1: Bittersweet

1090 Words
Ynna slammed the beer mug against the table after taking a drink. After work, she immediately went to the bar she frequented. "Ynna!" she turned to the person who had called her. She soon waved her hand when she recognized it was her best friend. Her friend rushed up to her and began checking her right away. "You've had two beers already. You didn't even bother to wait for me. " Her friend joined her on the stool and ordered a beer as well. "You don't appear to be celebrating based on your facial expressions. So most likely, you had a bad day, "her friend spoke up. "I need to change my genre because no one buys my novels anymore. I write horror stories, but my boss wants me to switch to romance. " She expressed her dissatisfaction by revealing her issue with her boss. "And you know what's worse, she's giving me two months to write a manuscript or I'll lose my slot with our publisher." She tightened her grip on her mug of beer at the thought of it. "I'm not taking Miss Leiz's reasoning, but she's telling the truth." Her friend defended her boss, so she gave her a cold stare. "What's true about what she said?" she arched her brow. "The fact that only a few people read that type of book. Nowadays, everyone is into romance. " It made her scowl even more what she heard from her friend. "Romance, my foot." she taunted as she downed liquor. "You know, love is a bittersweet feeling, so everyone is getting crazy about it." Her friend stated that it caused her to burst out laughing. "Yeah, I agree, it destroys lives." she said, shaking her head. "Ynna, we have our own love story, so don't weigh it by just basing it on your own experience." She stared at her friend, but she eventually averted her gaze. "I know, but you shouldn't deny the fact that love gives us false hope. An ounce of sweet and one-liter of bitter feelings. "She mumbled. "That's because you mistook love as a feeling that grants your hopes and your expectations," her friend reasoned out. "And that's why I don't want to be a romance author. I might end up like you, too fanatical about love, "she remarked. "You're just bitter and resentful of love. Anyway, are you quitting your job now because you don't want to write one? " Her friend posed a hard question, which caused her to puff. "It's up to the world what happens in my life. I don't give a damn, now." she grumbled as she lifted the beer mug to her mouth yet again. "Come on, Ynna. Try it, I'll help you", her friend insisted, but she flatly refused. "I'll never be able to write a romance novel. Horror is already my romance and love is already my horror." "You think that way because you're still in pain. You know, it's past time to heal your scarred heart." Her friend mentioned it, to which she coldly grinned. "I want to but I can't since my heart has been frozen for a long time. It still beats, but it no longer flutters. It has lost all interest in sparks, excitement, and romantic feelings." "Give it a shot before you say it's impossible. Go on a blind date or I'll set you up with someone. It will not only help you heal your heart, but it will also inspire you to write romantic books. " She shook her head, flatly rejecting her friend's idea. "Just say you don't want to do it." Her friend is already irritated, but she does not respond. "Believe me, you only need to experience it and you'll eventually find yourself penning a heart-fluttering novel." Yet her friend urged it again. She took a long gaze at her friend before taking a deep breath. "All right, let's just say I'll try, but I don't want to use a man for my self-interest-" "Then how about you hiring a boyfriend? Tell him he's just going to be your experimental subject for your novel." Her friend's idea caused her eyes to widen. "Aesha, are you already drowned by alcohol, or? are you just crazy? Experimental subject! Are you serious ?!" she said to her friend in horror. "Then choose to give up your career or hire an experimental subject?" She couldn't give a proper answer, so she drank herself to bed. Her eyes flew open when her phone started ringing loudly, which woke her. She sluggishly reached for it from her bedside table. "Is this your direct response to what I said the other day?"She exhaled deeply when she heard her boss's voice after she took the call. "Boss, what are you talking about?"her eyelids fluttered as she yawned. "Show up to our office and begin working on your manuscript." Her boss ordered, and she abruptly hung up. She put her phone down and closed her eyes once more. However, she opened her eyes and got up- "Aw." She moaned and grabbed her head as she felt it throbbing with a prickling ache. She jumped from her bed and dashed to the bathroom to cool her head. After getting dressed, she went out of her room and immediately noticed her father was busy repairing her brother's room. 'Dad, hasn't Sio come home yet?'She asked. "Not yet," her father replied shortly. "Why?" "He hasn't yet passed all of his requirements to his professors, so he'll probably stay in their dorm for another day." Oh right, she almost forgot that the end of each semester is a season of overdue requirements that a college student must accomplish before taking the semester break. "Dad, I'm heading out to work." "Wait a minute, I made soup for you." Her father exited the room and went directly to their kitchen. Her gaze was diverted to one of her father's legs, which was limp. As the years passed by after the so-called bittersweet moment in her life, she finally realized she was an awful daughter who naively received the prize of her father's limp leg. "This will help you with your hangover." her father turned to her. "Thanks, Dad." she smiled, and she walked towards the table. She finished the soup immediately and rinsed the bowl before preparing to leave their home. She was already on their doorstep when her father called her. "Ynna, aren't you still dating someone?" "I don't have time, Dad," she quickly replied and headed on her way.
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