Chapter 1 Skyla POV

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Beep..beep...beep Ugh! Time to get up for school. I hit the annoying beeping machine so it will shut up but it doesn't. I do it again. It still doesn't shut up. I pick it up and throw it and it finally stops. In case you can't tell I'm not a morning person. I especially don't do Mondays and guess what day it is. Thats right Monday. Let me have my coffee and I'll introduce myself. I drag myself out of bed and to the bathroom. Brush my teeth and hair. Then put hair in a pony tail. Next get dressed. Now that I'm up and dressed I grab my school bag and throw it over my shoulder. Now its coffee time. Thats downstairs in the kitchen. Oh how I wish I could have a coffee maker in my bedroom where I don't have to go all the way down stairs half asleep and moody. Dad won't let me have one though. It takes me a while to wake up. I'm just going through the motions. Don't worry once I caffenated ill perk right up and you can meet the real me and not this slug you have here. Finally in the kitchen and a coffee mug in my hands waiting for the coffee to brew. "Good morning sweetheart " my dad says coming in the kitchen. "Mmmm" is all I say. I tend to make a lot of weird noises in the morning to avoid talking. I'm not able to form actual words yet. My coffee is done brewing. I pour in my cup and add sugar and hazelnut creamer to it. Then take my first sip. Mmm so good. I finish it and fix another still not able for words yet. Then a third and now I'm ready for talking. See it just takes me a minute. " oh hey dad! Good morning." He just laughs at me. See dad is a morning person. To be honest I don't know where I get it from. My mom was too. "All caffenated and ready to talk now huh" I smile and nod at him. My dad has jet black hair with these beautiful emerald green eyes. Hes over six foot tall. Toned body. Abs for days. Yes I know weird right? Decri ing my father this way especially his body. Sometimes I can't help it. My dad is actually hot. I know I know gross. Thats my dad. I've always thought this though. Now granted I'd never tell anyone. That would be bad. Oh right! I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm a bit jumpy from the coffee. Anyway, my name is Skyla Colton. I'm 15 years old but not for long. My birthday is actually this Friday. I'll be sixteen. I can find my mate. I'm excited. Let see what else..... I've already told you some about my dad so let tell some more. His name is Jax Colton. He's the Alpha of the pack. Oh did I not mention that I'm a werewolf. Yeah we exist but shh don't tell anybody. Its a secret. Well back where I was. Hes alpha. Then there my mom who unfortunately is no longer with us. I miss her even though for some reason every time I would see her with dad I'd get really jealous. I can't explain it. I just didn't like dad spending time with her and not me. Hes my dad. Anyway besides all that I still loved her.she died in a rogue attack. She and dad were chosen mates. I don't know the whole story behind that but I know dad never found his fated. Moms rejected her and she never had or found a second chance so she mated with dad. Not everyone gets a second chance mate. I don't know why but who am I to question selene right. Selene is the moon goddess. We werewolves worship her. Anyway back on track. I'm an only child. Mom had a complicated labor. She ended up having a c- section. After that she couldn't have anymore pups. She had blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was tall too. Not six foot tall but girl tall you know. She was beautiful. I however don't look like my parents. I have long thick deep red hair. Big Chocolate brown eyes. Light pink pouty lips. I'm also short, five foot two inches. I've had people ask me if I'm adopted but nope. Oh one minute dad is waiting for me. He takes me to school morning and picks me up from school everyday. I go out the front door of our house. I get in the care and buckle my seatbelt. Safety first. Dad gets in along with me and buckles up. Then cranks the car and drives to school. Well its about a 15 minute drive so let continue shall we. When mom died I was 8 years old. When I turned about 12 I started trying to do my moms job as Luna to help dad out. I started out with the small thing all the way to now. I do all of it. I'm basically the Luna without the official title. Plus in order for me to be the actual Luna one of two things would have to happen. Meet my mate or pick a chosen. Since dad didn't have a son the title goes to me ut I'm a girl. Girls are lunas. I know sexist right but thats the werewolf world we live in. My mate will be the alpha unless my fated is already an alpha then it gets a bit complicated. The second is be mated to dad. Eww. No. Just no. So yeah I'm basically the future Luna of pack. Our pack is called The Fire Storm Pack. Guess I should tell you about my school before I get there. Huh? My school is an all werewolf school. To keep it this way and under human radar its a private school technically. Not everyone in the pack pays for it. Its just a technicality. Other packs go to this school too. I think its like four packs including ours that goes to this school. We generally try and keep to our own packs. Werewolf school is very cliquey. Each pack has there separate cliques. So you'll have like 4 different groups of the same clique. Our cliques are the same as a human high school. Jocks, cheer, nerds/geeks, popular, chess team, emo, band nerds, theater nerds, unpopulars. There is one clique not in human schools. Its the one I'm in. The high rank clique. Thats future Alphas, lunas, Betas, and Gammas. Can you imagine what the cafeteria looks like with that. Its a mad house. There are rules against fighting and shifting during school, obviously. The fighting is especially because there are 4 different packs going to one school. Depending on the situation depends on the punishment. Generally your alpha will decide what needs to be done. If its minor life a few pushes and shoves or maybe a slap and tripping then the principal will deal with it. If its full blown fight that goes to the alpha. Being werewolves about eight times out of ten its major. The students from my pack has to be extra careful because a rival pack of our goes there too. The Blood Moon Pack. When its a fight between people from the two it gets pretty bad. My dad get angry every time it happens. We're enemies because of a falling out between the two packs. See my dad was best friends with the alpha of Blood Moon. Both their lunas where pregnant and went into labor the same day. One of the babies died. The one from Blood Moon did. The blood moon alpha was visiting my dad and while here his Luna went into labor. Then two hours later my mom did. The baby and I where born 2 and half hour apart. My mom had a C- section, where as the other luna had a natural birth. The baby that died was born healthy but it died of sudden infant death syndrome or sids while in the nic-u. The blood moon Alpha in his grief was angry at dad because his pack apparently killed his baby. They didn't save her. So now they're not friends anymore. When I was told that story I cried. I have no idea why and still don't. Even now when I think about it it saddens me. Sometimes it feels as though I've lost something. Weird right? Well we just arrived to school. So I guess it time to go now. Let see how my day turns out. I get out the car but before I tell my dad bye and wave. Then turn around and enter this prison building we call school.
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