Simple As That (1)

1229 Words
Chapter 8: Simple As That (1) *** “Ah, aa~ Aaa! Ah!! There- !!!” Henry moaned loudly and shamelessly. “Boss… What are you doing?” Garret asked as he entered the room. He already knew there was nobody else there, so it was impossible his employer to be sleeping with someone. “Hm? Just moaning for no reason, I wondered if you’d enter.” Henry said as he stood up. “Did you bring the documents I asked for?” He asked. “Yes, sir.” Garret replied as he handed them to the elder male. “Hm… this is strange…” Henry muttered after just taking a glance at the documents. “What is?” Garret asked with his usual indifferent and deep voice. “You should sit down, I’ll explain it to you.” Henry said as he turned and went back to sit on the sofa he was on moments ago. “What are you waiting for?” Henry asked after he sat down, then he saw the other male was sitting on the ground. “…..” Garret just stared at him as he sat on his knees. “I didn’t mean to sit on the ground… You’re a person, right? Come sit on the couch.” Henry commanded. ‘Honestly I should have predicted his stupidity…’ He thought to himself, he actually found it amusing in a way. Up until now he’d never seen someone so earnest and obedient like the man in front of him. It made Henry want to keep him around more. Garret stood up and headed to the sofa to sit down properly. Then straightened his back and focused his attention on the man in front of him. “These documents are the financial records of a very interesting company. It’s called Untamed Entertainment, they look all good on the surface but in reality they are in some really dirty business. So much so, it almost puts me to shame…” Henry explained in a steady voice. Garret didn’t say anything just listened to his employer’s voice. “As such, the CEO is probably going to be investigated soon or so I’ve heard from one of my sources.” Henry explained quickly. “You’re probably wondering how that concerns us, right?” He asked. ‘Though judging by your expression, you’re not thinking about anything at all…’ Henry thought to himself, yet continued explaining all the same. “If that corporation goes down, there are some people I want to take with me… Three people in particular, I want them to be part of our team.” “…” Garret made a small groaning noise at those words. “Hm? You look like you want to say something. Go ahead.” Henry said while crossing his arms. “If they’ve been part of a corporation like that… Are they going to be willing to work here?” Garret asked. ‘So you do have some brains… maybe just a little bit…’ Henry thought to himself then laughed out loud. “Haha~ I’m sure those three employees I’m aiming for are fully aware that what they are doing is illegal. That’s why I’m going to take them in…” After a small moment of silence he continued in a more cold voice. “For people like us there isn’t anywhere to go but further downhill.” Henry wanted to convey a clear message to the other person. The path they have taken isn’t one that you can come back from. “I understand. How are we going to get in touch with them?” Garret asked, his voice seemed to resonate in the otherwise quiet room. “Good question… I’m surprised you understand these things but don’t know whether I want you to sit on the couch or the ground.” Henry said as he laughed lightly. Garret didn’t seem at all embarrassed about that. He continued keeping a straight face as he spoke. “It was my mistake, sir.” “I guess in a strange way… I like that about you.” Henry said as he leaned forward. “This will be the last time I ask you this… Do you wish to quit or not?” The timing of the question was off… Since Henry had already gotten his answer that time at the graveyard. So what was he doing right now by asking this again weeks later? It was a test, testing whether or not the man’s resolve is strong enough. “I don’t wish to quit.” Garret said in his deep voice as he looked straight at his employer’s eyes. “Good… I wasn’t going to let you leave even if you wanted to. I was just asking.” Henry said as he stood up and headed to the door. “Come on, I need a driver.” He said while dangling the keys of a car in front of the other’s face. “Yes, sir.” Garret replied and followed after his employer. The drive to their destination was short. It was an internet café where a lot of kids gathered around at. ‘What are we doing at a place like this?’ Garret wondered to himself as he stepped out of the car. They entered the establishment and Henry quickly walked up to the private rooms. He observed the numbers on the door until he stood in front of the one with number #33 and opened it. “Hello there, do you happen to be Adeline Sherman?” Henry asked with a cheerful voice. “Who are you?” The woman jumped back as the sight of him, she took off her headphones and looked at the man from top to bottom. ‘He’s dressed in a high end suit… He’s not police… not from the underground either… Is he a businessman?’ Questions quickly rolled up in her mind, she didn’t know what to expect next. “Don’t worry, I’m not a cop… In fact I’m here to offer you some work. Should we talk here or at a café nearby?” Henry asked as he smiled at the girl he nearly scared to death. “Why would I go with you?” Adeline asked as she stepped back in an attempt to create distance between herself and the man. “Because… You don’t really have anywhere else to go, right? Untamed is going downhill and you’ve already resigned. I was hoping to lend you a hand.” Henry said with a gentlemanly smile, his mannerisms were not at all similar to that of a gang member.   “You know where I work…” Adeline was cautious of the man standing in front of her. But now she understood what he wanted…
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