
The Succubus and her two Mates


Meet Ronnie. She isn’t your typical exotic dancer. A young otherworldly being living on the fringes of the human realm, passing as just a part fae empath. She is set on getting her life back on track but she can have some fun first, right? Her impulsive and instant gratification seeking personality hasn’t always served her well but she will need to rely on it and her wiles to survive all that fate is about to throw her way.

On the cusp of resetting her life, she meets two shifters, each other's fated mate, who claim she is theirs too. The two mens previously unembraced matebond is ignited when Ronnie enters their lives - a stale existence that was far from living. For Brock, he must balance the call of duty and his desire for his mates. Brand’s hope is reawakened, the possibility of a connection he had given up on just within his reach.

Believing she cannot have a mate, Ronnie still decides to explore her attraction to the two men, being honest with her feelings if nothing else.

Ronnie's lies of omission quickly snowball. Bottling up her fear of the repercussions of her actions she blindly follows her heart to be with the two men, but events beyond her control will draw her back to a man she hoped to never see again.


"Can I kiss you?" Brand asked, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the end of her robe tie.

She smirked playfully, leaning her body back, holding onto the tie- not pulling it out of his hand but not allowing him the freedom to pull it open. She had very little on under the robe. She had been waiting for hours for them. She wasn't going to give in so quickly after they made her wait so long.

She drew a fingernail along the outer line of her lower lip.

"After he kisses you." She motioned her head to Brock, following Brand's eyes to him.

There was a moment of silence as Brock took in the request. Ronnie felt the wave of desire from Brand. Brock reached over and pulled Brand towards him. His strong hand slid up Brand's neck, settling his thumb up the side of his face, his fingers wrapping around to the back. Though surprised by Brock's willingness, he leant into the kiss without hesitation.

Ronnie watched as they clung to each other. She squirmed at their passion as they're mouths moved against each other- a level of desperate need overcoming the two men. Their excitement for each other created a thick swirl of energy around them. Ronnie let the feeling wash over her as small growls were coming from each of them.

Brock tilted his body so his er*ction pushed against Brands' hip. Ronnie tensed herself in the pleasure of it, feeling her wetness on the very skimpy underwear she had on. Brand turned his head towards her. His green eyes flashed as he took her in. He slid his body only as far away from Brock, so he could pull Ronnie onto him. She slid off the low table willingly. His mouth crashed against hers, taking what she promised him.

Ronnie reached a hand past Brand to wind into Brock's short hair. Her legs either side of one of Brands, straddling his thigh. She rubbed herself against him. He made an inhuman sound as he trailed kisses down her neck down to the top of her bre*sts, not going beyond what was exposed.

Brock and Ronnie's eyes locked. He waited. She pulled him towards her, their lips touching for the first time in real life. She parted her lips, meeting his tongue. He growled and deepened the kiss. It was possessive and wild. Brand made his way back up her neck, kissing her jaw line as Brock devoured her mouth. Brand's arm tightened around her back, holding her in place, still pressed against his leg. She pulled back, the men moved to kiss each other again. Ronnie touched them both, kissing their necks and jaws, temples. She was pulsating with pleasure. It was intense.

A twisting looping of emotions ricocheted around them. Ronnie had never experienced anything like this before- the sheer purity of desire.


Copyright © 2024 Eve Bell

All rights reserved. Any attempts to steal my work will be met with legal action.

Mature content. Contains detailed s*x scenes, including same s*x and polyamory relations. Some chapters contain reference or flashbacks to scenes of assault and self harm.

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1 | When he met her
The hotel bar had been surprisingly busy for a midweek night. There had only been a few spare tables when Brand had arrived a couple of hours prior. It hadn’t felt right to take a table all to himself, so he had sat at the bar. He finished off another drink. He had lost count of how many he’d had. It was nearing midnight, and he felt more than tipsy, so it had to be a lot. The bar seemed as good as anywhere to be - Brock had been snappy all evening since they arrived at the hotel. They had argued about something, Brand wasn’t even sure what it had been about now, and Brock had stormed out angrily. Brand had come here not wanting to be in their suite when Brock returned. He was used to Brock's moods by now, but it didn’t mean he was happy to be at the receiving end of it all the time. He saw someone slip into the seat next to him at the bar in his peripheral. He glanced over, straightening his spine despite himself. “I assume this seat is not taken,” a statement not a question. A woman smiled at him as she settled in, not waiting for a response, slinging her bag along the back of the barstool and hooking a foot on the rung, crossing her legs. She was tall and slight, wearing a low cut red dress - it was in a soft fabric, more akin to a workout fabric. It was scrunched along the seams at her sides hugging her small waist and curvy hips - criminally short. The top of her breasts peeking out of the low neckline. Her hair was a contrasting red - her lip color matching the warm red of her dress. The bartender almost tripped over himself heading towards her to take her order. “What can I get for you?” She didn’t even look at him. She searched Brand's face, licking her lips, her eyes narrowing slightly. “You buying?” He shifted, feeling hot and tight in the crotch all of a sudden. “Sure," he answered without thinking. She bit her lip, transfixing his gaze. “Old fashioned and make it a double,” she had a laugh in her voice. She glanced at Brand's own empty glass, a question in her eye. “I’ll get the same again,” he told the bartender. “A double too,” she grinned, still facing only him. “Who says it wasn’t already?” She laughed, “I think we might be having similar nights.” Brand saw the bartender slink away to make their drinks - obviously disappointed in her ignoring him. It had been a long time since anyone hit on him. Assuming this is what was happening. He guessed this could be a job for her. She gave a very free and easy vibe. It was very possible she was just looking for company. He was happy to see which one it’d be. His ego hoped it was the latter. “You staying here at the hotel?” She asked casually. When Brand hesitated, not really knowing where she was going with this, she reached down to scratch her ankle. She tipped deliberately at the waist. She was wearing sandals with twisting leather straps up her ankles stopping just below halfway up her calf. The angle of her dip gave him a better view of her cleavage. “Yeah,” he breathed out, tilting his head, unable to take his eyes off of her. She sat up, hooking her leg around the leg of the stool and scooted closer to him. She flipped her hair where it had fallen forward back over her shoulder. The movement whipped her hair in the now smaller space between them, and he inhaled - her scent hit him fully. He tensed, a sense of déjà vu rolling over him. He opened his mouth to say something else, but her eyes met his and any word he might have uttered died in his throat. His eyes looked at her lips again. He needed her tongue. The thought and need almost shot him out of his chair. Only one other time had he felt this… it wasn’t possible. The bartender dropped their drinks in front of them. The man had a scowl on his face as he took in these two attractive people making eyes at each other. The woman picked up her drink and waved the bartender away. Brand couldn’t help the shocked look of humour on his face as the bartender shuffled away to the other end of the bar. Brand found his voice, “That wasn't very nice.” No sooner had he said it, he heard the nasty things the bartender was mumbling under his breath and wanted to take back his words. The woman gave him a brilliant smile, not hearing the quietly spoken words. “Trust me. A lady knows these things. That man doesn’t deserve anyone's time or pity.” “And I do?” Brand asked with a cocky grin coming onto his face. She flicked her hair - pushing it back from her face. “Most definitely.” She smiled warmly. “And what am I getting? Time or pity?” Brand's eyes followed the movement of her hair. It was not a natural colour. He looked at it more closely. It looked like a glamour. Was she a witch? Her laughter hit him. “You can have whatever you want.” She leaned towards him. He examined her as she reached over, picking up his drink and taking a sip. She did it so unabashedly. He watched those lips push against the rim of the glass. She placed the glass into his hand. He twirled the glass so he drank it from where she had. Part of him wanted to clear his head. The alcohol had created quite the fog. The other, bigger part - the one that was winning - had no thoughts. Just her. They didn’t take their eyes off of each other. She downed the rest of her drink and then stepped out of her chair and picked up her bag. Brand didn’t think. He just acted. He threw his drink back, placing his hand on the small of her back and led her through the hotel to the back elevator - it was the only one that went up to his floor. He should have thought. Just taken a moment. ~*~

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