Chapter 5: Gym Time-1

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Chapter 5: Gym Time Byran Carter contacted me after work on my drive to the gym. He sounded rushed, overzealous to speak with me, and flustered. I didn’t text behind the wheel, but I did talk on my cellphone. While keeping the Ford F-150 on the road, I said to him, “What’s going on?” “Sorry for the short notice, but I want to see you. My d**k needs your mouth around it.” Flattering. Rude. Not my style. “I respect that you get to your point, guy, but I’m going to have to pass. I’m not currently renting out my mouth.” “How can I change your mind?” I made a left on Shotenheim Street, heading towards Dude Pushes. I huffed, half laughing, and told him, “I can be wooed by dinner, drinks, and dancing, and then maybe I’ll kiss your cheek. I can’t, and won’t, use my mouth for other reasons.” “I’m really not interested in you, anyway.” I wanted to tell him to f**k off, but didn’t. Better to keep my sanity and manners. Live to be a gentleman, not an asshole. “Look, I know…I know I can rock your world. My libido is unstoppable. I can promise you’ll have a good time with me. Don’t let yourself down. Suck my knob tonight.” “No go, man. It isn’t happening. We have no connection. s*x with you isn’t going to bring us together as a couple. I know that, and you know that.” “You’re a prudent asshole. No wonder you’re single. You need to give men more head. You need to suck d**k and stop being a dickhead.” “My game, my rules,” I told him, turning my truck into the Dude Pushes parking lot. “Miller didn’t tell me you’re a fucker.” “I might be picky, but I’m not a fucker.” I parked the truck between a Mercedes and another truck. Then I grabbed my gym bag from the backseat, which was a birthday gift from Regan. “You’ll forever be single if you don’t give men a try, Victor. My c**k will feel pretty good in your throat, and you know it.” I ignored his comment. “I’m at where I need to be. We’ll chat later, Byran.” “Whatever,” he replied, pissed at me for not going out with him for oral satisfaction. No loss. Just as I told him: my game, my rules.
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