7 | Running away

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Ronnie lay awake. She couldn't hear anything outside the room, guessing it was soundproofed. She was thinking about how she could untangle herself from this situation. She sometimes really hated how in the moment she was as a person. She had been so intoxicated by them. But now that she had had some release and some time away from them, she felt like she could think a bit clearer. She worried over all the mate stuff. That was some heavy s**t. And she had plans. Very distinct plans she had already executed. She knew she couldn't be their mate, but shifters were be-all and end-all when it came to mates. She had known a few shifters, mainly Werewolf rogues who frequented the club - the owner a rogue herself. Even though they had been shunned by their packs and generally turned their backs on that world, they regarded mates as the bees' knees of their existence as well. She had heard them tell stories of men whisking their mates away without even getting the girl's consent. They would laugh at how the girl always came around in the end, but that came across like some draconian Stockholm syndrome sounding bullshit to Ronnie. Is that what Brock and Brand would do? Too heavy. Too much. Her natural instinct to just bail was kicking in. She dozed, waiting until just before dawn to gather her things. Thankfully, she had already put the goodies she got yesterday into her bag and brought it in the room with her. It was bulging so much that she couldn't zip it closed. She slowly opened the door. Peeking her head out, she listened for sounds from the rest of the suite. The couches were empty, so she could only assume Brock had ended up in Brand's room for the night. She smiled at the thought. Get down with your bad self, Brand, she thought. Only a twinge of FOMO fluttering across her mind. She tiptoed to the front door and opened it. Turning as she closed it softly, walking backwards out of the room. She yelped, jumping, as she saw that Jon was right next to her, at his post. "Jesus Christ!" She clutched her chest. That man was a freakin’ void. She couldn't detect him at all. What the heck was he? Did he even sleep? "Jonny…" she gasped. "You scared the bejesus out of me." “Good morning. What can I do for you?" He took in her outfit. She had her little gray jersey dress on- though longer than her other outfits, it wasn't by much. Her church dress as she liked to joke. "Psht." She waved her hand. "You have done more than enough. I'm just heading off now. Have a great day." She saw he took notice of her bag, which was almost overflowing with the bits and pieces he had got her, but he didn't move to stop her. Confidence. It's all about confidence. A mantra circling in her mind. She waved as she casually strolled down the hall, picking up the pace when she turned the corner. Her heart was thumping as she rode the elevator down. She struggled to get her breathing under control. There were no guests in the lobby to see her walk of shame, but she saw a sleepy employee behind the counter. He woke up as she came into his eye line. She forced a winning smile, desperately trying to mask her true feelings. She felt sick as she fled the hotel. ~*~ Brock woke up as the sun spilled into the room. Brand always slept with the damn curtains open. He groaned, throwing an arm across his eyes, trying to block the light out. He could hear Brand's slow breathing - they had broken away from each other in the night but had still kept some kind of physical contact. He shifted so he could look at his mate. He thought about everything he'd put the man through. For years. What a waste. He recalled Brand's response when Ronnie had asked him to join her. Brock had wanted him to, he had wanted to join her when she moved into Brand, but not knowing how. He had conditioned them so perfectly. It wasn't like there was no affection between the two men, though more akin to an old married couple. He hoped he showed in some small ways that he cared for him. They hadn't even kissed for years. He remembered the last time clearly. They had just escaped a very dull, horribly bureaucratic event, mainly just all the old guys patting themselves on the back - that happened even in the supernatural Kingdoms. Brand had been imitating Brock's father's Advisor, making declarations the real Advisor never would. He had the cadence of how he spoke and mannerisms spot on. Brock had laughed uproariously. He remembered the glint in Brand's eye, clearly satisfied with the response he had elicited from him. He had seen the instant Brand had broken, ignoring all the other times before, and reached out and kissed him. He had gone with it. The look in Brand's eyes the split second before he acted had ignited something in Brock. It was the moment he actually knew he loved Brand. Brock had wanted him too… but what happens after? He could selfishly take everything that Brand would give him. But what could he give back? His fear was that he couldn't return what Brand deserved, so he denied them both. He let his fear grip him and it was a vice he had lived in for five years. Brock was laying on his side facing Brand. He examined his sleeping face. Brand had one hand under his head and the other reached out to him. The knuckle grazing Brocks chest. He thought again about how angry he was when they first found out they were each other's mates. How compromising Brand always was and how unaccommodating he had always been. He remembered the women they had brought home to share in those early days. He cringed. He'd understood the times when Brand took his own lover, even taking male lovers when he wanted. Brock's jealousy knew no bounds at those times. He had no illusions about what his reaction actually had meant at the time. Brock seeing Brand and Ronnie together gave him some weird perspective. There was no gender specificity involved in Brock's mate bond. The Goddess had a good reason to matebond them. He always knew it, he just couldn't work out the reason. He'd been so dumb. This beautiful, sexy, brilliant, vivacious, amazing man was his mate. Who had shared his life with him for the last five years despite everything. Who made him laugh. Who helped shoulder the responsibilities Brock had. Brand had left his own people to come and be with Brock. To help him complete these stupid diplomatic missions. Brand was the most amazing man he'd ever met. He should have been praising the Goddess every day for giving him such an amazing mate. He scowled to himself. Brand wasn't even publicly acknowledged by Brock's family. While it was known that they were mates within the inner sanctum, most people just knew that Brand was Brock's chosen second in command. He swore to himself and the Goddess that he would remedy that as soon as they got back home. Bringing Ronnie home with them as well. The idea soothed his dragon. The idea of having both of his mates was beautiful. Sparkly mates, so much more alive than him. When he had come in the other night to find Brand with Ronnie, his first response had been jealousy like every other time Brand had gone outside for a connection - though this had stung deeper, as neither of them had taken a lover since that last kiss. He thought Brand was trying to punish him for the fight they had had earlier that night. He should have known Brand would never pull a stunt like that for petty revenge, let alone the idea he'd use someone in that way. He was just bringing them their mate. It wasn't until she had stood before him that he'd been able to take in her scent. He had been so confused, assuming Brand's scent had mixed with hers and that was what he was sensing. There was no denying it when he saw her the next morning though. Brock reached out and gently caressed Brand's face. He woke slowly. A contented smile settled on his face. "Good morning." Brock leaned forward and kissed him. He was sick of holding back. Never letting himself be happy. Never giving Brand what he deserved. He tried to kiss away all of the horrible and dismissive things he'd said, all the things he let others say. Brand broke the kiss first. He regarded Brock. The other man's hair was tousled from sleep and his facial hair had already grown to start to look like a well trimmed beard. "Brand-" his voice broke, "I can't even begin to-" Brand cut him off. "Not now. We're okay." Many things were left unspoken, but Brand could feel it. He felt the change, and he needed to understand it more. Brock would need to do some explaining before all was said and done, but he was happy to be in this moment. Brock went in for a kiss slowly, like he was testing the new space between them. Brand's response was timid at first. Not wanting to push it too far like all the other times. He let Brock set the pace. Brock deepened the kiss. Brand responded in kind. Brock pulled away, kissing Brand down his neck. "Mine." A shiver went up Brand's spine. His c**k twitched at the claim. Brock slid up against him. He felt Brock's firm c**k as it pushed against his. Brock squeezed his butt cheek, pulling him tightly against him and started to slowly rock his hips. Brock kissed up his neck and drew his teeth along his jaw. Brand snarled, grasping his shoulder. His cat was going wild. Brock brushed his nose against Brand's, his dragon just below the surface. His blue eyes became stormy. Brand wanted to progress this but was terrified he'd scare Brock off. But was Brock relying on his experience? "Brock…" The sound of his name elicited a throaty growl from Brock. Brand swallowed and continued. "What would you like me to do?" Brock continued rocking gently. He shook his head. Brand grabbed Brock's face and crashed their lips together. "Okay," he stated like there were going to be more words, but there wasn't. He reached a hand between them, grasping Brock's erection. He was so hard. Brand wanted it inside him, but knew he needed to start slow. His thoughts flashed back to the night before. Ronnie had laughed at his definition of slow. But Brock wasn't Ronnie. He was a different beast altogether. He pumped his hand slowly. A firm grip, sliding from Brock's base to cup the hood and back down. Brock groaned, taking hold of Brand. Brand rolled onto his back, positioning Brock to straddle his thighs. He was so magnificent, sitting on him, stroking his c**k while Brand did the same to him. His broad chest, built arms. His abs, making way to his impressive manhood. Brock's rhythm on him was good. Brand matched the pace. Their pushing breaths quickly became moans as they came at the same time, spilling over Brand's stomach. Brock hovered over him on all fours kissing him, panting and coming down from his climax. Brand placed a couple pecks on his lips and then slid out from under him. Brock watched him from the bed as he cleaned himself up in the ensuite. He had his hands behind his head. His dragon was very satisfied. "So we didn't actually answer the question from yesterday," Brand said as he came back to the bed. "What are we doing about Ronnie?" "We need to get this deal finished today. Hopefully, what Dane has been able to work on overnight is going to be enough to tip the scale. Then we all go home." Brand furrowed his brow "Brock, come on. She didn't grow up in our world. She might not even want to go. And can you imagine? Putting up with your family when she can't even feel the mate bond yet?" Brand couldn't help but think about his own lack of acceptance from Brock's family. He didn't want to subject Ronnie to that. Brock was thinking along similar lines. "Things are going to change, Brand. I promise." Brand just nodded. Brock grabbed him. "I mean it!" "Well, you know what they say about words and action." Brock shook his head. He'd prove it to Brand. "Let's just get her to stay in the hotel room again today and then once we finish with the Warlocks we'll work something out with her." Brand was silent, contemplating. He really only had mere minutes more with her than Brock had. But he had a feeling that she was probably not the type of person who was going to be so easily swayed. She had seemed easy going, but Brand didn't think that meant she was a push over. Thrust into a trinity relationship that had quite the strings attached as it did, being connected to Brock may be more than she's willing to undertake without feeling the mate pull. She was a free spirit. He was willing to bet she bucked at authority every chance she got. Imagine what it would be like for her to join them on diplomatic missions. He smiled at the thought. He actually thought it could work. They mainly dealt with a lot of heterosexual males in power - and their partners, queens, lunas etc. She definitely had her way with men, and he suspected that wasn't a boundary for her. Brock climbed out of bed, stretching quickly and pulling his robe on. He was excited about the idea of seeing Ronnie again this morning. He opened the door expecting her to be awake making coffee like she had the previous morning. The suite was dead silent. Maybe she was still in bed. Maybe even in the shower. The idea spurred him on, and he knocked, calling her name before opening the door, taking a breath so that he could greet her. When he saw that her room was empty, his stomach dropped. The bed was still made and looked like she had just slept on top of the covers. He ran to the door, throwing it open. Jon was standing there as was his duty. "Where is she?" He growled. "Miss Veronika? She left at 5:47am," he responded. "You let her leave?" He roared. "You didn't say she couldn't leave," Jon responded to him matter-of-factly, showing no reaction to Brock's fury. Brock struggled to get his dragon under control. He was losing it. While it was true he hadn't told him explicitly not to let her go but how could he not realise… In fact, now Brock thought about it, he hadn't explained why she was important at all. He turned and, slamming the door closed, rushed back into the room. He took big calming breaths- losing control was not something Brock did, but his dragon wasn't happy. His mate had essentially vanished. Brand came out of Brock's empty room with a concerned look on his face. "She left. About…" Brock checked the clock, "an hour ago." He realized she had left only minutes before he had woken up. Brand slumped his shoulders. Groaning in frustration. "s**t Brock. We don't even know her full name." "Didn't you say she was staying at the hotel?" Brand shook his head. "She was lying." He had liked the game she was playing, he hadn't called her out on it. "Surely-surely we can find her." Brock raked his hands over his face and then roughly through his hair. He turned around, snatching the door back open and ordered Jon into the room. "It's all fine Jon," he started, though Jon showed no indication he had thought otherwise. "While we wrap things up today, you are to go out and locate her." Jon was quiet, thoughtful for a second. "Do you have any other information about her to help me with my search?" The two shifters looked at each other. They knew nothing, just her first name. ~*~
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