Are you Mocking Us?

1179 Words
Are You Mocking Us? "Are you also a piece of trash that Cruz brought in?" Clayton was hopping mad. He had been a teacher at Victory Academy for a long time, but had never felt as hapless as he was today. He was put down so mercilessly by Cruz, then was humiliated by his mocking students, and now he even had a student hurling verbal a***e at him. He felt rage surging within him. To everyone's surprise, he walked over to where the students were seated with his aura of a Rank-8 powerhouse rising bit by bit, and said, "I don't care what family background you have; so long as I am your teacher, you must respect me!" With eyes bulging with rage, he shot death stares at Dade and Ron, then said, "Today, I am going to show you what rules and decency mean!" The newly enrolled students present, apart from Ron's dead souls, were all Rank-4 at best. How could they possibly withstand the Fighting Qi that Clayton was exuding? They all tensed up at once. What a powerful teacher! He was really angry. They all lowered their heads, not daring to even sneak a peek at Clayton. They might be nobles and aristocrats from all over the world, but in the face of a teacher from Victory Academy, not a single one of them dared to show even a hint of resentment or anger. Dade's head was still tilted at an angle as she looked at Clayton, who was walking toward her. Sensing that Clayton's aura was growing stronger and stronger, Dade cast a questioning look at Ron. Leah and Ken saw how imposing Clayton looked with his increasing aura and laughed sarcastically. Coles rested its hand on the frame of its glasses again. Ron merely smiled. From what he saw, there was nothing this Clayton could d to them. He was just bluffing, putting up a strong front. "Clayton! This is a classroom. What do you think you are doing?!"A voice full of anger rang out. "This is a classroom. You're the teacher of the students. Are you thinking of using strength to bully your students?" There was actually someone scolding Clayton again, and it was to stand up for the students! All the students looked in the direction of the voice. "Is he here?" Ron asked sarcastically with the corners of his mouth tilted upwards to form a subtle smile. Clayton was not any trouble for him. The real trouble was the fact that the awful old man, Cruz, had openly made it known that he was going to take Ron in as his disciple! "A legendary warrior with the power of thunder and lightning,"Ghorst whispered to Ron from behind. The person who had just joined them appeared to be a middle-aged man with a learned and refined looking face, but his eyes naturally exuded an authoritative aura. He had a medium build and long, brown hair, and was wearing a purple robe with no other accessories except for one space ring. When Clayton saw who their visitor was, he complained, "Honorable Dean, it's not that I am bullying the students, but rather, these students do not take me seriously, nor do they regard me with respect at all. Look, one of them is threatening me, and there is another who is actually insulting me! If I don't show them who is the boss and establish my authority now, will they still see and treat me as their teacher in the future?" Another Dean? A guess popped up in Ron's mind. This guy was most likely the brat that Cruz had been talking about. "A teacher should be virtuous, so you should be establishing your virtue, not your authority!" the 'Dean' reprimanded Clayton. "Winning the people by virtue is the way of a teacher. Nurturing the young is like nurturing seedlings; if you educate them with such oppressive pressure, how do you expect these young people to grow and thrive?" "Clayton, I think you should not teach the lesson today. Please go back and think about how you should educate your students before you come back to class!" Being reprimanded by the 'Dean' made Clayton tempted to retort, but seeing the stern gaze that the 'Dean' was giving him, he let out a helpless sigh and left the classroom. The 'Dean' gave Ron, who was sitting in his wheelchair, a second look, then sat down in the seat that was originally occupied by Clayton. "Hello everyone. I am Harrington Chiziere, deputy Dean of Victory Academy. I am so sorry that you all had to experience something like this in your very first class here. Although Victory Academy is not a highly ranked academy, we, the teachers here, are still very particular about the way we educate and nurture our students." Harrington was very warm and gentle. He delivered the lesson with a great sense of humor, instantly winning the hearts of the fourth-class honors students in the room. "Master, this deputy dean seems like a pretty nice guy." Just as Ron was attentively listening to Harrington talk about the form of one's Fighting Qi upon transformation, Leah quietly whispered to him. Ron nodded and said, "At least for now, he does seem like a pretty decent teacher." Dade was feeling drowsy and was no longer listening intently to the lesson. When she heard them talking, she instantly sprang to life and said, "It's so boring. Master, when we get home, please buy me a novel." Ron rolled his eyes. Since Dade had advanced to Rank-7, she had been getting lazier and lazier. As a dead soul, the pleasures in her life were only eating, sleeping, and feeling bored. "That student over there, what is your name?" At first, Ron had a good mind to reprimand Dade, but she was caught by Harrington instead. Harrington teasingly said, "Looks like this student is going to lead a very chic and free life in Victory Academy! Look at the two beautiful ladies by your side. I would have loved to be entitled to such treatment when I was a student." The moment Harrington finished speaking, all the students looked at Ron. The boys were taking in the sights of Leah and Dade's stunning looks, but could not help feeling the surge of negative emotions within them as they wondered what made Ron so special. Somehow, the girls were also curious about Ron. Leah and Dade's exceptional looks did make them feel inferior, and girls would also feel their hearts stir at the sight of two such beauties. They were even more curious about what exactly was so unique about Ron that he could attract two beautiful women like them. However, none of the students dared to mess with Ron and his company, for they were people who even dared to stand up against Clayton. Ron paid no attention to the fact that everyone was looking at him and smiled nonchalantly before saying, "I'm sorry, Deputy Dean. Due to health conditions, I'm unable to stand up and speak."
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