3: No Need To Pay

1063 Words
"Sir, you have no idea what ordinary employees go through. We have to get up at five a.m. to make our own breakfast, and we'll have to rush to the bathroom, especially if there are a lot of people in the family, and then there's also a traffic jam on the road to work. " Rex's secretary explains it as if it's a crash course that he must dutifully understand. "Are you mad at me?" His gaze was drawn to his secretary. "Don't get me wrong, Sir. I'm only letting you know that you can communicate with them properly. Just give them time to catch their breath. " His secretary hinted. "Then how will you explain to me the other staff, who are acting as if the world has come crashing down on them?" "Sir, your employees are experiencing problems when it comes to finances and family. Even if we say not to bring the problem to work, it is inevitable. Although we can't communicate with them properly, they may nevertheless carry out their tasks here. " He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "All right, I'll let this one slide. But get rid of those interns who are always holding their phones. They can't focus on work." he said, and his eyes shifted to the documents on his desk. "Please, Sir, put this matter aside. They are your future regular employees, and firing them right now would be terrible. Sir, don't worry, I'll talk with them. " His focus was directed back to his secretary. "Sir, people can't stay off their cellphones if they are in a relationship, especially in the first month,"his secretary further explained. He massaged his temples. "Is it really so difficult for them to balance their work and personal life?" He muttered exasperatedly. "It's difficult, sir, especially when life throws you curveballs. Sir, I understand how tough it is to understand their circumstances. It's just that I'm hoping you'll be patient with them." He looked intently at his secretary. "Do you think I don't have any issues in life?" "How can you have a problem when you're a clever, handsome man with a black card who comes from a well-respected family?" In spite of this, he scowled at his secretary, who was still mumbling to himself. "My staff is my problem," he responded proudly. "Wow, sir, that's a life-changing problem." His secretary pronounced it sarcastically. Dejectedly, he tossed the paper. "Alright, find me a problem." His secretary immediately gave him a blank stare. "All I'm asking is for you to be patient, sir-" "Find a problem of mine, and I will show you all that it's easy to balance work and personal life. That is my command for you today. " He still orders. "Are you okay sir? You can't find a problem, it just comes into your life without notice. " "You started this, Enzo, so, whatever way, you'll need to get me a problem." He said firmly. He remained steely even when his secretary whined in front of him. "Sir, how can I find a problem for you if you're financially secure, you're happy in your daily life, with your family, friends, and love life—" his secretary paused. "Do you have a wife, sir?" "How can I have a wife when I can't even have a girlfriend?" His secretary clapped his hand, as if he had already got it. "This one sir, you're going to have a lot of trouble here." "What do you mean?" He asked. "Sir, you have to have a love life if you want to have problems." "You mean, I need a woman,"he said, glancing at the drawer. His secretary tilted his head to the side. "Need, that's not how we put it, but because it's you sir, okay, agree." He thought about it for a moment before he decided. He nodded, "Then, get me a woman." Meanwhile, Ynna sat in front of the humble convenience store in the city, as if the world was on her shoulders. She declared her intention to quit, but the fact is that she was unable to do so. She took a deep breath, and she tilted her head to the side when she heard the man at the next table doing the same as her. "At least, I'm not the only one having a bad day," the man said, which she overheard. She chuckled and nodded at him. She noticed the man shook his head afterwards. "Now I see why some say it's better to start your own business than to work for someone else." "That's really true, especially if your boss asks you to do something extremely difficult but you have to do it anyhow."she expressed similar sentiments. "I absolutely agree. To be honest, I have no idea what kind of mind my boss has. He wants me to find him a woman. Yes, it wouldn't be difficult because he's attractive and wealthy, but his intention is unacceptable. Which woman will accept this? " The man turned to face her and told her everything. "He makes his order as if I could buy it from a convenience store, mall, or department store." He continued to her. "Your boss is crazy," she remarked. "I can't deny that." "In my case, my boss wants me to write a romance novel, but I only write horror stories. I can't do that."She also shared her concern--- "You can learn to write a romance novel since you're a writer. All you need to do is to mend your broken heart and be inspired by love again."she looked in front of her and immediately saw her friend walking towards her, holding two bottles of liquor. "That's easy to say. But which man will accept my situation? Do you think there is a man who will accept it if I say I need him because I need to write a romance novel? " She now shifted her focus to her friend. "I told you, hire. You know, if you have money, your situation will definitely be accepted. " Her lips gaped at what she heard from her friend. "You mean I'll pay just to get a boyfriend?" "Of course, nothing's free now-" "No! It's okay not to pay. " She was surprised when the man at the other table jolted up from his seat and walked towards her.
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