Chapter 3

1080 Words
POV: Skyla Its now the next day and it already sucks. I didn't have my coffee this morning. I swear I will never punch another person again. In case you haven't figured it out yet I'm a coffee addict. I'm in the kitchen drinking orange juice instead. "Good morning sweetheart " dad says coming into the kitchen. Well its not a good morning I thought to myself. How is he so cheery in the morning. Dad grabs a banana and begins to peel and eat it. I refuse to speak to him. No coffee. I mean what kind of punishment is that? Dad finishes eating and throws his trash away. "Are you ready to go?" I just give him a thumbs up. I know I'm awake now and can speak but I'm mad so the silent treatment it is. Dad sighs. We get in the car buckling our seat belts. Dad cranks the car and drives me to school. On our way dad tells me about some Luna things I need to do this week. " So this week we'll have some visitors here from another pack. I need you to set them up a place to stay." " ok. Who is it may I ask?" If it didn't involve the pack I wouldn't be speaking right now. " Alpha Rick and his Beta." He answers. "OK should I set them at our house then since its an alpha? What Pack are they from?" " they can stay with us. They're from the Blue Moon Pack." "Why are they coming here?" Blue moon is two states from us. "We might be getting a treaty with them." So they maybe one of our new allies. Dad pulls up to the school building to let me out. "Oh one more thing no shifting while they're here. Its for your own safety. " I nod at his command. See im a rare kind of wolf. I'm a pure white wolf. That mean I can do somethings most wolves can't. Each white wolf is different. My power is healing. I can heal any wound. There us a downside to it though because of this my fast werewolf healing ability is slower. Almost that of a humans. Werewolf can get sick. We get the flu and colds like everyone else. We just heal from them faster. We can even get cancer and stuff like that. Be born with birth defects even. I however don't have a fast healing ability because I have this power. Some people want to find a white wolf so they can exploit them or use as a weapon. Because of this dad doesn't like to many people to know I'm a white wolf. With the Blue Moons Alpha coming dad doesn't want me to shift so they won't see it. You can never be too careful. I walk in the building to my locker. There Luke and Mia are waiting for me. "Hey guys" I greet. "Girl, tell this b*tch that Jason Momoa is way hotter than Ian somerholder." Luke says dramatically. Always the drama queen this one. " they're both hot." I say reasoning with them. We continue to talk and argue over who is hotter than who until Taylor shows up. We drop our conversation and of course Taylor has more gossip. The warning bell ring for us to go to our classrooms. ********************************************* POV: Jax I'm in a meeting right now listening to Will go on about financials with the Pack. Will can tent to drone on. So I am a bit bored. "Look will lets wrap this up." I say finally having enough. Thankfully he wraps it up in ten minutes. Lucky too because its 2:30, school just ended. I wonder how Skylas day went. Skylas is my daughter. I have to go pick her up from school. I'm all she has. I lost my mate in a Rogue attack when skyla was 8. She was getting pack members into the safety bunker when one killed her. Grace was my Chosen Mate. My parents kinda forced my into it. I wanted my fated but she never came. I still have yet to find her. I had to choose a mate because my pack needed a Luna. Skyla does the job now. When she was 12 she told me she wanted to help out and honor her mom by doing her job. I didn't want her to at first but she insisted. Its got to where now I ask her to do Luna things I need done even though I didn't like it at first. Everyday after school she goes to the packs house and start on Luna stuff. She helps the omegas, mothers of the pack, orphan pups. She plans all the balls, formals, birthdays, celebrations, and get together in the pack. She hosts our guests when they stay. She does a good job. I'm proud of her. Friday is her birthday. She finds her mate. Skylas has never dated anyone. She always just wanted her mate. I'm a bit nervous about that. For her birthday I've allowed her to throw a pary and invite her whole school. This includes the other packs at her school. I've cleared it with the alphas of those packs except for Blood Moon. They can't come. It makes me sad everytime I think about that night. I lost my best friend that day. Friday marks the anniversary of it. Jacob is just so lost in his grief for his lost daughter he can't see past it. He needs someone to blame. He chose me. Anyway I arrive at the school and pick Skyla up. She still has yet to speak to me unless she has to. Shes mad about her coffee. I still had to punish her and grounding has never worked with her so I chose the coffee. Coffee is the way to skylas heart. ********************************************* POV: Rick I know shes there. I can feel it. I've been looking for a pure white wolf for years now and I've finally found one. Three months one of the mates to a pack member in my pack is from Fire Storm Pack. She claims to have seen one of the she wolves shifting into a white wolf. I have a meeting with this packs alpha under the ruse of an alliance. I will find this wolf. I will use her for her powers and become the most powerful pack in the world.
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