Chapter 5

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Ella sat in her room, still in a stunned silence. She was not sure what to say or think. She had not even gotten her wolf and yet everyone was already expecting her to be a powerful, high-ranking wolf. What if it turns out that she really isn't of a higher rank at all? Everyone will be so disappointed, and then she will no longer be in the Alpha's special group. She will definitely have more issues with the other ranked wolves her age. There was a knock on her door. "Come in." She said, sitting up on her bed. "Hey. Lunch is ready. Are you coming down?" Her father said. Ella was still sitting in her torpor. Her father looked at her with a discerning look and came and sat on the bed next to her. "What is going on? You have looked like a lost and worried sheep since you came home." He put a soothing arm around her shoulders. Ella took a deep breath in. "The Alpha told me that the reason that he picked me for this special class of his is that he expects me to be a powerful high-ranking wolf. I haven't even gotten my wolf yet, and they already have expectations for me." Ella looked at him with her worried eyes. Her Dad looked down at the floor in front of him, and took a moment to gather his thoughts. "You are somewhat of a mystery to us Ella, and you always have been since you were found. Your mother left you here so that we could take care of you and so that you would be safe-guarded. With the little information that we know about you, we were not able to locate your father, or figure out who the she-wolf was that gave birth to you. To the best of our knowledge, there were no she-wolves that went missing during that time, and there were many higher-ranked wolves that died in the power struggles that happened shortly before you were found. It is possible that your mother thought that she was leaving you with your father, and he was already dead. It is also possible he is from another pack and has no idea that he is your father. Many of the alphas, especially, tend to get around before they settle down. If you know what I mean," her father said with a slight clearing of his throat, With a sigh, he patted Ella on the knee. "Sweetheart, no matter whether you are ranked or not, you are special. Do not worry about the expectations that someone else has set based on the outcome that they desire, you set your own goals, and you work to meet them. Let everyone else worry about what they want." Her father shook his head and stood up. "I'll give you a few minutes, but come down for lunch. You are worrying your mother." With that, he leaned over and gave Ella a kiss on the forehead and left. He closed the door behind him, but it did not latch. Ella heard her father go downstairs and then heard her mother's voice questioning him. She was not able to make out her mother's side of the conversation, but she was able to hear what her father said. "Yes, I asked her. It seems that Wade has taken it upon himself to tell Ella of his expectations of her to be a high-ranking wolf, and now she is feeling pressured. Marilyn, we asked him not to say anything to her until after her birthday, when she had her wolf. He knows that is the only way we will know for sure. This is just putting needless pressure on her, and for what? Because he thinks that she is Jake's mate and destined to be our Luna someday. We agreed to the extra training, but this is going too far." Ella did not hear her mother's reply, but she did hear her father stomp to the front door and leave. Ella opened her door and went downstairs. Her mother was standing in the kitchen with her back to her leaning on the island. Hearing Ella's footsteps she whirled around and for a moment Ella could see the worry on her face before her mother plastered on a smile. "Hey sweetheart. Lunch is ready. You must be starved after all that extra work this morning." She said in a cheery tone. Though Ella knew it was fake, she played along. "Where did Dad go?" She asked as she took her seat at the table. "He decided to go for a walk and enjoy the nice day. I think that he is missing his warrior days. Training warriors is not the same as being a warrior." She waved her hand and picked up her sandwich with the other. Ella ducked her head and ate her sandwich quickly. She knew that her Dad missed being a warrior out on patrol. It is not often that werewolves are dealt injuries that are permanent, but in his case, he took down a rogue wolf and was stabbed with a silver knife in the back by his mate. The wound was not fatal, but he sustained permanent damage to his spine. It does not show when he walks as a human, but he can not move to fight hand to hand in his human form, and when he tries to transform into his wolf form, he is crippled, and can not use his hind end. Since he was stabbed while he was in his wolf form, it has affected that form much worse than his human one. Ella knew that for a while her mother was going with her father to counseling. It was hard on her father's wolf not to be able to change and run anymore. He has been better these last few years. The attack had happened before they had found Ella, and her parents had found out that they would not be able to have pups of their own. When Ella came it gave her father purpose again. She was the reason that he was able to move on. Her mother has always loved to tell her that story. She said that Ella was their little miracle when they needed her the most.
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