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Prince Leroy   I had to squint my eyes to be able to read the document on my computer screen. We had a request from a neighboring community that needed urgent attention but whosoever sent the request had to be a novice because the file was sent as jpeg instead of pdf. It made the job a little more difficult but I was gradually wrapping it up. I had to wake up earlier than usual to get it done and just like I expected, I didn’t get my coffee that morning. It’s either Zelda is too stubborn headed or she must have slept through it. I suspect the former. I can’t seem to get my fingers around it but my instincts tell me something is not right. I saw her up close yesterday. Her fingers did not look like they had done a lot of scrubbing and there was just something about the way she carried herself. Elegance is the word. I look at her and I do not see a servant girl. I needed more information about her and I had to get it without looking like a freak. Apparently, I wasn’t going to get anything from her directly and something tells me that she would not want me inquiring about her background. One thing I must confess is that Zelda is the most beautiful lady I have ever set my eyes on. A man like me has definitely met a lot of girls but she was just different. That poise and confidence was top notch. She looks better than any princess I have ever set my eyes on. Her shiny blonde hair fell down in curls all the way to her waist and she has the most amazing pair of gray eyes.  She could pass for a model and if she wasn’t serving in Auradon, I would never see her and believe she is just a servant. Truth is, I hated seeing her clean. Yesterday, seeing her on her knees scrubbing the floors had done a lot of things to me. It looked awkward.  She belonged to me and she deserves so much more. I flung the papers I was holding on my desk. I couldn’t think straight. Hell, I haven’t done anything right since I set my eyes on her. All of a sudden, no other woman was appealing to me. I want no one but her. My wolf is definitely mad at me. He has refused to speak to me if I do not claim our mate but these things are not easy. The union has already been made public for a long time, I mean Kimberly was betrothed to me just a few months after she was born. Dakarai and Auradon were not always best of friends but when King Siegel offered his daughter as a form of peace between the two kingdoms, my father had willingly obliged, because he had his own plans. Auradon was not always this powerful, we have had to do a lot of things to get here and I know the length my father is willing to go to make this union work. He tells me every now and then about how he had rejected his own mate to be with his betrothed (my mum) and that has been one of the best decisions he ever made. Even though my mum is late now, he still loves her and she had given him his five most priceless jewels.  I would get Henry to finish up this work, I thought as I got to my feet. I had another meeting in a few hours and I needed to get my head together for it. I was doing most of the work in Auradon now but since my dad is still king and alpha, I still needed his signature and confirmations on a lot of things. Zelda did not report for her daily duties as she was told and I was worried. I should be mad at her for disobeying me but here I was, worried that she may be under the weather or something might have happened to her.  I took the elevator downstairs to the third floor. I should find Henry there. I could have placed a call through and sent the file to his mail but I haven’t seen him since the party and we needed to talk. Henry does not stay in the royal castle for reasons I do not know. His parents are nobles and he would be my beta and right hand man when I assume the throne but he is mostly in the castle. He is pretty close to the family and knows all our family secrets. “Hey bro, ” I heard Wesley’s voice when I came out of the elevator. He looked like he was in a hurry to get somewhere but I wasn’t really surprised. He and Sterling are always up to one mischief or the other. Being the last sons of the DiCaprio’s, they had little or no responsibilities on their shoulders. Wesley is going on nineteen. “Wes, why the hurry?” I raised a brow. “I’ll tell you about it later, ” he says in his best accent “I have to meet up with grace, ” he winks and hurries away. Grace is Wesley’s girlfriend. I’ve never seen her, I have absolutely no idea what she looks like but Wesley is always blabbing on and on about her. I shook my head and just as I passed by Lorde’s suite, I felt my blood grow cold. I stopped in my tracks and walked closer to his office. I could perceive a familiar scent and Boris that has been in hiding was almost going crazy. Then I heard her laugh, she sounded happy. Without thinking, I walked over to Lorde’s office where the sound was coming from, and yanked the door forcefully open. Lorde was sitting at the edge of his desk, his two hands resting against the hardwood while my mate stood a few meters away from him, laughing at whatever he said. The smile flew off her face immediately she saw me. I was boiling with so much rage. “You’re going to remove that door from it’s hinges, ” Lorde nodded at my knuckles that were still clasped so tightly on the door knob. I didn't smile. What could Lorde possibly be telling her that made her laugh so loud and what was her excuse for not showing up to my suite today? Does she prefer to be with Lorde? Did she hate me already?  “What is going on here?” I tried to sound calm but I failed. There was no way I could hide the anger in my voice. I was mad. I was pained.  “Calm down, Jeez, ” Lorde raised his left hands in submission. I turned to her and she looked at me with her innocent eyes, almost as if she was hiding a smile and I felt like just taking her in my arms, and letting everyone know she is mine, especially Lorde. I don’t think I’m comfortable seeing them together and she must know this. Damn, Lorde knows it. She is my freaking mate. Mine. No one comes close to what’s mine. I took two giant strides to Lorde “stay away from what’s mine,” I warned in my alpha voice and I saw him swallow deeply before slowly nodding his head. I was being too extra I know but if it was someone else, his head would be on the ground now. She was obviously enjoying the show. “Upstairs, ” I ordered her but she just stood there, starting at me like she didn’t understand what I just said. “Upstairs! Now!” I said with more force. “Okay, okay, ” she shrugged and casually walked out. I stared at her till I could no longer see her slender frame. She does have some balls. How was she not the least fazed by my authority? She sure had a way of driving me crazy. “I promise you it was just a friendly conversation. She’s a smart girl you know, ” Lorde brought my attention back to him. “She’s mine Lorde, ” I reminded him. “Chill alright, I know that already. Just calm down, ” I didn’t listen, instead I walked out and headed straight to my suite. She pretended to be arranging a few things when I got there, totally acting like she did not hear me come in. “What the hell are you doing?” I grabbed her hands but she yanked them free. “What do you mean? I’m trying to put this place in order, “ she said harshly and goes back to working on the table. “You know what I mean. What were you doing with Lorde?” She turned back to me “well prince Lorde is sweet to me and I like him, ” she says. I lost it there.  “What do you mean sweet?” I have never felt so jealous in my life.  “I owe you no explanation Leroy, ” She called my name so casually but I like it. “Of course you owe me an explanation. You owe me all the explanation in the world for that matter, ” I didn’t realize I was going close to her and she kept on taking several steps back till she was backed up against the wall. I could hear her breathing hard now. Looks like I was gaining the upper hand “You are mine Zelda, mine and mine alone, ” I thundered. She didn’t say a word, she just held my eyes and I notice her flushed cheeks. She liked what she did to me, I obviously look like a jealous wreck. Jeez I feel like such a jerk right now. How can one woman affect me so much? I should be protecting her, not scaring her away. Lorde was right, I needed to loosen up a bit. I was probably too uptight. Looking into her eyes was probably not a good idea because now I was lost in them. I wanted her so bad and I wanted her now. It was taking everything in me to keep my hands off her. She swallowed hard. Sparks were flying everywhere, we didn’t need to say any words. “Mate, ” I didn’t know when that slipped from my lips. I wanted to run my hands through her soft hair, I just needed body contact, I want to know what she feels like. I was standing so close to her, my hard breath fanning against her face. Just standing there was already making my shaft rise. I reached out and gently traced her jawline with my fingers. She trembled with my touch. Slowly, I start to trace the corners of her lips as they quivered. Her cheeks were flushed red and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. She didn’t resist or draw back. It was my turn to smirk now. She looked like her knees were going to give way any minute. Gosh, the things I wanted to do to her. I have not wanted any woman or anything the way I wanted her. The electric jolts that traveled up by arms were driving me crazy. Heck, she was driving me crazy.  I liked that my closeness to her affected her that much. I was a strong man. I’ve fought in so many battles and came out victorious, I’ve killed hundreds of rogues with my bare hands but this one lady here made me feel weak. I would give anything to feel those lips against mine. I want to tell the whole world she is mine so everyone knows she is off limits. I want every inch of her. I’d kill anyone that comes close to her… “What is going on here?” someone shrieked from the door. We turned simultaneously to see Kimberly, mouth agape, staring at us with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. I have never been so annoyed to see her like I was now.  
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