Chapter 7

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After the restaurant we went back to the hotel and got ready to go to sleep. "Who wants to watch a movie?" Adrien asked. "Meeee" we all shouted and sat down on the couch. "What do you guys want to watch?" Evan asked turning on the tv. "Hmm Harry Potter?" Alex suggested but Ella shook her head and looked over at me "hey what about the fault in our stars?" I chuckled knowing she chose that movie for me and Adrien. I had never met Ella before but she knew me so well already. I had to talk about it with her soon and also mention her crazy crush for my ex..."yeah sounds good for me!" I said. Adrien scratched the back of his head and blushed lightly looking...was he looking at me??? No that couldn't be true! Evan walked slowly up to me "hey uhm do you want to sit with me during the movie?" Adrien looked down and took place on the couch. "Uhm...I was actually planning to sit with.." Ella looked over to me "actually Rose was going to sit with Adrien" ugh no no Ella..Adrien looked over to me "yeah sure...uhm Rose can sit with me" Adrien said. Ella took place next to Alex who looked at her and smiled. The movie was starting and Evan took my hand pulling me down "come on your gonna miss the begin" I sighed and looked over at Adrien who sat down again and looked a little disappointed. I took place next to Evan and sighed too. I wanted to sit with him so so badly but I just can't. Half in the movie there was a uhm scene and Evan blushed lightly looking at me but I just kept watching the movie. Adrien seemed pretty upset. After the movie we all got ready to go sleep and I laid down. Evan walked in "hey Rose..." I looked up "uh hi" Evan sat down next to me "today was awesome...especially watching the movie with you" he scratched his neck. "Uhm Rose...I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my date to the dance.." I looked at him pretty confused "what?" "There's a beach party tomorrow like dancing you know and I wanted to know, do you want to be my date?" I was very confused but couldn't help and start daydreaming about going to the dance with Adrien. "I mean...I don't know Evan" Evan laid his hand on mine "I don't want to go with anyone but you Rose" I was just too confused "uhm...I'll give you the answer tomorrow" I said before pulling up the covers and turning away. Evan sighed and laid down too. Why the hell would Evan ask me tho. I just was so super excited. Maybe I could go with Adrien If he would be ok with that..would he want to go with me? I don't know maybe not..I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off. The next morning Ella was screaming I fell out of bed and ran towards the door, opening It really quickly to see Ella running around screaming "ROSE THERE IS A BEACH PARTY DANCE TONIGHTTTT" I couldn't help but giggle. Was she seriously screaming for that? Adrien, Evan and Alex came out of there room. "Is everyone ok?!" I giggled and nodded "yeah Ella is just super excited for the dance tonight" "dance?ohAlex looked confused so we all sat down. "There's a dance tonight well a beach party organized for everyone who stays in this hotel" Evan said. "I wanted it to be a surprise but I guess Ella found out.." Ella rolled her eyes "I heard you asking Rose to the dance last night" I bit my lip and looked over at Adrien. " are you going with Evan?" Adrien asked. I could see Evan grinning so I shook my head "no I don't know yet with who I'm going..." I could see Adrien smile a little. "Ella do you want to go eat breakfast?" Evan crossed his arms "uh why only Ella" I rolled my eyes this time "we want to eat between girls" "ok" Alex said. "Then guys we are going to eat breakfast together" Ella and I got ready and went downstairs to go eat breakfast. We sat down and I could tell Ella wanted to tell me something. "I've got something to say!" We both yelled at the same time. I chuckled "you first" Ella looked down and got nervous..."I like Alex" she whispered. I knew it I could tell since the first time she saw Alex. "I knew it" I said. She looked up surprised. "Wait really?! And your not mad at me?" She looked at me, worried "of course not why would I?" "I mean...Alex is your ex" I chuckled "I would be so happy to see you guys together" Ella gasped and hugged me tightly, "thank you so much!" She yelped. I hugged her back and then we sat down again. "So what do you want to tell me?" Ella said. I got nervous this time and looked down then blushed thinking about Adrien. "I'm...I'm in love with Adrien" Ella gasped and hugged me again "I KNEW IT!" she yelled. "Howww" she giggled. "I could tell from the start that you guys are made for each other" I blushed "you really think so?" She nodded "yeah of course!" I couldn't stop smiling "thanks for always being there for me Ella" she smiled and we hugged each other again. "Let's go back and get ready for the dance tonight!" Ella said "don't worry Ella we still have plenty of time" she smiled and we got back to our hotel room. I sat down with her on the couch and we talked some more. But then Ella accidentally spilled her drink over my shirt, "omg rose I'm so sorry!" I chuckled "it's alright I didn't really like this shirt anyway" I stood up and opened the door to my room, but then dropped my bag and gasped when I saw that it looked like a tornado went trough my room..ELLA COME QUICK IVE BEEN ROBBED!"..
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