Chapter 5

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Evan starred at the necklace then at me "I said where did you find that?" He asked In a demanding voice I blinked confused. He took the necklace out of my hands but I took it back "Adrien found it buried it's mine!" He rolled his eyes but seemed...mad..or nervous. I didn't get it just sighed and put it back on. It was Adriens gift to me. I looked at the necklace it sure was something special. We went back to the hotel all silently. I sighed and stair on my phone for awhile. Evan kept staring at me...or better the necklace it was strange but whatever. I posted a picture of the beautiful necklace on my ** and instantly got a million likes. Of course that thing is beautiful and...Adrien gave it to me. It was getting late and I was still tired of the flight so I changed into my shorts and tee and laid down on my side of the bed. Evan instantly went from mad to smirking. I didn't understand but didn't care and turned away from him. He laid down too and sighed. I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly I felt like I was watched and I knew I was I could feel his breath on my neck. I knew he wasn't staring at me so I gently pulled up the covers covering my necklace. Something was up with Evan and the necklace and I had to find out later what. For now I had to sleep. The next morning I awoke early and rubbed my eyes still a little tired. I changed into the flowery dress and styled my hair into a high ponytail. I nodded watching myself In the mirror. I didn't look bad. I planned to go explore a part of the island on my own. I put on my shoes and quietly left the hotel. I went back to the beach and smiled looking at the sea. I stepped into the water just with my feet and looked around. This island was beautiful. I walked towards a cave that was on the coast a beautiful touristic place an ancient cavern. I walked towards it and entered it. The cave was covered in drawings from the ancient tribes that used to live on this island. The drawings were beautiful. I loved this kind of historical mysterious stuff. One particular drawing got my attention. It was one of a stone a blue stone glowing. It was kind of strange I had the feeling I had seen that stone before. I shook my head "nah just confusing it with another stone" I left the cave and went back to the hotel where everyone was taking breakfast. "Hey guys" I said. They all looked over "where have you been?" Adrien asked. Evan was quietly eating his breakfast. I still didn't forget what happened last night. "I went for a walk" "ok" Adrien said eating his cereal. Ella looked at me "sooooo where did you go ?" I told them about the cave and they said we should all go but Evan spook up "nah we should go do something cooler" maybe he was right cause after all I already had gone to it just now. "Let's go hiking or something or a walk in the jungle" that sounded pretty cool actually so I agreed. We all got ready in hiking clothes or for me and Ella some stylish jeans shorts and a nice fluo tank top. I put on my white Nike sneakers and Ella her pink pumas. The guys got dressed into shorts and simple tees and we were ready to go. We left for a hike in the jungle and I was pretty nervous. I'm afraid of spiders and snakes and all that kind of stuff so the jungle was really not the best place for me but I wanted to give it a shot. We arrived quickly with an Uber as close as we could get to the jungle. "Need to hold my hand Rose?" Alex asking me, smirking. I glared at him and shook my head. "Aw come on babe I know your afraid of almost everything here" I gritted my teeth and hissed "I'm not your babe and I'm fine" just to prove Alex wrong and to look braver than I was, I walked first. As soon as I entered the forest you could hear exotic birds and see the beautiful nature. We had a map towards the beautiful waterfalls not so far away from here and that's where we were going. "Soo how do you all like this trip so far?" Evan asked. "Not bad" Adrien said. "Awesomeeeee" Ella yelled. Alex just shrugged his shoulders. "Ok i guess" I could see Ella look at him, but right when he would look back she would blush and look away. Wait...does Ella like Alex? Oof I can only feel sad with her bad taste in man. Alex is an asshole and that's never going to change. I don't even know how I ended up dating him. Seriously was I that desperate? I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly Ella started to scream, Adrien looked at me and Alex was looking at Ella "what?" I asked pretty panicked "Rose...your necklace was glowing in a weird dark blue light!" I looked at my necklace and it looked normal like it always did. I chuckled "real fun guys" Ella shook her head and looked very serious "it lit up it really did!" I shrugged, a little confused. Adrien looked at me, seeming a little confused as well but not saying anything. then Ella "maybe it was just the light Ell" he said. Ella calmed down but I was confused. Ella must be imaging things now I guess. Evan didn't say a word and gave me this persistent stare again or well not me..the necklace. Evan didn't stop starring at that thing and it was starting to creep me out a little. Something definitely was going on and I had no idea what.
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