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Third Person’s POV   “What do we do?” The woman asked her companion. She seemed to be bothered about something but her lover wasn’t the least worried. “What do you mean what do we do? You sound like you are hiding something from me. Is there anything you want me to know?” he asked. There were many things she wanted to tell him and sometimes she got really scared. Scared about how he would react and scared because she had a lot up her sleeves too. She knew he loved her and she tried to convince herself that she loved him too but many times, she doubted it.            Yes, she found him attractive and his arrogance was definitely a turn on for her but she would betray him eventually, because she had to do it. “I’m not hiding anything from you darling,” She snuggled closer to him and inhaled his sweet scent. He would believe anything she tells him, because he was madly in love with her. The first time they met, they were still teenagers. They had fallen in love, or rather she had been the one in love with him. She thought he loved her back until she stumbled on a conversation between him and his younger brother. “She’s a dragon in bed. I love that about her. I can’t marry her of course because I owe my duty to my kingdom and I must fulfill my part of the bargain. I’m not a lover boy, that’s the major reason I rejected my mate. I don’t ever want to be in love, I want power. Imagine how strong I would be if I have the power of all seven kingdoms? That has been my dream and no woman is going to make me a fool for her,” he had told his brother. That day, the lady had been a mess. She was just a s*x toy but she decided to beat him to his games rather than curl up in a corner and cry. She had to make him fall for her, even if it would take a spell. Many years later, she was still gracing his bed and she enjoyed every minute of it. “Are we ever going to get married?” She turned her head to face him. He doesn’t respond but instead, starts to rise from the bed. “I should get going now. I have a lot of work to do. The kinsmen arrive today and –“ “Answer me,” She demanded from him, sitting upright and using the bedsheets to cover her breasts. He sighed “These things take time woman,” he snapped. Her eyes widened “what do you mean these things take time? I have given myself to you year in and year out, you promised we were going to be man and wife before the year runs out and as the days go by, you bring up one silly excuse after another. Am I missing something?” Tears were gathering in her eyes. She promised herself not to love this man so much, time and time again she reminded herself that she was only playing a game with him but it was so damn hard not to love him.  “You know I love you,” he reached out to wipe her tears but she shoved his hands away from her face. “I have loved you since we were just kids and I want a lot for us, but you have to give this a little more time. We must not blow this now hence it would ruin the whole plan. The real king would not assume the throne if we mess this up,”  He managed to get her with that and she cleaned the tears from her eyes. Many times she tried to give excuses as to why he had that conversation with his brother. She tried to justify his words but she shouldn’t be so affected seeing that she was going to be the winner in the end. She was the real deceiver. She was the one he had to be weary of, she was the one using him in all sense of it, but he didn’t know that, at least not yet. She would deal with whatever consequences when he finally finds out the truth. “Come here,” he pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. “Don’t let anybody get in your head okay? I know how I feel about you and very soon we are going to make it official,I promise,”  She sighed and shook her head. He starts to dress up, ready to leave and she begins to feel lonely again. She didn’t bother to get up from the bed, she just watched him wear his clothes and walk away, then she laid back on the bed and closed her eyes. She could use some rest. She reached for her phone and set her alarm for an hour, then she closed her eyes and allowed sleep envelop her. *** Back in Atlantis, Princess Avery and Princess Phoebe sure missed their sister. It has been two weeks since she left and their mum, Queen Calista was still so mad, she did not want to hear from Zelda. Since she left, they have only spoken to her two or three times and in that time she assured them she was okay.  The queen loved her girls so much which is why she felt so betrayed that her last child would go behind her back and not just disobey her but also put her and the rest of the family in harms way. She was worried about her daughter no doubt but she was a stubborn woman. After two weeks of convincing their mother to forgive their sister and speak to her, the queen finally gave in. Zelda was her last child and no matter how stubborn she tried to be at times, she was still her sweet little princess and she may think she was doing the right thing going there in disguise but the queen knew Auradon more than any other person.  She picked up her phone that evening and decides to call Zelda after much persuasion from her two elder sisters. “Hello mother,” she heard Zelda’s cold voice. The little she devil sounded all cold when she should be the one angry at her. She had just lost her husband for crying out loud. Why was her child trying to cause her more grief? “You stubborn child,” she hissed “I am angry with you,” “As I am,” she retorted. Zelda knew her mother had a soft spot for her. No matter how many times she ran into trouble, the woman would still have her back. “When are you coming home?” She asked. “ it’s not like you care,”  She snapped. Maybe Zelda had a right to be angry. It’s been two weeks she left the palace and in all that time her mother never bothered. Queen Calista probably knows how much danger her daughter was in but she thought the best approach would be to shut her out? That was not nice at all. “Young lady, you disobeyed me. You think I would be happy about that?”  “Atleast show me any sign that you care, Queen Calista,” Zelda always called her mother that when she was angry with her. “You have no idea what you are playing with and I would not forgive you, or your sisters, if you as much as caused me any pain again,” she snarled. Queen Calista blamed Avery and Phoebe for not holding their younger sister back. She had gone for a business meeting for two days and coming back to find her last child gone was not the news she had wanted to hear. She went as far as sacking the guards on duty that day. What was their job here if they could let something so simple slip their fingers? They owed their deligence to the royal family. “At least I’m doing something to get to the root of my father’s death,” Zelda’s words came out a little too harsh. The Queen sucked in her breath. “You think I don’t want his killers dead too?” She accused. “I’m not saying that mum,” she sighed “look I’m sorry okay. I shouldn’t have left that way but I’m settling in here now. They trust me and I know the day to day activities of the castle,” She paused “Well, at-least most of it and it wouldn’t be long before I get my hands on the evidence I want. I have a tape recorder, I’m going to get a confession from the king of Auradon one way or the other and I’ll bring them to justice. You are going to be proud of me mum. Just trust me on this once,” Zelda finished. The Queen was short of words for a few minutes “Just come back home. Don’t let me have to come down there to get you myself. We both know that would not be good for us,” she hung up the call with that statement. Her two daughters were seated in front of her, apparently they had hoped for a settlement but their mother looked so beat up and even more bothered than she had been before the call. “Mum?” Avery called her mum who seemed to be lost in thoughts. “Just let me be Avery. You are the first born child of your father, why is it so hard for you to take certain decisions when I’m not there? How can you be scared of your own younger sister?” “I’m not scared of her,” Avery defended and jumps to her feet. Even though she is weak and she knows it, Avery did not like to be reminded. “You will be Queen of Atlantis very soon. Is this how you are going to rule?”  “Stop it mother. Maybe if you did not call me weak every opportunity you get I would have been braver than this, maybe if you didn’t make me believe I needed a man before I could ascend the throne I would have taken my responsibilities seriously,” “That’s tradition young lady, not me. Now, leave my presence at once,” the queen thundered. Avery flinched and gave her mother a stare down before storming out of the living room, leaving just Phoebe and the queen. “Go get me Tyrian,” She told Phoebe but Phoebe hesitates before gradually standing up. She rolls her eyes and leaves the parlor. This type of disagreements was not uncommon amongst the Wilkinsons. In as much as they loved each other, there was bound to be disagreements amongst them, especially with their mother. Many times, the girls believed Queen Calista loved her son more than she did them, because they were ladies. Tyrian joins his mother a few minutes later. The striking resemblance between them was just so noticeable. He had her hair color and her chocolate brown eyes. He looked like the male version of her, and in a certain kind of way, he bore the same resemblance with Avery, even though Avery would not accept it. Avery also looked like their mother. While Phoebe and Zelda had taken their father’s blonde hair, Avery had thick black hair, just like their mother and Tyrian. “Are you okay mother?” Tyrian loved his mother and hated to see her in a bad mood. He may not be treated like a Prince here and that was apparently because his father was not the king. “These girls always get on my nerves, ” she responded. “It’s okay mother. You can tell me all about it. You know I would always have your back. You do not have to worry about them,” Queen Calista shot him a stern look. It is true that Tyrian does not relate well with his step sisters but he didn’t have to turn her mind against them. He was in their father’s house, and for as long as he remained here, he had to still be careful with his words.  Tyrian knew it was only a matter of time before he leaves this palace. He had been an underdog for too long, the gossip on the lips of everybody. In due time, he would take his place, and when that time comes, he would make the girls his servants if he had to. A small smile curved his lips at the thought of it.    
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