To Purify A Witch (1)

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Chapter 7: To Purify a Witch (1) *** “Hello, Julia my favorite hooker~~” The man that spoke in such a manner was Brandon one of the less regular clients of the woman’s shop. “What do you want?” Julia didn’t care about being called a hooker, in essence her job was pretty much the same. “I was wondering if I could get a spin with you? How about it?” Brandon asked as he placed his sweaty hand on the woman’s waist. “I’d rather each cockroaches…” Julia said as she removed the man’s hand from her waist. “You’re so cold~ How about one of your workers then?” Brandon asked as he looked around at several gorgeous looking women that were walking around the shop. “Sure but it will cost you double.” Julia said as she went behind the reception and took out the book where they wrote down orders. “Are you kidding me? Double for these women, not a chance… How about I pay double for you?” Brandon asked with a smug expression on his face saying ‘I have money to spend.’ “I’m not in the mood to do it with anyone.” Julia said as she closed the book knowing the man wasn’t going to pay for anything. “How come? Is it age getting to ya?” The man spoke in a silly accent as if to mock the woman. “Geez you got so old yet your balls haven’t dropped yet. You still sound like a preteen.” Julia said as she gently placed her hand on her mouth as if to hide her laughter. “Why you…” Brandon was obviously getting angry at this poing. “Oh yeah… Guess I haven’t introduced you to them yet.” Julia said with a big smile on her face. “Introduce who? A pretty gal?” Brandon asked speaking in that strange unusual accent again. “They sure are handsome.” Julia said as she gestured and two huge men in all black suits came up to her instantly. “Please show this gentleman out.” “Gah, let go of me!” Brandon struggled but compared to the two gorillas that were holding him, he seemed to be completely powerless. They took him out of the shop and never let him in again for the rest of the night, despite his attempts to get back. ‘What a pain in the ass…’ Julia thought as she was looking through tonight’s bookings. After realizing everything was full for the night she flipped a sight that said ‘Reservations Open’ to its backside that said ‘Reservations Closed’. She went to the dressing room to change into her everyday clothes and go back home. *** On her way back Julia continued to think on the mysterious bodyguard that Henry had hired. ‘Somehow after listening to Garret talk for a while, I feel like going to church again. Makes me feel dirty…’ Garret: “You seem like a lovely lady. You shouldn’t let just anyone have their way.” ‘That guy… I can’t believe he could say something like that with a straight face and not even flinch… I don’t mind honest people like him, but in this world he’s going to have a hard time if he has an attitude like that. Why would he even get involved in our organization in the first place?’ Julia wondered to herself as she walked through the cold and rainy weather. It was springtime, her favorite time of year, simply because it was raining every other day like this. Somehow she would always feel a bit more at ease when it rains… “Hello, honey~” A strange man that seemed to be drunk approached the woman by catcalling her. ‘What a way to approach me… If I ignore him he’ll probably stumble and fall on his drunk ass.’ She thought to herself as she silently went around the man. “Wait, I just want to talk with you~” The man however continued persisting as he stepped heavily on the pavement. Each step he took seemed like it could make the ground underneath him break. The weight of this man seemed to be beyond 130kg and he was barely moving as it was. ‘I seriously don’t need to be involved in some drunk dude’s night out… What should I do?’ Julia wondered to herself as she took a quick look around. There weren’t many people out because it was pretty late at night. And the people that were there were pretty drunk themselves. ‘Come on… there’s gotta be someone that’s not completely wasted…’ Julia was searching for someone to get her out of the situation quickly. Then finally spotted a man that didn’t seem to have had anything. ‘Bingo’ she thought as she quickly ran up to him, literally bumping into him on purpose. “A-are you okay.” The man asked as he caught the woman in his arms gently. He had a strong solid build and seemed to have experience in sports. “Please help me get home… There is this drunk guy over there that won’t leave me alone.” Julia whispered to the man with a quivering voice. “Alright, let’s go back to your place…” The man quickly agreed as he saw the drunk man trying to stumble over to them. *** ‘Thank you sky daddy for sending me this man… I don’t know what I would have done if the fat guy had laid his hands on me…’ Julia was truly thankful to God that she didn’t fall into that weird man’s hands. Instead she was in the driver seat of a handsome young man with a good body. ‘Maybe I can repay this guy with a one night stand huh?’ She began wondering to herself as the man that was driving the car was exactly her type. “I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable for you but… can I ask your name? I’m Josh.” The man said without taking his eyes off of the road as he drove. “Of course it’s alright! I’m Julia, thank you for saving me. I honestly felt like I was going to be caught by that guy…” Julia said in an her usual bubbly voice. ‘It’s fine if I tell him my real name, right? He did save me after all.’ “Julia… It’s a beautiful name. Ah, so you didn’t know that person?” Josh asked as he continued driving carefully. “Yeah, I was just going about my way when he came out of the bar and stood in my way. By the way you were around the bars as well but you don’t seem drunk at all…” Julia remarked as she observed the man’s movements carefully. “I was actually waiting for a date tonight, but got stood up.” Josh said with a self deprecating smile on his face. “I wonder what kind of woman would miss a chance with a guy like you.” Julia was truly surprised that someone would reject a handsome man like him. “Well… I guess I’m not all that since this is the third time I’ve been stood up already.” Josh said as he parked the car on the address the woman had asked him to. “Really now… Then since we’re already back at my place, do you want to come over for tea?” Julia asked with a smile on her face. “I don’t mind.” Josh sounded happy at the sudden invitation. *** They headed up to the woman’s apartment and entered inside. “If you want to drug me and steal something you’re free to do so. Everything here is cheap anyways so take your pick.” Julia said in a teasing voice. “I-I wouldn’t…” Josh was surprised to be called a thief all of a sudden. “I’m joking, but for real… if you need something just take it. There’s nothing I’d miss from here anyways…” Julia continued in her casual tone as she went to make tea.  “That’s so strange…” Josh said as he sat down in the living room’s couch and took a look around the room. ‘She has a beautiful home and the things here look expensive, yet she doesn’t care about those items at all…’ He had began wondering what kind of woman he had encountered. “Here is the tea~! It’s specially made by yours truly. And you should be delighted because I don’t usually make tea for people.” Julia said with a cheerful voice as she served the man a cup of mint tea that was still steaming. “Thank you so much.” Josh voiced his gratitude and took the cup in his hands. “So… What do you want to ask? You look like you have a lot of questions on your mind.” Julia was an expert at reading people, she needed to take a single glance at someone to know what they were thinking. It was no different in this case, she had a clear grasp on the man’s thoughts. “Do you live alone? This seems like a huge place for a single person.” Josh simply asked as he took a sip of the tea he was given. “I do, I even paid for this place myself. How about you?” Julia asked the same question back. “I also live alone, although in a smaller place than yours.” Josh answered as he leaned forward to listen to the woman as he asked his next question. “Do you usually go back home at night? Isn’t it dangerous…” “I don’t have much of a choice my work requires me to be awake at night.” Julia said as she crossed her legs. “Your work? What do you do?” It was an innocent enough question that came from the unsuspecting man. Since Julia was dressed in her casual clothes it was hard to call her a ‘hooker’ as most people did. “What do you think I do?” Julia tilted her head to the side as she asked. Josh seemed to really think hard about his answer before finally saying. “You definitely look like you have an office job, judging by your intellect it’s a high level management position. Judging by your apartment and your nonchalance as we entered… Maybe an executive in a company or an entrepreneur of some sort?” The man gave his guess. Julia was left wide eyed at what she had just heard. “Haha! You really are a sweet guy… I’m actually an owner of a small s*x club. My clients are mostly high value people so I do try to present myself properly. I had no idea you’d get such an impression of me though.” She barely held back from laughing louder at the man’s words. No one had ever told her anything like that before. “I wasn’t too far off though, being an owner of a business does make you an entrepreneur.” Josh said in his defense as he crossed his arms, he looked like a pouty child for a moment there. “Ah… talking with you is comfortable but… How about we do something else and talk later?” Julia said with a suggestive tone as she stood up and moved closer to the man. Climbing on top of him and wrapping her arms around his shoulders… “So that’s a no huh…” Julia said as she saw the man’s uncomfortable expression. She pulled away and sat next to him instead. “I’m sorry…” Josh apologized even though there really was no reason for him to do so. “This is the second time I’ve been rejected this week… I’m starting to think I’m not attractive anymore.” In Julia’s line of work, looks were everything, so not being attractive was as good as saying you’re useless. “That’s not it… I just think you’re pushing yourself, you’re probably not going to enjoy a one night stand if you’re so tired.” Josh remarked as he gently touched the woman’s face. “You have dark circles under your eyes.” “You’re far too observant for your own good, you know that?” Julia remarked as she helplessly slimed at the needlessly caring man beside her. “I hear that often.” Josh said as he lightly smiled as well. “Then… Would you like to be my pillow for the night? I might catch up on some sleep if you do.” Julia said with a teasing tone, not expecting an honest reaction from the other. “Sounds like a plan.” Surprisingly enough Josh quickly agreed to the woman’s suggestion. “Ha… you really are sweet…” Julia was truly tired and didn’t really want to sleep with anyone. What truly made her wonder however was how accurate the man’s deductions of her were. It’s like he was reading her like a book. ‘This guy has better people reading skills than I do…’ She thought to herself. Both of them ended up sleeping in the same bed and hugging but nothing intimate happened. It was a surprisingly pure scene between two adults. Something that Julia wasn’t used to experiencing…
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