
1354 Words
Craving Harrington shook his head and said, "The agreement did not state that people from pantheons are not allowed to study in the academies. On the contrary, it is our honor if a Son of God fancies our academy enough to want to study here." He bowed to Ron and said, "I'm truly sorry that the Son of God had to face such a life-threatening moment here at our academy." Jarrett and his company looked slightly molified upon seeing the change in Harrington's attitude. Ron flashed a nonchalant smile and said, "Actually, it's not a big problem. It's just that I am curious as to why these teachers only know to shout at me and question me about why I killed someone inside the academy. They didn't even think to ask if someone else made the first move, and they did not even bother asking me about what actually happened. I have heard some things about the dispute between the deans. Does this mean the teachers of Victory Academy are targeting me? Are they against me, the Son of God of the Hall of Wealth?" At his words, all the teachers broke out in cold sweat. The look on Harrington's face also reflected the extreme discomfort he was feeling. They had had no idea about Ron's true identity, but now that it had been revealed, the truth and justice of the situation no longer mattered to Victory Academy. They just wanted to save themselves from a god's wrath. The students outside the classroom were all very excited. Victory Academy had no shortage of rich and wealthy students. Any student pulled at random would be someone rich and wealthy, but they were still a far cry from being the Son of God of the Hall of Wealth. The faces of the teachers had turned completely ashen. They were already weighing the pros and cons of the situation, contemplating if they should reconsider their stance on whose side to take in the dispute between the deans. When Diana saw Harrington bowing so respectfully, she also sighed, bowed to Ron, and said, "I'm really sorry, Son of God. We have been negligent in managing the academy and caused you to meet with danger. We also did not look into the matter carefully enough to find the truth, and put you through a shocking and distressing situation." A teacher suddenly stepped out from the crowd and said, "Even if he is the Son of the God, it doesn't mean that he can kill as he pleases within the academy!" When the other teachers heard what he said, they trembled, and subconsciously moved further away from him. Harrington laughed awkwardly, covering his mouth, then led the teachers out of the classroom. really meant was that he had directly used 500 million gold coins to buy Cruz, the Dean of Victory Academy! "S-sir, our Hall of Wealth, like the other pantheons, has an agreement with the City of the Academy Commonwealth to not interfere with the academies." Ron laughed and said, "Some agreements are just formalities. So long as I don't shake the foundations of the City of the Academy Commonwealth, no one will even bother!" The old men nodded in agreement. "I am going to stir up chaos throughout the entirety of Victory Academy. Cruz's deanship must be firmly established!" Ron said. Then he asked Lofe, "What have you learned about Victory Academy since the last time I asked you to look into it?" Lofe hurriedly bowed and said, "I've got it all sorted out, Sir! Decades ago, Victory Academy got into big trouble. Dean Cruz has been constantly spending the academy's wealth for his own personal gains over the years, and there was one point in time where his actions had caused Victory Academy's ranking to drop. The funds of the academy were getting increasingly tight, but the more dire the situation was, the greedier Dean Cruz became. "It was at this point that Harrington stepped forth, though he was merely part of the faculty, and saved Victory Academy from ruin. That was how he became the Deputy Dean. After Harrington became Deputy Dean, many of the academy's faculties and students began to see how talented Harrington was, and wanted to make him the Dean. Among them, the Chiziere family seems to have invested a great deal of effort." At these words, Ron's eyes narrowed slightly. "The Chiziere family clan?" That was Harrington's family clan! Lofe saw Ron's doubtful look and explained, "The Chiziere family clan is part of the Hall of Nobles. The Hall of Nobles is an organization formed by the major families with long familial histories. For example, the Croel Family Clan that you, the Son of God, exterminated, was also a family in the Hall of Nobles. However, they were the ones who made advances against the Son of God first, so the Hall of Nobles did not dare to say much in their defense. We also jumped at the opportunity to extort a hearty sum from them." Ron was stunned for a moment, albeit inwardly. The Hall of Nobles was an organization that was equal in power to the other major pantheons. "What about the Chiziere family? I'm afraid they are the true force behind Harrington vying for deanship. This will cause a lot of trouble for my plans! If we use the name of the Hall of Wealth, will it be enough to get the Chiziere family to back off?" Jarrett smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, if it had been any other family clan, perhaps the name of the Hall of Moreover, Ron was very curious. The Chiziere family had spent a few decades just to take control of Victory Academy. The potions Victory Academy produced were undoubtedly extremely precious, but were they really worth the great efforts that the Chiziere family had invested for all that plotting and scheming? What on earth were they really after? "Sir, the Hall of Wealth cannot wage war on the Chiziere family. This would have far greater implications." Elias smiled bitterly. "The holy spirits and major races of the world are all in agreement that they will not interfere with one another's affairs." Ron nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I can handle this well." After a while, Leah walked in, bowed, and said, "Master, there is a student waiting to see you outside our mansion. He is the one we met today, Ogutu." Ron's eyes sparkled. Ogutu was a fast worker! "Let him in." After a bit, Ogutu walked into the hall with shock written all over his face. What kind of mansion was this? The scent of gold coins pervaded the entire place. The luxury and extravagance of the Hall of Wealth was certainly beyond what ordinary people could ever imagine! When he saw Ron, Ogutu bowed in the way he would to people of nobility and said, "Sir, I have prepared personal information. Just that had cost a near-perfectly made sword? Ron seemed to understand what was going through Chasworth's mind. He smiled and said, "I need to get up to speed to carry out my plan." On the little booklet, he began to draw circles, one after the other. Then he called Ghorst over. He handed the booklet to Ghorst and instructed, "Ghorst, go to the academy now. Be careful not to reveal yourself. I have made a few markings in that book; go and find those people and bring me strands of their hair." Ghorst nodded easily and vanished. The three old men were getting more and more puzzled at this point. What on earth was their Son of God up to? He was so secretive! *** Ghorst was busy the entire night before it finally returned to the mansion. From a space ring, it took out several boxes, all of which were labelled with names from the little booklet. Ron smiled at Coles and said, "Now it's time for you to make a move. Look into the booklet and find those people who have grudges with someone else. Make them fight each other. Only one can survive!"
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