6 | Taking it slow

1545 Words
Brand teased Ronnie with his mouth, through the soaked fabric of her underwear. Brock pushed the skimpy material of her bralette to the side, freeing a n****e, only to capture it between his teeth. He moved his hand to the back of Brand's head. "So perfect." Brand mumbled, pushing the fabric to the side, slipping his tongue inside her as his fingers explored her folds. Ronnie let the men take control. The heat of Brock's mouth as it trailed across her breast setting a fire where Brand's mouth worked against her. The build up was quick, her body already buzzing with all three of their combined feelings of arousal. She came quickly. She sighed deeply, pulling Brand up and swapping places with him. "I think this is a very good speed," she exhaled, swiftly undoing his belt and whipping it out. He sat up, expectantly. Brock reached over and started to unbutton his shirt. Brand watched him with interest, loving seeing this new side of him. Ronnie stroked him through his pants. She drew her mouth hard against him. The fabric added to the delicious friction as she grazed her teeth along his length. He watched her free him. She didn't touch him, stealing a moment to take him in visually. She helped him remove his pants - taking every opportunity to brush herself against him. Teasing. Brock finished removing his shirt. She shifted over to Brock, settling him down next to Brand. She performed the same movements, like a precise dance. Brand returned the favour and relinquished Brock of his shirt. Ronnie rocked on her knees, looking up at them. Their complete nakedness skyrocketed her arousal, the men seeming to react to her peaked desire. She first touched her fingers to her lips before lowering her hand in-between her breasts. "Who first?" Without waiting for a response, she walked on her knees towards Brock. His need was great. It made her swoon. "Will you come join me?" She asked Brand. He shook his head although he wanted nothing more. She frowned but worked on Brock solo. Her moans intermingled with Brock's as she worked his impressive thickness with her mouth and hands. She made eye contact with Brand, occasionally tracking her gaze to Brock, enjoying his grunts and moans. Brand took the scene in. One of Brock's hands was hovering just behind her head, like he was scared to touch her. His other hand reached out to Brand, touching him across his chest, his thigh exploring but avoiding his manhood. They had shared before. Early on, it had been a fairly common occurrence. Brand couldn't compare any of those times to this. In those he had felt keen jealousy, with Brock's attention on someone else. Here he didn't feel excluded. He felt no jealousy watching the two of them together. Brock came- Ronnie continuing to draw him into her mouth until there was nothing left. Ronnie kissed his lower torso, making her way up to his mouth. "Oh Goddess," he breathed into her mouth. "That… I…" She chuckled into his kiss. "I got you big boy." She accepted his embrace. His breathing was slowing, getting back under control. She pulled out from him, laying across his lap to grab Brand's erection. "You want me now?" She asked even though it was evident. She didn't need superpowers to know that. Brand relaxed, letting her take him. Brock shifted, wanting something that their position didn't provide. He pulled Ronnie's body up, Brand's c**k popping out of her mouth. They both made a noise of desperation, Ronnie grasping him with both hands as Brock moved her so he could get his face into her core. His tongue probed her, a growl emitting from him as he buried his face into her. "Oh my…" she gasped, cooing as her body arched. She greedily gobbled Brand up again. Her renewed fervor elicited a loud moan from him. "Fuck." His hands found her hair. Not pushing her - letting her bobbing move his hands with her. He took one hand and clasped her n****e. Rubbing it between his fingers. Her breathing became pitched and her strokes on him became erratic. He watched her body move on Brock's face. The building up of pressure within her was apparent. She pushed his complete length into her mouth. They came together. She bucked and pushed herself back into Brock - who gave an appreciative noise as he let her ride her wave on him. Brand pushed her hair back from her face, starting lovingly before pulling her into his arms with Brock wedged next to them. "Well, so much for taking it slow," he mumbled. She gave a throaty laugh into his chest. "I thought that was taking it slow…" They curled up and settled into a comfortable silence. Ronnie was enjoying the sense of calm. It was refreshing after the storm of their desire. Though that had been something else. After experiencing the two men one after the other, she wanted more than just fantastic head - and it had been fantastic. She could still feel their silken skin on her lips. They were both very skilled in their own right. She started to stir, assessing accurately that they were almost good to go again the same as her. Would that be a mistake? If they thought she was their mate, what would they want from her after this night. “s**t,” Brock exclaimed, “Brand, we need to make those phone calls.” Brand groaned - trust Brock to remember duty at a time like this. Brock looked a little uncomfortable. "We'll be a while," he informed Ronnie. "Should I go?" She asked. She didn't feel like they wanted her to leave. She had no clue where she would go if they did say yes. "You can stay in my room," Brock quickly offered. Brand looked questioningly at him. Was Brock locking him out? He couldn't help the thought. Ronnie c****d her head and frowned. He wanted to kiss that frown away. "I'll take the couch," Brock clarified. "Well then. I'll head to bed and leave you to your business. See you in the morning..?" Her voice trailed off as she untangled herself, a bit of relief washing over her. Maybe this was for the best. She gracefully scooped up her clothes and her bag, giving them both a flirty glance over her shoulder. "This one?" She pointed to the room Brock emerged from that morning. "Ronnie." Brock stopped her. "We'll talk more in the morning". She just nodded as she closed the door behind her. Her absence left a hole. ~*~ "That was amazing." Brock spoke up first. He was watching Brand closely. "Yeah. She's something else…" Brand pushed himself from the couch, comfortable in his nudity. He saw Brock check him out. That wasn't new. Brock always appreciated him. But he had been very liberal with the kisses and physical contact tonight. Brock nodded, pulling himself from the couch. He grabbed a robe from Brand's bathroom, not as comfortable nude as his Werecat mate, and they settled at the small dining table. Brock made the calls, giving updates to his father first and then their contact for the Wolves. They omitted the prisoner release request from the update to the Wolves. Not worth planting that seed. The discussion with Brock's father centered around how they should move Kainon from the Wolf Kingdom - it was too much of a coincidence that such a political incident happened with the Wolves at the center, when they were the ones that captured and were holding Kainon. The timing of any move needed to be right not to arouse suspicion and also done without the risk of a jailbreak. Once they were done, they sat back. Both lost in their own thoughts. "You don't have to sleep on the couch, you can sleep in my room," Brand offered, not expecting, but hoping, Brock would accept. He hated the way his voice hitched when he was trying to sound casual. Brock looked sad. Brand couldn't guess what he was thinking and didn't ask, but Brock stood up and headed to Brand's room. They both hesitated, looking at the door to the room Ronnie was in, but neither of them suggested seeing if she was still awake. They didn't shower, opting to keep Ronnie's smell on them and climbed onto Brand's bed. Brock disrobing before sliding under the covers. Brand felt excitement as his male mate slid under the covers with him. He didn't even mind the idea that they may not touch, just occupying such a small space with him fed his need for Brock. After a few moments, Brock reached out for him, pulling him into his chest and spooning around behind him. Brand caught his emotion in his throat, fighting not to sob with the relief he felt. Brock sighed, breathing in his mate's scent. Ronnie's scent was also still on his own face, mixing with Brand's and bringing the man a level of contentment he had never allowed himself before. His breath tickled the back of Brand's neck. The two men fell asleep, feeling more complete than the two of them had experienced in their lives together so far. ~*~
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