Back in Demon School

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Back in Demon School Apart from the fact that you are so mysterious, you are also totally fearless. But just as you said, the lives of gods and holy spirits are extremely boring. We live eternally, so to us, time is a curse, but also a blessing. In our infinite life, the most important thing we know is how to waste our time." Mira seemed to be very proud of the fact that she was a goddess, but Ron knew that Mira was quite indifferent to her life. "Ron, I heard your dead souls are in the midst of a m******e in the realm of undead," Mira suddenly said. Ron nodded. He did not know why Mira was asking him about this. Mir frowned and reminded Ron, "Although killing is an ongoing daily affair in the realm of undead, they also have their own laws in place. You must be mindful of this. Do not do anything beyond what is allowed by the laws of the realm of undead." Ron nodded earnestly and said, "Thank you for the reminder. I will be more mindful of this." The two of them, a man and a goddess, chatted idly for a long time. After eating some of the dishes prepared by Cramer, Mira left in good spirits, as her true purpose for visiting had been a cure for her boredom and hunger. When night fell, Ron drank all the potions that could rapidly boost his magic power, and the amount of experience he had was rapidly increased. With the help of the System of Dead Souls, his body was like a bottomless pit, and could quickly digest anything that was useful in boosting his experience. [Level] 34 [Experience] 87,640/640,000 [Skills] Soul Conversion; Soul Strengthening; Flesh Absorption [Souls] 34,650,000 [Soul Capacity] 13,254/340,000 He had finally advanced to Rank-3! Cruz's potion had given Ron a chance to become a powerhouse. The number of souls he had was increased a notch higher, and it was still continuously on the rise. The value of his soul capacity, on the contrary, had decreased by a little. Ron was aware that it was because Dracula was fighting a great battle at the moment. However, Ron had faith in the strength of his dead souls. "Master, that greedy and cowardly human merchant is here." Cramer came into the hall and reported to Ron in a respectful manner. Upon hearing what Cramer said, a hint of disgust flashed in Leah's eyes, and she said, "Master, I will go and take care of some other chores." Ron was not bothered about her desire to leave immediately. Leah seemed exceptionally hateful towards the slave merchant. A moment later, the slave merchant walked in with a friendly smile on his face. "Oh, my Goddess of Wealth! Every time I step into Mr. Ron's mansion, I am always overwhelmed by the mind-blowing display of gold coins. This is really so enchanting!" He also seemed to be a follower of the Goddess of Wealth. What a pity his belief was only focused on material wealth. Ron said indifferently, "The things that I asked you to look into; how are they coming along?" "Your requests are more important than my life itself!" The slave merchant placed his palm on his chest and made a solemn vow. Then he handed a space ring to Ron and said, "Ten thousand as requested, no more, no less. Please find your goods enclosed inside, Mr. Ron!" Ron took the space ring, which Cramer brought over to him, and tossed another to the slave merchant. "You can check yours. The payment is inside. I will give you a month. Do your best to bring me what I asked for." When the slave merchant heard what Ron said, he was delighted, and happily agreed. "Dade doesn't like to go to school. Dade likes to sleep." Throughout the entire journey to the academy, a sleepy Dade had been complaining non-stop. "Dade is getting lazier and lazier!" Leah caressed Dade's silvery hair, which was a great mess, and Dade had not even bothered to fix it. A faint black light flashed across Dade's body. It was so subtle that it was seemingly undetectable, and Dade's hair was restored to its original appearance. "Dade! How many times have I told you not to use the energy of a dead soul to tidy up your appearance!" It was rare for Ghorst to say so much in one breath! "Oh." Ron could not help but laugh out loud. As they advanced higher and higher up the ranks, these dead souls became more and more human. Last night, Ron had upgraded the four dead souls that he brought with him wherever he went, levelling them up to Rank-9! Today, they arrived at the academy to realize that there were not many people on the premises. Almost all the students lived in the dormitories of the academy. The guard on duty at the academy's gates was an older man, who also appeared to be very sleepy, his face shiny because of all the oils on it. When he saw Ron and company at the gate, he struggled to look up at them. All he said was, "Pass." It was as if a word or two more would be a total waste of time and energy. Ron handed his student's pass to the older man and, with a smile on his face, he said, "Sir, we stay outside the academy's premises. In the future, would it be possible for us to skip this step?" The man's eyes widened a little as he gave them a second look. He said, "Oh, you have connections in here, don't you? Got it. Go ahead and enter." That's right, connections. Ron smiled and went into the academy. It was early in the morning, but the academy was already bustling with activity. Students were everywhere. Some were outside meditating, while others were using their energy for physical training. There were many students walking about hurriedly, on their way to class. It was the second day of school, so things were somewhat busier. Ron and his company were like newborns, curious about everything in their surroundings as they looked around the academy. "Come on! Join our Fiery Flames Society, and be able to own even better resources!" "The Swordsman Association is opening up many spaces for new recruits and existing students who need to join a club!" "The Priest Alliance has many adorable ladies!" The seniors were appealing to the new recruits to join their groups. "Master, should we join a group? It looks really fun!" Leah was a little tempted. Ron, on the other hand, frowned. Were these the self-initiated common interest groups of the academy that Cruz had mentioned to him before? Victory Academy offered one of the most powerful programs in the Endless Continent, the Apothecary Major, which enrolled more than two thousand students. The students were able to produce quite a large amount of potions every day, and the self-initiated common interest groups would then distribute the potions according to the ranks of the different groups' strength. Of course, the potions came with a cost, but even if one had a lot of money to offer, there was no way one would be able to purchase the potions beyond the group. The groups absolutely would not agree to let any outsider into the group for a slice of their cake, so unless one could enter the inner rankings of these groups, there was no way to get ahold of the potions. Ron and Cruz had discussed about different ways to cooperate. Breaking the trading regulations between the Apothecary majors and these interest groups was one of them. As long as Ron could fulfill this one condition, Cruz would provide him with an endless supply of all the potions in this academy that would have an immediate effect on boosting his strength. Ron had thought of many ways to succeed in this task, and he had selected the easiest one. He hated troublesome situations. "If you are interested, then go have fun by yourself," Ron replied to Leah in an indifferent manner. "Then I'd rather not." Leah was a little disappointed. Ron wasn't bothered about that. He was more concerned about how he could find ways to dissolve all these groups completely "Ghorst, I may need you to cast your spells today. You are already at Rank-9, so even a powerhouse of legendary level should not be able to detect your presence, right?" Ron asked Ghorst. Ghorst nodded firmly and nodded, then said, "No problem, Master!" Still so frugal with its words! Ron had a rough plan in mind and nodded nonchalantly.
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