2: Bed of Thorns

1050 Words
Ynna's brows met as she walked into their office, which was already covered in pink wallpaper. Her demeanor darkened as she walked to her cubicle. She was even more surprised and shocked by the number of books on her desk. She took one out of the stack and read the title. "Spring has come for me. What nonsense is this?" she exclaimed. "You're going to read that," one of her colleagues stated. "Why am I going to read this?" she wondered. "It's for the sake of inspiration." She shook her head in disbelief as she sat in front of her desk. She dropped it aside and switched on her computer. But an hour later, she was still unable to write. She took a deep breath and massaged her temples. Then she took a glance at the book, hesitating at first, until she picked it up again. She flipped through the book's pages. She leaned back in her chair, trying to imagine what was going on in the novel, but she couldn't even feel the excitement of the book's protagonists meeting, as if they were fated to meet. Oh well, she considers fate to be a ridiculous belief. She stopped when she sensed her colleague leaning in to read the book with her. She gave her colleague a bored look before handing her the book. She smirked when she saw her colleague was giddy and excited while reading the book. "Ynna, you didn't come here to sit." Her boss warned her while passing by her cubicle. "Ma'am, I'm putting my thoughts together." This was an obvious lie from her. "Idea? Yet, your paper remains blank. " She pursed her lips and pretended to read a book. But she also gave her boss a defeated look after several seconds. Her boss's gaze was fixated on her as she said, "Ma'am, I don't know how to begin." "So you're telling me now that you're not going to do it because you don't know how to start. Has that ever been a writer's mindset?" She remained silent as her boss's steely gaze turned to her colleagues. "Ma'am, I'm just explaining that writing a romance novel doesn't make sense when I'm writing a horror story." She explained because she just couldn't accept what she was being asked to do, no matter how much she absorbed it. "You're wrong, it's reasonable," her boss stated emphatically. "Ynna, you're a writer, and you're bound to come up with all sorts of stories. Your readers buy your books to learn more about the world, to be entertained, and to discover different feelings. And as a writer, you must, at the very least, provide something new. Am I right? "she looked away. " Why not challenge yourself and see what happens instead of saying that you can't? Keep in mind that authors write based on their readers' preferences and satisfaction." She heard her boss sigh. "I'd like to meet Ynna, who appeared in front of me for the first time and was desperate to publish her own book." She shifted her gaze back to her boss, who was already heading back to her own office. She looked at the books on her desk as she shook her head in disapproval. She took her rucksack and slung it over her shoulder. And she walked towards the door. "Ynna, where are you going?" Her colleagues called to her. "I quit." she answered plainly and left their office. She laughed bitterly in the air as she stared up at the sky. After she decided to pursue a career as a writer, only now can she watch the sun set again. She's either writing in a dark corner of their workplace or in her own room, where not even a ray of light can get through her shut curtains. She needed somewhere isolated, chilly, and dark to begin her novel. And that was her world for four years. And now, she needs to write a world that is totally the opposite of what she used to create. She admits that she is too pessimistic about the idea of creating a romance novel, but it is actually harsh on her. It's not easy for her to shade a light on her dark paper. Her face turned sour as she passed a couple that were busy with their public display of affection. She knew that while each person's love story is different, they all have the same beginning and ending.People in love will feel as if they are lying on a bed of roses at first, but they will eventually learn that they are lying on a bed of thorns. That's what she affirmed. Though she can't feel it anymore, she can still remember the moment when she felt the bloom of love, yet it turned out that it would ruin her in the end. Truth slapped her hard, and pain crashed through her heart. She looked up bitterly at the city's tallest building as she rushed past it. Rex Heraino Ferron, the newly appointed president of the Global Alpha Ferron Investment Group, inherited the building. He's already a billionaire at the age of thirty. Unrealistically, he has no problems as he owns a house, a luxurious car, and he has people to do things for him. But realistically, he's still normal since he's been getting problematic lately because he can't communicate well with his administrative staff. And he only got annoyed when he entered their floor, since some looked gloomy, and others were distracted by their cell phones. He hated it since it was not productive for them. "I don't want them as my staff. Hire new ones." He ordered his secretary. "Sir, you've barely been president for two months, and you want to fire your staff. It will undoubtedly be a contentious issue with your board of directors. " He can only be fortunate that his secretary is competent. "Exactly. Two months have passed, but we haven't accomplished any projects yet." "Please understand them Sir, because they are still adjusting to you. Especially when you're only picking out their flaws. " His secretary replied once again. "I'm adjusting to their working habits as well. They even appear tired in the morning. How is that possible?" He was given a stern look by his secretary.
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