Chapter 8

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Ella ran up to me and gasped too. The whole room was upside down...but nothing was taken. "Ella nothing has been stolen" Ella looked at me "but then why.." I shook my head really confused. I had no idea why they would turn my room upside down for absolutely nothing. "They must have been looking for something" Ella said starting to clean up the mess. I started to help her "but what could they have been looking for?" Ella shrugged. I don't know at all what they could have been looking for. "Come on girl we should get ready for the party and try to forget about this" I was terrified now. Why..why would they look for something in my room. I don't have Anything really valuable and the things I have are still here. It was all so confusing. Adrien, Evan and Alex arrived on the scene. "What happened girls are you ok?!" Alex asked. We both nodded "yeah...but someone was looking for something in this room" Evan looked puzzled but Adrien ran towards me "you were not here right?" I smiled "no I'm fine we were out eating" Adrien nodded. "It's alright we're fine" "guys we have to get ready for the party!" Ella said. I giggled and stood up. It was the best to forget it for now. I was about to leave the room with the rest but Evan grabbed my hand "so we are going together right?" I slowly shook my head and looked down. "Evan..I want to go with someone else I'm sorry" he crossed his arms "how do you even know he wants to go with you" Evan definitely knew who I meant. I didn't say a word and just left the room where Adrien was waiting "hey uhm uhm are you going with Evan?" I shook my head " would be a honor if you would accept to be my date to the dance" I gasped I just couldn't believe it! Did Adrien really just ask me to go with him to the party?! "Yes of course!" I hugged him and he hugged back and then we were staring in each other's eyes. I looked over to my room and Evan was standing there furious...does Evan like me? "You guys are so cuteeeee I knew it!" Ella shouted. Alex walked up to her "uhm..hey Ella.." she turned around and looked at Alex "yeah?" He sighed and looked into her eyes. " you want to be my date to the dance?" Ella looked at me for approval and I gave a nod and smiled. She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheeks "of course you i***t!" I smiled but Evan just scoffed. "Come on Ella lets get ready!" She nodded and we went to my room, the formal dresses we bought in California would be perfect for tonight. Ella was wearing her green cocktail dress with white heels and a pink flower bracelet around her wrist while I was wearing my red long dress with white heels as well , wearing a white flower bracelet. Ella was wearing her hair in a high bun while I was hearing my hair loose and curled. We both sprayed glitter into our hair and put on light make up. Some mascara, lipstick and blush. "Oh my god Ella you look so beautiful!" I shouted covering my mouth, stunned. "SO DO YOU ROSE OH MY GOD YOU LOOK SO AMAZING!" we giggled and hugged each other before leaving the room. "Hey guys!" Adrien and Alex looked at us, "woah girls you look stunning!" Evan walked in and rolled his eyes "you guys know it's just a beach party right and not a prom or wedding or whatever" we just rolled our eyes and I opened my mouth to say something but Adrien spoke up to my surprise "they look beautiful and just stunning even for a normal party" we smiled. "Whatever we have to leave" Evan said. Adrien sighed and we all left. "Ready for tonight?" I asked him in the car. He nodded and scratched his neck "yeah and I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful date.." he whispered. I couldn't help but blush really badly. Maybe I was wrong maybe Adrien and I could be together after all. We arrived and everyone was already dancing on the beach. "I started walking in the sand but that was mission impossible and I almost tripped" Ella looked over at me and we understood each other. We both walked back to the car and took off our shoes putting them in the car. "We're coming guys!" The guys chuckled "well guess that's more practical" I walked up to Adrien and we went to where the others were dancing. "So are you?" I asked carefully but Adrien chuckled and a slow started to play. "Shhh let's just dance now" Adrien took me by the waist and I looked over to where Ella was dancing with Alex. Those two really seemed in was a little odd seeing my ex with my best friend plus Alex was really not the best guy I knew but all I wanted was for Ella to be happy since that's what she deserves. Adrien lightly cubbed my face and looked into my eyes. "Its a beautiful night isn't it" I blushed lightly. "'s a really special night" he nodded and smiled. I couldn't believe that I was standing here with Adrien..dancing together so close to each other. I could hear his breath and I could feel my cheeks were getting even more red. He came closer to me and I could see his lips getting much closer to mine. My heart started to race. Was he going to kiss me? Is Adrien white really about to kiss me right now??? My heart raced faster and I blushed even more starting to shake a little more...his lips were now an inch away from mine and we were about to lock lips when suddenly "Adrien?!" I looked over to where a very skinny girl with beautiful curly blond hair was standing and looking at us...or better Adrien.
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