Chapter 9

1091 Words
I looked at the girl who ran up to Adrien and hugged him. I could feel my blood boiling and gave her the worst glare I had ever given to anyone. "Omg Adrien I missed you so much!" This blond b***h smiled as Adrien hugged her back. "Hey Adrien why don't you introduce us?" I asked walking closer and taking his hand. Adrien looked at my hand then at the girl. "Rose this is ex girlfriend Vanessa this is Rose" she lowered her gaze towards our hands and raised her brow "Are you guys together..?" I looked at Adrien and he shook his head. "No Rose is just a friend" I couldn't believe what I had just heard. His ex girlfriend?! So this b***h is adriens ex?! Who is clearly not over him. "Nice to meet you Rose" Vanessa said smiling. Just friends...I thought I was his date tonight... Vanessa was turning around Adrien and now Evan joined them too. Adrien didn't even care about me anymore...I was supposed to be his date tonight and now he had only eyes for his half naked slutty ex. I looked over and saw Ella still dancing with Alex. At least one of us is having fun...I walked away towards the ocean and sat down in the sand. My red dress was flowing in the summer breeze. I looked at my necklace and sighed looking over where Adrien and Vanessa where still talking. Evan walked up to me. "Hey.." he sat down next to me. "Hey..lost your date too?" I gave a small nod. He sighed and smiled a little. "Come on we can't let this spoil the dance.." I shrugged. I really didn't care about this stupid dance anymore. I turned over and looked at Adrien who was now dancing with Vanessa. She was so pretty and suddenly I felt insecure. "Do you want to dance with me?" Evan said standing up and holding out a hand. I slowly shook my head and starred Out at the water. Evan sighed and walked away. I stood up and walked closer to the waves. I felt the water caressing my feet. It felt much better and I felt much better. I just needed to be alone. I thought of going back to the hotel alone and call it a night. What else could I do? Just going back dancing alone while Adrien was dancing with miss supermodel ex girlfriend. I stood up and started walking back towards the hotel when a scream froze my blood. I ran towards the dancing almost tripping over my dress. The music was stopped and everyone was looking around from where the scream came. Evan was gone. I got scared and started to look for Evan thinking something had happened to him. I ran towards behind some palm trees and saw a trail leading towards the ocean further away. I quietly followed the trail towards where it stopped and covered my mouth in shock when I saw what I saw. A girl wearing a orange dress laying lifeless in the water. I looked around not knowing what to do. That was the scream...someone killed that girl! The girl had been dragged down here and abandoned. I didn't know who killed her or what and didn't understand why. A blue stone necklace similar to mine was laying on the sand next to her. It seemed like someone ripped it off. Hers wasn't a real stone tho not like mine. I couldn't stand there any longer and ran back towards my friends still in shock and shaking. Police had arrived to investigate since they had found a small trail of blood. I ran towards my friends my face white in fear. "What happened?" I Asked. "Ella was shaking "someone got murdered tonight.." I was right...Vanessa walked toward the police officer and Adrien turned towards me "where were you?" I shook my head and looked down still feeling sick from what I saw "I needed some alone time" The Cops disappeared to where I had found the body and came back after awhile. The officer made sign to one of his colleagues who slowly approached me. I didn't know what was happening and everything happened really fast. I'm sorry miss but you'll have to follow us towards the office since you are suspect number one in this case" what?! Before I could even do a thing one of the cops had put handcuffs around my hands and held me walking me towards their car. I felt tears rolling over my cheeks when I saw my friends standing there looking at me but not doing anything. I could see Vanessa smirking and Ella running up to the officer. "Where are you taking Rose?!" The officer looked over at Ella and said "miss Rose Anderson is coming with us miss" "Rose is innocent!" The officer shook his head "that's for us to find out" I didn't know why they would suspect me! I was innocent I had only seen that poor girl I would never hurt anyone. They took me towards the office and I was sitting Infront of the office. Still in my dress, feeling tired and scared. "I'm innocent I swear!" The officer chuckled. "that's what they all say miss" I looked at him and tried not to cry. "Where were you when the crime was committed" "at the beach...I was sitting in front of the ocean" the officer raised a brow "why would you leave the dance alone?" I wiped away some forming tears. "I needed some alone time" the officer sighed. "But you were no where to be found at the time of the murder so where were you and what were you doing" I couldn't take the pressure anymore and broke into tears. The officer sighed and stood up laying a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright..we aren't your enemies miss Anderson and we want to help you. Now dry those tears and please explain everything what happened. I gave a nod and sighed. I took a deep breath and told everything what had happened that night. Me dancing with Adrien, Vanessa joining and me leaving heartbroken sitting by the ocean, Evan joining me asking me to dance and me refusing. I also told him how I had found the girl and couldn't do anything for her anymore. As I went on with my story, the officer calmed down starting to believe me. I didn't know what to do and was terrified for what would happen to me next.
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