way, his philandering is more akin to engaging expensive hookers than sincere romance. When confronted on one occasion, he claimed temporary blindness. Smitten with sudden deep affection, he begged my forgiveness, indicating to me that he had parted with a sizable check to assure both the woman’s continuing confidence and the absence of embarrassment for me. Reggie... you’ve been set up! Or such was my initial reaction. It appeared to me that Reggie, being of reasonable intelligence, knows going in, he knows while dipping his joystick, and he obviously knows when threatened with awkward disclosure. Yet the escapades are chronic. Without knowing the details of his matinee couplings, I envision that in his mind it is akin to hiring an expensive trollop without the possibility of legal entanglement. Instead, on the one occasion I discovered the truth, he only had to tangle with me. Why, you may ask, do I tolerate it? Well there is true affection for the man, that is number one. And divorcing him in spite would accomplish nothing. Trust me, the Bouvier fortune is not to be diverted as a result of some flimsy marriage. Generations of Bouviers have protected the vast wealth from impulsive family members who may marry at the spur of the moment, the betrothed desiring nothing more than a bite at the golden apple. Thus, the prenuptials are iron clad. Reggie would have lost most of his trust income had he not insisted that I sign the thirty five page document. And why did I sign? As stated, the money meant nothing to me and for the most part continues to mean nothing to me. I want Reggie... truly. Yet, as Reggie’s carnal pursuits... a guy doing what a guy has to do... become more common and flagrant, a woman of my ilk needs to take action... particularly when there comes a call for help, however well disguised. And such action is not to walk out the door under the penurious terms of the prenuptial. That would be surrender. I too much enjoy the power and prestige of the Bouvier affiliation. And I too much enjoy Reggie. You see, in addition to the charm, Reggie is hung like a horse. And that is what frustrates me more than the money these extortionists extract. Reggie can give a woman the lay of her life. So I become enraged when they are afforded the advantages of his s****l ability and his money. The brazen bitches should be paying him! Just why do I orgasm with Reggie more strongly and more predictably than any other s*x partner? Months ago my long matinees of internet surfing brought enlightenment. It’s the fornix. Yes, until recently a little understood area well into the female body encircling where the cervix protrudes into the v****a. When the front of the area is stimulated, the anterior fornix, it can bring the most intense orgiastic sensations, triggering ecstatic contractions and oscillations of the pubo coccygeus muscles. And my well endowed Reggie finds the fornix with every penetration. Such prowess is not something I care to share with other women. And I’ll be crass. Sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do. But a woman tends to be more selective in her bed partners, seeking monogamy while the male constantly engages in the hunt for new booty. Well, that will change. Having assembled my team, Reggie will soon learn to have deep need... only for me... mentally, emotionally, physically. I am going to break him down and transform him. And my anterior fornix will not only be well stimulated, it will celebrate in its dominion.
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