Chapter 2 Skyla pov

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POV: Skyla I'm at my locker getting my books and putting books into my locker. My first class after home room is algebra. I hate that class. I'm pretty smart but algebra is my enemy. I have a C in that class where as I have A's and B's in the rest of my classes. I mean what is the point in putting letters in math. Just put the number, its not that hard. While I'm at my locker my best friend Morgan walks up to me. Taylor is my dads Beta, Will's daughter. She has two other siblings. Taylor has blonde hair and blue eyes. Shes got legs for days. We're in the same grade. Shes already sixteen. Her birthday was three months ago. She still has yet to find her mate. " Hey girl! Did you hear about Rebecca Edwards getting rejected by her mate?" Taylor gossips about. Taylor lives for gossip." Omg no! Who was her mate?" " Broc Maddison" "isn't he from Blood Moon?" "Oh yeah! He rejected her because our packs are rivals." They tells me really getting into it. "Oh wow! That is so sad. I would never reject my mate. No matter the reason " I tell her. " and get this. He was caught making out with Gwen Danville by Rebecca. " " oh no! What did she do?" " Girl attacked her. And when Gwen went to hit Rebecca back Broc literally threw Gwen into the wall." We continue to gossip until the bell rings for home room. It is sad though because of the rivalry or rift between the Packs Mates are getting rejected. If my mate is from Blood moon I'd never reject him for some silly rivalry. I want my mate. Taylor and I have the same home room so we enter the class room together. Then take our seat in the back next to each other. The late bell rings and the teacher waits five minutes to see if anyone late shows up. The takes the attendance. The students all say here when name is called. Home room only lasts like 20 minutes so its not long before the bell rings for us to go to our next classes. I don't have Taylor in my Algebra class. I do however have my friend, Luke in this class. Hes my GBF which means gay best friend. Yeah Luke is gay. Then there is our other friend, Mia. Shes in the same class as Taylor right now. The bells rings indicating its time to switch classes. Third period is World History. I don't have any friends in that one. I go to my locker and get the stuff I need for History. Then walk to that class. I enter the classroom and sit in my seat in the front row. Nothing exciting happens in this class, its just taking notes. After World history is Lunch. I meet all of my friends at the cafeteria entrance. We all greet each other and enter getting in line for our plates. Now we werewolves do like to eat now. We eat a lot, including the girls. Now yes compared to the girls the boys do eat more but when compared to humans both genders eat a lot. We always have about four to five options everyday. You have the sandwiches option, the hot meal one, salad option, and the pizza option. Most students go for the pizza option. Today I'm going to go with the sandwich option. Today's sandwich is cheese burgers. Now this is just the main dish. I haven't gotten to the sides yet. I get a side of bacon with mine. I'll end up putting it on my burger. Then a basket of fries, a fruit cup, onion rings, a slice of strawberry cheesecake, and a bottle of water. Yummy! After we all get our food we sit at our normal table. Now because of the rivalry my pack sit on the right and Blood Moon sits on the Left with the other 2 packs in the middle. My clique sits at this table along with my friends. Sometimes the populars sit with us too. Taylor is a betas daughter so she already belongs. Along with Taylor, our two other friends, and I Conner, Matt and Zane sit at this table. Conner is taylors older brother, hes 17. Matt and Zane are twin. They're 15 years old. They're Gamma Carlos' sons. Zane and Matt are identical twins which meant they are two people of one soul. They will have the same mate. Meaning one person will be mated to both of them at the same time. I don't know if I could handle that. We all sit at our table eating and chatting when we hear a commotion behind us. I turn around and there is two guys yelling at each other. The two guys are from Fire Storm Pack and Blood moon Pack. A lot of the fight between the two packs im able to breakup before they get out of hand. " Take your eyes off my Mate!" My pack guy yells. The Guy he's fighting with is none other than the future alpha of Blood Moon Pack, Gage Reid. Its not the first time I've had to stop an altercation that involved him. "I'm not f**king looking at your girl. And if I am its me wondering how you can be with an ugly b*tch like that!" Gage yells shoving him. "How dare you insult my MATE!" " FYI I was looking at the girl next to her. I was wondering how good a f*ck she would be and if you mate wants to join thats fine by me" Gage taunts. The other guy punches him in the face. Oh no. Its one thing to punch someone but its another to punch an alpha. I mean Gage deserved it but he's still an alpha who just got his ego bruised. This won't end well. Its time for me to step in. I get up from my chair and walk over to the stomping my feet as I do. When I get to them I push both of the as hard as I could away from each other. "THATS ENOUGH! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" I yell at them angrily. The guy just nods looking away. He walked to his Mate and left the room with her. Gage however is looking for a fight. "Well. Well. Well. Look whos playing hero again. Always getting in the middle of my fights" Gage yells at me. "Yeah! Well your just a d**k who got his ego hurt because you know what you said was wrong" this pissed him even more off. He tightens his fist breathing hard and glaring at me. Hes never hit me before and I make him mad all the time and vise versa. " My ego bruised? Ha. At least my dads not a baby killer" oh no he didn't! " He did not kill that Baby. It was Sids! Not his fault! And you know what your baby sister probably would have turned out to be a sl*t anyway!" I didn't mean that last part. I only said it to hurt him. Playing fire with fire you know. Gage did not like this. He growl and snarls at hearing what I said" you B*tch! You know what?! Who would want a mate with a father who can't keep a baby alive? Your mate will most definitely REJECT You!" He knows I've always wanted and looked forward to finding my mate. He said the one thing that would hurt me in my heart. I take my fist and punch him right in the eye. I'm so mad. Gage doesn't physically fight girls. He will argue and yell but as far as hitting and any violence towards a girl he won't. When I punched him he lets out a roar. Hes so mad he pushes me to the ground. I get up and slap him an kick him in the nuts. He topples to the ground clutching his area. "Miss. Skyla Colton and Gage Reid my office Now!" The principal demands us. I stomp my way to the principal office. In follows principal Jones and Gage. We sit down in a chair each. "I'm going to have to in form your fathers about this." Mr. Jones says. I can feel the blood draining from my face. Gage has gone pale too. This could result into a pack war. Me punching Gage could be seen as an act of war. " Mr. Jones that won't be necessary. Really this won't happen again. I promise." I beg him. He won't listen. He called my dad and Gages. Luckily they separated us and our dads never saw each other except for when they first arrived. Dad is not happy. "Young lady do you have any idea what you could have caused." Dad says sternly. I nod tears welling up in my eyes. " I'm sorry dad" I apologize. I know I've disappointed him. I ended up telling him every detail that happened in the fight between Gage and I and what led up to it. Dad was not happy about Gage mate commet. Gage is the blood moon pack alpha son. The blood moon alphas name is Jacob Reid. Jacob had a son first and the his deceased daughter. Jacob and his Luna and mate have never had another baby again. The Luna grew depressed over this to the point she now just locks herself in her room and doesn't come out. It sad really. My punishment is 3 days detention. Plus NO COFFEE. Now that on got me. These next three days are going to be hell. Well any way after I finish with school I go to the pack house and help my dad out with the Luna stuff. I begin by checking on all the omegas in the pack house. Now in the pack house no one lives there. Its like a town Hall. Its where we gather for pack meetings. I also holds the hight ranking offices. Some omegas work here. They clean and cook here. See at the pack house we serve food there for all meals. Some people can t afford to buy food for their families. Anyone can come eat at the pack house. It has a huge dinning room that can sit hundreds. After done with the omagas. I do a few other Luna thigs.
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