To Test Your Limit (2)

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Chapter 5: To Test Your Limit (2) *** There are two reasons I allowed them to do this… First one is because there are cameras in the room below and I will be able to see everything that happens. The second is just because…. I want to see how he acts when I am not around. I opened up my laptop to log into the server and watch what happens in the room below. “I’m so glad you agreed to talk with me~” Julia spoke in her sweet voice again. I’m starting to wonder for who is she keeping up this act for? It’s obvious Garret couldn’t care less about how she speaks. “Boss told me to.” Garret answered in his deep voice. This guy is so odd, really does everything I tell him to, huh? “Ah, I see, I see… Can I speak comfortably with you then?” Julia asked as she sat comfortably on one of the chairs around the table. “Yes.” A one worded answer, as expected. He’s just standing there, is he waiting to be invited to sit or something? “Then… Tell me why are you so loyal to Henry?” Julia stopped using her sugar coated voice and began talking with her normal one that was much deeper. “……” Garret probably didn’t see any reason to answer that question as he simply remained silent as he stared at her. “Don’t get me wrong… I like Henry a lot myself. I think he’s an interesting guy and we’ve known each other for years… But I don’t find him a person to follow around as obediently as you do. So I just want to know why.” Julia asked as she put her legs up on the table. Damn it woman, that’s for our meetings! You’re making it all dirty… Well whatever… I could probably f**k someone on that table and it still wouldn’t matter that much. “What do you think about boss?” To my surprise Garret asked another question instead of answering the previous one. Is he somehow testing the waters? To see whether or not she’s someone to be trusted? Gosh… I want to know what’s inside that guy’s head right now. “Alright, I’ll answer yours and you answer mine…” Julia said as she smiled and continued after a short pause and deep breath. “Henry is a bisexual sado-masochist, he is a really loose man that is ready to open his legs for anyone! In fact he couldn’t care less who it is, because in the end he only makes sense with people he doesn’t particularly like. He…” She began spouting nothing but hateful words that in all honesty were all true so I can’t blame her for them at all. Somehow her voice became hesitant for a moment. “He?” Garret urged her to continue. “He’s… Deep down he’s a kind man. When I was at rock bottom. I was throwing away my body for any penny I could make out of it. Henry was the man that found this niche for me. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably still be out on the streets exchanging my body for coins…” Suddenly Julia’s voice sounded sincere, nothing like her usual boisterous and cheery self. I had no idea she thought so deeply about the time I helped her. Truth be told I just found her pitiful is all… “Hm…” As if in understanding Garret nodded his head and sat down on the table to face the woman. “It’s your turn now to tell me something, right?” Julia asked as she took her legs off of the table. “Ask me anything you’d like. I’ll answer as long as it concerns me.” Garret said as he crossed his hands, he was listening intently to every word the woman said. Somehow I find this side of him… strangle, he’s so focused. “Great! Then let’s start with something easy!” As if once more putting her mask on, or maybe it was from excitement but Julia began speaking in her other voice again. “Same question, what do you think about your boss?” She asked while clasping her hands together. “I respect him greatly.” Garret answered with a steady voice as per usual. “Listen… Everyone here respects Henry, that’s not what I asked for!” Julia complained as she waved her hands. “I didn’t understand your question then.” Garret calmly said, now I truly think he’s stupid honest… What kind of guy did I randomly find? “I meant…” Julia seemed to be thinking of a better way to word it as to not confuse the naïve i***t further. “    …you know, what you think of him in bed. You mentioned that you don’t do S&M. So how do you guys do it?” “I haven’t slept with the boss.” Garret answered simply. Actually I’m ready to laugh at how funny his unblushing attitude is in comparison to the overreacting Julia. “What?!” She said as she was physically taken aback. As I said… overreaching much? “I haven’t slept with the boss.” Garret repeated once more his words. God… this guy is kind of dumb, to think she was actually asking him to repeat himself. She heard you loud and clear dumb, dumb. “No, that’s not what I meant… It’s just I’m surprised to hear that.” Julia thought for a split second before asking him her next question. “Are you maybe… Impotent?” This was a sensitive topic for her so she asked it delicately. Her ex was impotent, so she’s rather sympathetic. “No.” Garret said in a calm voice. He didn’t even flinch when he was asked that. What a man! Wait, why am I getting all impressed, all of a sudden? “What?!”  Julia was taken aback once more, it wasn’t just because of the one worded answer, the entire conversation has her on edge it seems. “I said n-” Before Garret could once more repeat his words Julia stopped him. “Yeah, I heard that! Sorry, I was just surprised again. Agh… Wait my head hurts from to much thinking.” Julia said as she placed both her hands on the top of her head in a comical manner. “Do you need headache medicine?” Garret asked and took out a small box from his jacket pocket. “Ah… No, I meant it metaphorically…” I wouldn’t call myself a mind reader, but I am pretty sure Julia is thinking that she should speak very latterly with him or else they won’t be able to communicate at all. “I see… I’m no good with metaphors.” Garret is such a simple guy it almost makes me want to cry. After a bit of thinking Julia opened her mouth again. “Then… Are you so straight you would never sleep with a man? Do you hate gay people or something?” She asked very straightforwardly. “No.” Garret also answered very straightforwardly. “Then what is it? I know it’s probably none of my business but you are as handsome as they come. How long have you worked here?” She questioned changing the topic slightly. “It’s been two months.” Garret said with his calm voice. “Henry hasn’t put his hands on you? Offered to do it with you I mean.” Julia quickly corrected herself to make sure the man didn’t misunderstand again. “He hasn’t been interested.” That was the longest sentence Garret had said yet. “Are you asexual then? Like you don’t want to have s*x with anyone and anything? What are your views on s*x in general?” Julia seemed to be filled with endless curiosity as she asked one question after the other. It was like she had found a new species and wanted to dissect that specimen. “s*x… I think it should be done with someone you like.” Garret said in a clear voice. Seriously this guy’s voice is enough to make me take my clothes off and yet I don’t do it for some reason. Ah… sucks to be 27… I feel like an old man already. “Done with someone you like huh… You have a very pure way of looking at things.” Julia said as she crossed her arms. “Do you like your job?” Garret asked an unexpected question, was he gradually becoming interested in her? “What? You want to try me or something? If it’s you, I won’t even charge you for it!” Julia said in a lighthearted voice. “….” Garret remained silence as if he was still waiting for an answer to his question. “Uh… neither flattered nor disgusted by my offer huh? You know you’re a strange guy. About your question, I guess I don’t really feel anything towards my work anymore. For me, s*x is just business, well as of late I only ever do things like what you saw in the office.  But I do still do it with several high paying clients.” Julia went into needless explanations but she looked like she was enjoying opening up to someone. “You seem like a lovely lady. You shouldn’t let just anyone have their way.” What Garret said seemed to be nothing more than a statement. He didn’t tell her not to do anything or how to live her life, but just stated what he thought on the subject. I feel like I’m watching children having a debate over candy. “Lady…” Julia seemed to be shocked by being called ‘a lady’. I bet nobody’s called her like that in years. “What do you know… You’re still a kid.” She continued, I’m not even surprised she said that. After all Julia is a 29 year old woman that has seen more darkness than light in her life; while Garret was this 25 year old naïve child in comparison to her. “Sorry…” He apologized in his cold voice, it made it seem like he wasn’t sorry at all. “It’s no big deal. You actually made a good point. I’ll keep that in mind.” Julia seemed to be flattered by the previous statement, once more… no surprise there. I don’t even think Garret is doing it intentionally or anything. He just seems to be a natural born airhead. “One last thing… The very first question I asked you was why are you so loyal to Henry. Can you answer it before I leave?” Julia asked nicely and waited patiently for a satisfactory answer. “Boss… is a beautiful person.” Garret said in his smooth voice. “Beautiful person?” Julia seemed more surprised than I was. He definitely said ‘person’ did he mean my looks or personality or both? “Yes, boss is a beautiful person.” As if to reconfirm this Garret repeats it once more. “I see…” Julia seemed slightly disappointed by the answer. “I wonder how you guys met, this seems like fate…” She said offhandedly and to her surprise the man actually began speaking. “I’ve heard of boss before… I’ve also seen him before… So when I saw that man hurting him, my body reacted before my brain did.” Garret’s honest words seemed so gentle as he said them. He looked at the ground as if he was saying something embarrassing. “Ha… that was actually interesting to hear. I’ll be leaving then…” Julia said, now her mood having bettered she stood up with her bag of toys and headed for the door. Stopping right before she placed her hand on the door knob she turned around once more. “My offer still stands, so if you feel like quitting this world here, I’ll be glad to welcome you in mine. Not that it’s much different than this one anyway…” She said and then waved goodbye at him and suddenly turned hear head towards the camera and looked directly at it as she waved. Dammit… She knew I was watching them all along… “What are you waving at?” Garret still seemed to be clueless that I was watching them however. I hope she doesn’t tell him… “You didn’t know? Henry has cameras here, that’s why he asked us to come to this room specifically. So I waved goodbye at him as to not be rude~” Julia said in a sugar coated voice and my hopes went down the drain. Can’t this woman just keep her tongue behind her teeth for once? “Boss was watching?” Garret was surprised, visibly so… This might be the first reaction I’m seeing from him. He turned to look directly at the camera and then turned away. “Wait… Are you blushing?!” Julia exclaimed in surprise. Wait a minute… if that stone cold, emotionless looking man is blushing, I have to see it! I went out of my office as fast as I possibly could and got to the room where they were exactly below my office. I entered the room without knocking and there he was… Garret was really blushing and Julia had already left. “Boss.” Garret stood up, his face was still flushed as he looked at me...
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