Chapter 4: Keeping Matters Professional

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Chapter 4: Keeping Matters Professional I showed up at Sinn Realty first thing the next morning. Jax introduced me to three realtors (Dave Fisher, Madeline Matter, and Ulysses Banter), two brokers (Merle Rotunda and Timothy Bakersfield), and the lovely leading lady in his life, the assistant Tina Butterworth. Thereafter, Jax showed me to my office: a cube the size of a closet with no view of the city, two offices away from where he had interviewed me the day before. A computer and office supplies sat on the desk in front of me, ready for my use. Jax stared down at the flat-screen and wireless keyboard and said, “You don’t have to work here all the time, perhaps once a week, at most. We have a mandatory weekly meeting on Wednesday mornings. Make yourself at home.” Believe it or not, I diligently worked for the next three days, obtaining four meetings with for-sale-by-owners, determined to convert the sellers to Sinn clients. I chose to work at the office instead of the comfort of my Tudor on Spruce Street. At approximately eleven o’clock on my fifth morning there, Jax stepped into my small space and moved up behind me. He placed his palms on my shoulders, rolling them into my skin. He looked over my head and said, “You’re rocking this. A pro. The perfect fit for…” For what? Him? The moment could have been a classic case of s****l harassment in the workplace, especially when one of his hands strayed down and over my chest, reaching a firm pec, fingertips rolling along an erect n****e. Frankly, I enjoyed his touch, which filled me with every erotic ripple imaginable. Over-excited, I even grew somewhat hard, but he couldn’t tell. Feeling uncomfortable, hot under my collar, and somewhat flummoxed, I whispered, “Mr. Sinn, what are you doing?” He chuckled, removed his hands from my shoulders, stepped a foot away from me, and admitted, “I’m sorry, Victor.” I heard something completely different within my head: you can sue me if you want, but I can’t help myself around you. I find you very impressive, in many ways, and very attractive. Very few men come into my life I’m drawn to. And, I admit, there’s something about you that… I spun around in my swivel chair. “We should keep this professional,” I told him. “Sinn needs a realtor, and I want this job to keep busy. Let’s try to make this work.” What I wanted to tell him, but didn’t: keep your d**k inside their chinos and save your lust for after hours. I might just be interested in you then, over a cocktail or dinner. Then he saw the semi-erection between my legs, a pop-tent ready to become bigger, plumper, and start some action with his beautiful mouth, hands, and other body parts hidden under his clothes. I couldn’t deny liking him, finding him attractive in many ways, turned on by his handsomeness, muscular bulk, forwardness, and his affectionate honesty. “I’m sorry,” he said, steering his view away. “Work,” I whispered, dry-mouthed, confused, light-headed, and horny as hell, ready to f**k him, or be f****d. “I should really get back to work. It’s what you pay me to do.” What I understood then and there: Jax Sinn liked to play games, just as Miller did with me, plotting for my affections and attempting to create me as a player in a possible s*x game. He wanted to win me over, seduce me, and maybe make me one of his s****l feats. Honestly, I didn’t mind his attraction for me or his spicy actions. The altercation inside my new office hadn’t caught me off guard. Rather, I craved the attention and stood my ground. “You should really let me get back to work. I have a lot to do.” “Certainly,” he told me, winking. “I love a man who gets the job done.” Of course, he did. I nodded, agreeing with him. Then I imagined: him stepping up to me, leaning over me, and reaching out, placing one of his palms against the semi-erection between my legs. Squeezing my package, breathing on me, and brushing his lips against my lips. Pulling away from me, whispering, “I want to watch you come, Mr. Trye. Let me jack you off. Here and now. Just the two of us. Let’s play a game together. What do you think?” Jax left. Nothing like what I had just imagined transpired inside my tiny office. Instead, I wilted in the office chair as he escaped my side. Then I thought about—no, I craved the act of—releasing the d**k in my chinos, jacking off because of Jax’s short and heated visit/game. I kept my professional composure, though, and tried to work. But I couldn’t get the stud out of my head. All I could think about was his lips wrapped around my c**k, his fingers pinching my n*****s, and moans of pleasure escaping him as he worked me over, fulfilling his s****l need for me and… * * * * Confession: that afternoon, I texted Gloria my ordeal concerning Jax’s s****l harassment. Seconds later, she called me on my cellphone. I whispered, “I can’t talk. I must work. I’m on company time.” She admitted, “I knew Jax would be into you. Try him out for size.” I laughed at that comment. “I swear to God he wants me.” “Were you offended?” “I wasn’t. The guy is sexy as hell.” “And naughty. You’ve always liked naughty, though.” “Shush.” I decided to end the call, getting back to work.
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