Chapter 6

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We were half way to the waterfall now but the jungle was beautiful. I was getting kind of tired really not used to walking this much. Adrien suddenly grabbed my hand "let me help you" he said. Alex rolled his eyes, jealous. I blushed a little and held his hand in mine. His hand was super soft and warm. He helped me up and finally we arrived at the waterfall. Ella gasped looking at the beautiful water and touching it. "It's cold" she giggled. "Look guys" Alex suddenly said. There was a cave behind the waterfall stones on the water leading towards it but it seemed very riskful you could hurt yourself badly if you would fall. "Let's go explore!" Ella yelled jumping on the first rock without even thinking "Ella wait!" I shouted but she didn't listen and quickly disappeared behind the water. "Ugh seriously?!" "Come on guys!" Ella yelled. Evan followed and Alex too but I hesitated. I was scared and shook my head "actually...I'll be waiting here guys" I said. Adrien was about to go to but he stopped and looked over "are you ok Rose?" I gave a little nod and sighed , sad that I couldn't go. "Let je help you it's ok I'm here you don't have to be scared" Adrien said smiling. His eyes were sparkling. I smiled a little and took his hand holding on it tightly. "It's alright" he whispered and held me tightly. He jumped on the first rock and I followed not letting go of his hand. I looked around and gulped. Why do I have to be scared of everything seriously...he helped me and finally we were able to join the others "there you guys are finally" Ella said. I gave a nod "yeah.." Alex grinned "Rosey was scared" i glared at him and to my surprise, so did Adrien. "Well aren't you scared of anything?" Adrien asked. Alex rolled his eyes looking at our hands...we were still holding hands. I let go of his hand a little embarrassed and he scratched his neck. "Ooooooo" Evan said we both rolled our eyes. "Come on guys let's go explore!" We went inside the cave who was dark and even a little wet. It seemed like no one had been here in ages. "Look!" Ella said pointing towards a wall. "The cave ends?" I asked. This was strange such a short cave.."woah" Adrien said turning on his torch and pointing towards the walls. The walls were covered into the same kind of cave drawings as I saw in the tourist cave...but these looked even more ancient. It was definitely strange. There were spirals drawing of the jungle animals but one.."Rose look!" Ella said. "Look at that drawing it looks like..Evan looked at the drawing "you guys are stupid those are just old drawings" Ella went silent. I looked at her but she didn't say a word. I looked at the drawing which was that same blue stone glowing again. What was this particular stone? "I feel like I've seen it before..." Adrien whispered and I felt the same. "Let's go guys this cave has weird vibes" Evan said. Ella looked back at the wall then sighed and left. "Alright let's go" we all left and walked back trough the jungle. "EEEEKK" Ella yelled jumping into Alex's arms. There was a huge black snake in front of us. "Omg!" I jumped into Adriens arms and held onto him tightly. "Do something!" Evan looked at the snake all calmly "back away real slow guys" he said. We did as he said the snake looked very imposant and kept sissing.."don't move guys don't move" Evan said and we all didn't move anymore. "It's a cobra, those are extremely dangerous" we all gave a nod looking terrified. I was most terrified of all what would happen if we got bitten? I would never be able to tell Adrien how I feel..I would never go to college or have kids or travel or write books..I could see all my dreams vanish as I looked at that black monster. I closed my eyes hoping to get it over with real quickly. After awhile I heard Evan say "it's fine guys he's gone" I gave a sigh of relief and got out of adriens arms. Ella looked at Alex and blushed. "T-Thanks.." she said. She then looked at me and sighed sadly before walking on. Why did she look so sad suddenly? Is she ok? Did I do something wrong? I didn't know and was kind of worried. "Let's go eat something guys I'm starving" we all nodded in agreement and walked back to the village. We chose a nice restaurant and all sat down. "That was close..." I said thinking about the snake again. "Yeahhhhh" Ella said, looking at the menu already. Adrien sighed and looked at me "are you ok?" I nodded. "Yeah...thanks" Evan glared at Adrien then looked at me "thanks him? Uh who chased the snake away?" He said visibly offended. I rolled my eyes and took the menu too, they had a lot of local specialties. "They have no pizza.." Alex said and we all chuckled "obviously not" I chose noodles with a local specialty topping hoping it would be good. Adrien chose the same thing. Alex chose the "pasta aux sauce de sauterelles grillé" but when he ordered, Ella started to laugh very loudly. "That's...that's.." she couldn't finish her phrase, still laughing. I didn't know what she meant but clearly it was something about the food Alex had ordered. Ella had taken pasta with seafood. For some reason the menu was half in French and she was the only one speaking French so she was the only one that could help us chose our food. "What?" Alex asked looking at her, she was still laughing and we understood when the waiter gave him his meal, "ewwwwww" Alex shouted looking at his food and we immediately understood why Ella was laughing...
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