
1108 Words
   Ranks "Whether Harrington is up to some petty mischief or not, I have no idea! But you, you nasty old man, you'd better give that to me!" Ron glared as he extended his hand toward Cruz. This time, Cruz gave Ron what he asked for without the slightest delay. He even heaved a sigh of relief as he graciously took out a bottle of Spiritual Energy Potion from a spatial rift. The cooperation between them was still intact. "If I may ask, is Victory Academy facing some difficult situation?" Ron asked. Out of curiosity, he commented, "That guy, Harrington, was calling you his teacher." The things that Harrington had told Ron were confusing. At Ron's second question, Cruz's face changed. Looking upset, he said, "That brat was a student of a good friend of mine, who has passed away. I even taught him for a while myself! But I would never have imagined that, after bing the Deputy Dean, he would covet the Dean position! He is a genius, there is no doubt about that. He is only five hundred years old and yet, he is already a legendary warrior! I should have just let my friend kill him with one, tight slap!" With that said, Cruz's eyes lit up. He looked toward Ron and said, "Young Ron, aren't you a necromancer? Could you pull the soul of that friend of mine back from the realm of undead? I have a medium for you to do so!" Ron rolled his eyes as he thought to himself, 'Now you want me to pull a soul back from the realm of undead? Ths really overstepping our boundaries. You are a terrible old man." "Save it, all right?" Ron said. "You have lived through so many years, old man, can't you be more mature? Answer me; is there something inherently wrong with Victory Academy? Is it going to affect our plans?" "Actually, I am not very clear about what is going on within Victory Academy." Cruz flashed an awkward smile and said, "I only know how much money Victory Academy has left." "How many years does it take for a talent like you, distinguished old man, to emerge in the Endless Continent?" Ron was really speechless. A dean who only knew how much money his academy had was exceptionally incompetent. Nevertheless, Cruz's words did make Ron increasingly convinced that some major problem was lurking behind a façade, pretending to just be an open dispute between the deans. Otherwise, why did Harrington not claim the position of Dean for himself? Why did he leave the financial matters to Cruz? For the sake of power? Power without profit was like a bubble without a sense of stability. Harrington was no fool! When he returned to his mansion, Ron instructed Lofe to look into Victory Academy. *** The realm of undead was a jungle of skeletons. There were skeletons lying everywhere, and a green light hovered above them. A skeleton bird landed on one of the skeletons and began pecking at the green light. Not long after, it heard something and hurriedly flew away. It knew that the war in this jungle of skeletons was about to start again Sure enough, smoke and dust rose from the south, before the sound of chaotic, disorderly footsteps, intermingled with the earsplitting sound of bones scraping against each other, rang out. "Aye! The glory of Vedrilla will live on in the Jungle of Skeletons. Let those d*mned dead souls become nutrients for the souls under our bones!" a tall skeleton, raising a spear in his hand, roared. Behind him, a yellow haze of smoke and dust had arisen, and was sweeping across the dark sky. Beneath this yellow haze was the shocking sight of countless skeletons. There were not many skeletons that were capable of speech, so they could only stomp on the ground in a haphazard manner, causing the yellow haze of smoke and dust to become increasingly thick. They were standing face-to-face with Ron's army of dead souls. "Weak and frail little dead souls, how dare you talk about glory so mindlessly before us! You even think you can devour our souls! I carry with me my master's will, and will see to it that you become mere bones buried under the rocks in this Jungle of Skeletons!" Angoli bellowed madly toward the sky, its body full of bulging muscles. "What a pity... Angoli... You are no match for the skeletons!" Lava's thick and sluggish voice said. Angoli was about to lash out at Lava in anger, but Dracula shouted for it to stop. "Combat is a form of art! None of you know how to appreciate it!" Then to Koro, who was wiping its skeleton body next to it, Dracula said, "You, clean freak, this is the playground you like best. It is time for you to put yourself to good use." When Koro heard that, it immediately discarded the cloth in its hands. Its jaws moved slightly as it spoke. "D*mn this realm of undead. It's really full of filth! Don't worry, Boss. The Skeleton King is no match for my bright and brilliant skeleton brain. We have already won this battle." How arrogant and proud! Dracula liked Koro. It did not take long for Koro to put all the dead souls into formation, and assign the higher-ranking ones with tasks. After a long time, at the order of the Skeleton King, the war began! Dracula took the lead and flew high into the sky. Then it shouted toward the ground, "Ace! Blaze! Back me up!" Ace nodded coldly as it prepared its bow and arrow. On the other hand, the aged dead soul, Blaze, flashed  hideous smile as a fiery flame surged up its magic staff. In a matter of minutes, Dracula had transformed into countless bats. With cold ice and blazing fire behind it, the trio charged at the Skeleton King! Collide sneered and used a sharp claw to tear a skeleton monster into pieces of shattered bone, which were strewn all over the ground. With a reverential smile, it said, "After this battle is over, we can go home to our master!" "The problem that Victory Academy is facing?" After hearing Ron's request to look into Victory Academy, Lofe was a little puzzled, but there was no way he would dare to disobey Ron, so he said, "Got it, Sir! I will immediately contact the intelligence department of the Hall of Wealth. We will dig out every single piece of information that we can find about Victory Academy for you!" "Go and get it done," Ron replied with a smile.
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