Fading Away

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Chapter 3.  Fading  Away. Seven had earlier been warned by the heads of village, that his popularity and mode of operation in the village was attracting lots of questioning lately. He had been asked to give out the actual detail of his Operations and how possible it was that he was able to move items seamlessly some times and other times it was totally Impossible. Seven on his summon by the heads of the village decided to abstained from public or open meetings and lonely path ways. He recalls his abrupt meeting with Christabel, who had informed him of the conspiracy the village had against him,.and how.valiant men of valour had sat to calculate his doom.   Initially, as a result of his supernatural abilities, he laughed it to scorn, now he had to reconsider and plan intelligently.  Hearing that the top Village head, might also be a demon with similar abilities like himself.  "What are you doing there she asked looking confused." "Doing  I do not understand how do you mean."  "Nevermind you're mostly suspicious these days,  seeing you lurking around the building gripped my heart and soul in sorrow. It was like you took no heed to all I've been saying."  "Seven!  look out behind you." "Cease him at once." Two men in white (probably to distinguish themselves from the common villagers,) attempted to cease Seven. At once his eyes where filled with flames and his heart fury. He stamps the ground with force and aggression, then  a wave exploded around him. The men fell on different corners and a pursuit ensued. "Where are we headed"  christabel asked.  "Somewhere safe from here." "Safe? Are you trying to be sarcastic.?"  " Not necessarily, I'm being open. Run!" The men shot arrows at them. One was about piercing at Christabel's face, but the lock spell Seven had done, made it hit a shield that was impossible to penetrate." " Till we meet again a man on black shades uttered. " "See you then."  Just after he had stepped out of the forest, Seven was shocked by the increase in soul number that he was gaining. The soul number was actually jumping with an increment of 0.01 every few moments! Ron's hand tightened on the handle of his wheelchair, and the corners of his mouth were tugged upwards as he said with a smile, "Not bad. This is a good channel to obtain souls and increase my soul number." The increase in soul number did not seem to wane in momentum until the sun was high up in the sky. And the column indicating his soul number was now at a value of 60 points. Seven was delighted. He tapped the back of the arm of his skeleton soldier and said, "Let's go, push me back there!" When he saw the skeletons covered in a purple fluid from head to toe, and the ground that was covered with patches of killer bees, Seven could not help but find this poignant scene somewhat tragic. He did not even know how his clumsy skeletons had managed to kill the killer bees, which were so swift in flight and nimble in movement. He was indeed a little surprised with the day's gains. Sprawling on the ground, he began to use [Flesh Absorption] to suck the blood and flesh of the killers.  "I really should stop using my supernatural abilities." " You don't expect to survive a day without them the. " "I'll  do just fine but I prefer not to because they're going to kill my time. " "Seven lookout!"  They began to run Seven and Christabel  reached a crossroad they wondered the side to take, right or left.   "we should take left christabel suggested" "Left ? Why left we should go right" Seven said. even saw the look of contempt in the guard's eyes, but still he was not bothered.  He realized he had earlier decided that they go right and not left as Christabel had earlier suggested. He said, "If you don't believe me, you can go ask Miss Eva. And even then, if you still can't bring yourself to believe me, you can always inspect the goods we are transporting to see if there is anything wrong with them." Seeing this, the guard also could not help but start to hesitate as well. He lifted the straw covering the content of the carts. "What? This is a killer bee hive!" a smartly dressed man exclaimed when he saw the killer bee hive hidden under the sackcloth. As soon as the cloth covering the content of one of the carts was lifted, the people who were entering the city, as well as the guards, were startled by what they saw. Everyone's astonishment heightened, and their expressions were suddenly respectful as they looked at Seven. With face full of humility and modesty, the guard hurriedly bowed to Seven and apologized. "Sorry, sir, I was just doing my job. Please pardon me." Something like a killer bee hive was not something that ordinary people could easily lay hands on, was it?  hive was so precious that, even if it was priced at a thousand gold coins, there would still be people willing to pay for it. Even ordinary people knew this; it was common sense. Seven waved and with a smile, he said, "Can I enter the city now?" At this question, the guard wiped the perspiration off his forehead and said, "Of course, Sir. Please enter." As he watched Seven enter the city, the guard's expression grew worried. "This man must be some big shot. Will he find fault with me because I stopped him at the city gate?" He was thinking too much. Seven was not the least bit bothered about it. The world was always full of people who saw things and other people at a superficial level. Besides, he did not even have the time to take care of his own appearance these days. Admittedly, he did look like a bit of a mess. He got the skeletons to push him in the direction of the most reputable shop in the City of Moonshadow, The Treasure House. When he arrived outside the door of The Treasure House, he was compelled to stop and admire its magnificence. The main door was gold, or had at least been painted with gold powder! The stairs outside the building were paved with a kind of precious stone in the Endless World, making them look crystal clear. With just one look at the four words on the signboard, "Exterminate One called Seven", Seven could tell the villages decision clearly. He had to go into the dark, into obscurity, into exile.
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