Simple As That (2)

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Chapter 9: Simple As That (2) ***  Adeline was cautious of the man standing in front of her. But now she understood what he wanted… “Fine, I’ll come with you, but I won’t cooperate unless my safety is guaranteed.” She spoke in a low voice. “Of course, m’lady~” Henry was in a good mood as he said that and escorted her out of the private room to the café upstairs. “So… What do you want from me?” Adeline asked as soon as she sat down again. “Work for me.” Henry went straight to the point and answered the woman’s question. “…Why?” Adeline asked as she focused her attention on the man sitting comfortably in front of her. “Because I’m offering you a place to live and a job to work. The two things you don’t have and need right now. What do you say?” Henry extended his hand and showed a kind smile to the woman. “And… if I refuse?” Adeline asked with a quivering voice, she knew she shouldn’t act tough in front of people like that yet… “Then I’ll have no choice but to leave things as they are and go after the other people I wish to hire.” Henry pulled back his hand as he said that. He stood up from his chair, left money on the table along with his business card. “Call me if you’re interested at a later time, my offer still stands.”  “See you~” Henry said as he left the woman and exited the café. “Hm…” Adeline was surprised that the man would give up so easily just like that. Then after she picked up and read the business card something in her head clicked… “He’s…” She quickly stood up from her chair and went after the man that wasn’t that far away from the café. “Wait!” Adeline yelled after the two men as she ran to catch up with them. “Yeah?” Henry turned around calmly and waited for the woman. “Answer me one question…” Adeline said as she pulled the man in and whispered her question into his ear. “I guess I can answer that…” Henry said as he did the same and whispered the answer to the woman’s ear. “So?” he asked as he moved away from the girl. “I’ll join! I’ll work for you!” Adeline said with newfound enthusiasm in her voice. She suddenly felt motivated to follow this man. “Alright then, I’ll text you your first task~” Henry said in a cheery tone as he turned to walk away. “Yes, Boss!” Adeline nodded her head to her new employer. *** Garret stood there watching in both awe and confusion. The ability to make someone that was previously afraid of you to willingly follow you was not an easy task. It required a great amount of charisma that most people simply did not possess. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go back, that’s plenty of work for one day.” Henry said as he lightly tapped on the man’s head. “Yes…” Garret snapped back into reality and followed his employer as they walked back to the car. He had no idea what was going through the man’s mind, much less what he was planning to do next. * * * After they got back to Henry’s apartment, he immediately jumped face first onto his bed. “Ahg! That was a productive day!” He said then he heard his stomach growl. “Oi, Garret can you cook?” “I can, sir.” Garret answered as he stood above his employer, watching him. “There are groceries in the fridge, make something with them.” Henry ordered as he snuggled into his pillow, he was really tired. “Yes, sir.” Garret replied then headed for the kitchen. Henry’s apartment was spacious and clean. Most of the things looked like they hadn’t even been touched before, including the cooking utensils. ‘Does Boss live on his own?’ Garret wondered to himself as he checked what ingredients there were in the fridge. He began preparing dinner. “Whoa… you look like you’re used to cooking.” Henry remarked as he noticed how well the other handles the ingredients. “I used to cook for my brother when our parents weren’t at home.” Garret said as he continued working. “Did it happen often? Being left to take care of your brother, I mean…” Henry said as he sat down to watch the man cook. “Yes, both my parents were very busy. So much so they couldn’t put aside much time for either of us.” Garret said with an indifferent expression on his face. It was hard to assume what was going through his mind at that moment. “Do you resent them?” Henry asked as he rested his head on the palm of his hand. He seemed to be entertained by the conversation. “I don’t.” Garret answered quickly. “…….” Henry wasn’t expecting that kind of answer. ‘He doesn’t hate his parents even though they didn’t spend any time with him…’ “Boss, did I say something wrong?” Garret asked as he noticed the other man remained silent for far longer than usual. “I was just thinking of blowing you.” Henry said as he smiled in a suggestive manner. ‘I wonder how that indifferent expression will change if I do give him head…’ He thought as he licked his lips. “Excuse me sir… I couldn’t understand.” Garret said as he looked at his employer once again, his expression still not changing. “I want to blow you, give you head, suck you off, go down on you… Was that clear enough?” Henry asked as he held back a laugh. ‘This guy’s seriously too pure…’ “Oh…” Garret seemed to finally understand the other’s intentions. “Boss… is it fun doing it with a man?” he asked in a low voice that seemed to fill the room. “Haha… are you really considering sleeping with me?” Henry didn’t answer the man’s question and simply asked one of his own. “Yes.” Garret replied straightforwardly once again. “Hm… If I say it’s fun, will you do it with me?” Henry had wanted to sleep with the man in front of him for a while, but had no interest in forcing him to do it. ‘s*x is no good if either one of the people is unwilling.’ Was his motto, even though Henry wasn’t a man of high morals and values, at the very least he wanted to sleep with a consenting person. “…..” Garret didn’t answer right away but stopped moving his hands, then after a bit of silence said: “I will do it if you will enjoy it… but… I can’t do that.” “You can’t do what?” Henry didn’t understand what the other was getting at. “I don’t want to hurt you. I won’t do S&M play.” Garret said, this might have been the first time he said something like ‘I won’t do it’ to his employer. “Haha~!” Henry couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore. ‘This guy really is something else!’ He thought to himself as he bend forward laughing and holding onto his stomach. “Did I say something strange, Boss?” Garret asked with a serious expression on his face. “Not at all~ I was just amused…” Henry said as he calmed down from his histerical laughter. ‘Now that I think about it, this guy has a really pure outlook on s*x… Only doing it with someone you like, huh…’ Henry remembered the bodyguard’s words and thought it was silly. After all he’d never thought that s*x was something only done between lovers. ‘Because he’s so pure… it makes me want to do it even more… I wonder how he’ll change as time goes on… I can’t wait…’ Henry was already having and hard on because of his perverted fantasies and hidden twisted desires. “Then, do it with me… exactly the way you want to.” Henry finally said. “Alright… but first eat.” Garret said as he put a plate of food on the table. “You’re not going to eat with me?” Henry asked as he looked at the food. ‘Not bad, he really can cook…’ “….” Garret kept silent. “Hm?” Henry wondered as he looked up at the bodyguard. ‘He looks like he’s expecting something…’ Taking a bite and finally tasting the food he exclaimed. “Tastes good.” Garret’s eyes widened, he seemed to be glad his employer liked the food. ‘So that’s what it was… He wanted me to appraise his cooking, how cute.’ Henry thought to himself as he finished the plate quickly…
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