To Test Your Limit (3)

1887 Words
Chapter 6: To Test Your Limit (3) *** “Boss.” Garret stood up, his face was still flushed as he looked at me. Whoa… What’s with that expression?! Is he seriously embarrassed because he said he respects me? Or was it the part where he admitted to have seen me before? I just can’t get a read on this guy! “So… Why are you blushing like that?” Nothing beats a straightforward question like that, right? “Sir, I was surprised to hear you’ve been watching us…” Garret explained as he walked up to me. Even I’m not sure what to do with this guy, he seems so cute right now. “Tell me… Do you want to sleep with me?” That’s right, I’ve been waiting for a month or so to have a taste of this guy. I’m not going to miss this opportunity, somehow looking at his flushed face makes me hard with anticipation. Will he become even more flustered if we sleep together right now? “Boss… spare me.” Garret said as he looked at the ground. Despite all his blushing, his expression still remained blank. “Come on… I’ll show you a good time. You already confessed thinking I’m beautiful, so what’s the point of resisting now?” I said as I pushed him back in his chair as I kneeled down and unbuckled his belt. “N-no boss it’s-” I interrupted Garret as he was about to resist by placing my hand on his lips. “You usually don’t talk at all. Why does this get you so flustered?” I asked as I looked at him. There is no way this is his first time, oh maybe it’s because I’m a man? “…because…” Garret spoke in a low whisper, I could barely hear him at all. “Come on, speak up.” I urged him to continue as I stared down at his pants. I already got the belt off, don’t make me stop halfway you i***t! “I’ve never met someone like you Boss…” Garret said just a loud enough so I could hear. “What do you mean someone like me? A gay man?” I asked as I raised my eyes to look at his face. “…someone so beautiful…” Garret said in a sincere voice, damn he sounds like a broken record. “I get it, you think I’m attractive. So why can’t we sleep with each other? I’m not a big fan of forcing people to do it, I prefer getting forced instead. So could you make up your mind?” I said in irritation, I was already far too hard to back down. “…because I don’t want to hurt you…” Garret said as he looked down to meet my eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth but when I heard the words ‘I don’t want to hurt you’ something in me suddenly broke. “Tsk… Fine Whatever…” I clicked my tongue as I stood up. This guys is so irritating. “I’m sorry…” Garret apologized as he zipped up his pants and put his belt back on. “Go do some paperwork with Jackson…” I said as I turned my back to him and lit up a cigarette. “Yes, sir.” Garret said as he walked out the door, I heard it closing behind my back. Dammit! I cursed in my mind as I slammed my fist on the boardroom table. f**k… I really don’t understand this guy. Why can’t he ever do anything I say? No… rather s*x is the only thing he doesn’t do for me… Otherwise as a bodyguard he’s been doing rather well. But I can’t get over the fact that I can’t even bring myself to f**k him when he begs so sweetly… Am I going soft? Aahh… I already am, of course I couldn’t stay hard after hearing a cheesy line like ‘I don’t want to hurt you’ What an i***t… I should just call someone else to f**k… I already had a go with Julia and now more? I thought my s*x drive was supposed to become lower as I age. Then yet I am a bit more subdued than when I was in high school. Ah… those where the good old days. I could do it with whoever, whenever and I had no one to stop me. But then yet… High school reminds me of that damned teacher that made all this happen. That math teacher… fuck it all, I’m not going to think about this. I’ll just go about my life as usual… I did all this silly things just to test Garret’s limit, but it ended up testing my own. I can’t believe this… * * * Simple narration/ nobody’s point of view…  “So what happened? The boss just kicked you out here?” Jackson asked with an annoyed voice. “Yes.” Garret gave a one worded answer that further annoyed the other male. “Fine, you can just help move documents.” Jackson said as he pointed to five huge piles of all kinds of bundled up paper. It seemed like a huge research was done recently. “Yes. Where should I move them to?” Garret asked as he prepared to start moving the stacks of documents immediately. “The boss’s office, he has so read them.” Jackson said nonchalantly and went back to his own work since his phone rang. ‘The boss is going to read all that?’ Garret wondered to himself as he began moving the stacks. At most he could hold two at a time without risking dropping them. They were very heavy but thankfully the man was extremely strong and it wasn’t difficult for him at all. In fact most of the other employees in the office were surprised to see him handle it so effortlessly. *** “Boss, this is from Jackson. Where should I put them?” Garret asked as he entered his employer’s office. “Put them on the floor next to my desk.” Henry said without even glancing at his bodyguard. “Yes, sir.” Garret did as he was told and left the stack of documents, then quickly went back to the other floor to pick up the rest of them. Repeated the process three times total and was finally done with that small task of his. “Should I come back here sir, or continue helping Jackson?” Garret asked as he left the last stack next to his employer’s desk. “Hm? Tell Jackson to prepare a car, I need you to come with me somewhere.” Henry said as he continued clicking his mouse on the screen in front of him. “Yes, sir.” Garret nodded in agreement and went to follow his orders. * * * They departed soon after and drove for about thirty minutes to a graveyard. Henry came out of the car as calmly as ever, it was raining outside so Garret followed after him while holding an umbrella over both of their heads. “Do you see that? It’s my parent’s grave.” Henry said as he stopped in front of one of the graves. What made that one different however was that there was nothing on it, no nameplate, no flowers, nothing, it was just there. “I see…” Garret did not question his employer and simply nodded in agreement. “Don’t worry, you can say whatever you’d like. It’s not like I grew up in a loving family. I don’t even miss them. I just came here to show this to you.” Henry said with a light smile on his face, but despite trying to seem happy, his eyes did not convey the same message. “Do you hate them?” Garret questioned after being given permission. “I do. Very much so. None of them ever called me if it wasn’t for money. On top of it all I wasn’t even treated like a proper human being…” Henry seemed to be remembering his past as the look in his eyes looked somewhat nostalgic.“Do you have a family?” He questioned the man next to him. “I do. Deceased younger brother, but my two parents are alive and I also have an elder brother back in my hometown.” Garret answered without hesitation. His answer seemed somewhat childlike. “Then you better quit this world right here and now. You might even get away with a few scars…” Henry said as he looked down at the grave again, he kicked some dirt on top of it and dirtied it. “Boss… am I unfit for the organization?” Garret questioned, this was probably the third time he was told to quit being part of their organization. But it was difficult for him to understand the reasoning behind it. “Yes, you might look the part and do your work well, but… You have a family, which means you have something to lose. And in this world having something to lose is nothing but a… weakness…” Henry said with a strong and powerful tone as if he was giving orders; he knelt down in front of his parent’s grave and continued. “…if you have someone you hold dear, this is where they will end up eventually. Take a good look, no nameplate, no offerings, no one to even remember them…” “Boss, I don’t want to leave.” Garret insisted as he tightened his grip around the umbrella’s handle. “I want to stay with you…” Henry’s eyes widened after hearing that, this was the first time he couldn’t even begin to comprehend another person’s intentions. He quickly regained his usual composure and stood up. “Hold the umbrella properly i***t, my shoulder’s getting wet.” Garret snapped back into reality and apologized. “I’m sorry sir.” “You better not regret your decision. It’s already too late to turn back.” Henry said as he tapped his bodyguard on the shoulder. As they walked back to the car in the pouring rain, it seemed like the clouds were soon going to let up and show a bright sky above them… 
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