Chapter 6

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Ella left the house after she had washed the lunch dishes and kissed her mother goodbye. Her mother had seemed worried, but she put on a smile and reminded her to be home for an early dinner as they had a lot to do that evening, and then she needed to get to be early as they would have even more to do tomorrow. Ella promised and waved to her mother as she left the yard. She did not have a destination in mind, she just wanted to be outside. Heading into the woods, she began to hike out toward the river. As she walked, images of her day ran through her mind. The Alpha this morning, and the training that he is now forcing her to do. The training was actually not really a bad idea, and although the Alpha was making it sound like it was more of an elite warrior training, she was sure, that after watching her Dad train all those wolves over the years it would be a great strategy for all wolves and not just the best fighters. Fighting in pairs or groups would be better overall for the safety of those that protected the pack. She would talk to her Dad tonight and see what he thought of it. They could work together to talk the Alpha into letting her father teach it to everyone all at once, not just herself, Jake, and Andy being taught by only the Alpha. Andy, another memory from this morning. Andy and her boot. What was his problem, anyway? She has always tried to stay away from him, because he has always been such a bully. She had lots of unpleasant memories of him over the years. Including the new ones from this morning. She shook her head. He caused so many problems. Like her having to take an hour to find the boot after training, which had gotten hung up in the branches of the tree above where she was looking. What irked her more was that his partner in crime, Jake, just stood there and let Andy do it every time. It was like he enjoyed watching her torture. He would never participate, so he did not get his hands dirty, but he was still right there for all the action nonetheless. She had even stood up for him with the Alpha. Then there was the conversation that she had with the Alpha, which eventually led to the conversation that she overheard between her parents. Then there was her birthday that was only a couple of days away. It was all so much to think about. She did not want to think about the Alpha, or her parents, or the training, or even her birthday looming. In fact, it was tomorrow. She would be heading home later and have to help her mother with the last-minute preparations. Tomorrow she was going to be scrubbed, brushed, polished, and beautified to the last detail. She would rather just have a fun outdoor picnic and everyone dresses casually and relax. She did not see why everyone had to get all dressed up and have a formal ceremony and ball to celebrate. She sighed. She just wanted to forget it all and enjoy the forest and the river for a while. Finding a large tree that had fallen across the span of the river, she walked out across it and sat down in the middle of the log. Looking up at the clear blue sky above, she breathed deeply and closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine on her face. Ella leaned back and laid down on the log and enjoyed listening to the sounds of the moving water below her. The river was high at this time of year since the winter snows were melting off in the mountains above. She loved to listen to the river. It had power, strength, and a watery warmth that provided serenity. Ella loved the river. She would come out and play by it as often as she could when she was little. Her mother always worried that she would fall in and drown or be swept away, but Ella always felt safest when she was near it. Ella was relaxing on the log and concentrating on the sounds of the water rushing by. She did not hear anything else around her. While Ella was enjoying the beautiful day, Jake and Andy had walked into the clearing. They had their fishing gear with them and intended to fish off of the fallen log. Andy saw Ella on the log first and turned to shush Jake. Andy pointed to Ella lying on the log. The sun was shining down on her like a spotlight, highlighting her body lying prone with her golden hair shimmering like a goddess. Jake froze where he was standing. His eyes were fixed on Ella. Andy handed Jake his fishing gear and put his finger up to his lips and turned and looked at Ella lying there oblivious. Jake looked back and forth between Andy and Ella. Andy winked and then turned away, as Jake reached out to try and catch his arm. Jake missed, but did not move from his spot. Andy took a step and then looked back at Jake with a crooked smile and wiggled his eyebrows like a vaudeville villain. Jake stood still where he was simply watching wide-eyed. Andy crept slowly up to the log and stood there watching to see if Ella had heard him. Then, with the swiftness that only an Alpha or Beta wolf could possess, he bent down and lifted the end of the log and tossed it into the river. Ella sat up with a start as the log was lifted, and spun around in time to meet the deep brown eyes of the man who held the other end of the log. He smiled at her as he tossed the log into the river. Jake dropped the fishing poles and ran up to stand next to Andy. A look of surprise on his face. Andy put his hand on his shoulder. "That will teach that b***h to make me run laps for two hours yesterday." Andy dropped his hand and walked over and picked up the poles. Jake still had not said anything, and turned to look at Andy with a questioning look on his face. Andy held his pole out to him again. Jake hesitated and looked back where the log had just been. "I know. I'm sorry Dude." Andy said, shaking his head. "I pushed our fishing tree over. It's OK I know of another one a few miles down. Bigger fish there too." Andy turned and started walking in the direction that he had pointed. Jake dropped the pole and turned back to the river. Ella still had not come up. The log was moving down the river, and the water was moving fast. Ella would be swept away and carried down the river. Jake started moving down the river trying to keep up with the log. His eyes were scanning back and forth from side to side of the river. "Come on Jake!" he heard Andy yell. Jake was now concerned about Ella. "You go on ahead. I'll catch up in a minute." he yelled back to Andy. Andy shook his head and threw his hand toward Jake in disgust. Turning, he jogged off toward the new fishing spot holding his fishing pole like a spear. Jake ignored him and turned back to the river. "Ella! Ella! Can you hear me?" Jake began to call out. He kept moving down the river. He could not see anything. He was now starting to panic. Jake began to run down the side of the river trying to see if the current carried her further down. She had been underwater for far too long. Jake was starting to panic. He frantically looked up and down the banks to see if there was any help. They were too far out in the forest for most people to go there, and not close enough to the border for one of the guards that was on patrol to come by. Jake ran further down, still scanning the banks and the rocks in the river. Ella was nowhere to be seen.
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