Made of Honor

1128 Words
Made of Honor "Doing something like that in Victory Academy warrants a death penalty!" the student said. "Besides, if Deputy Dean Harrington learns about this, he will definitely use it to create trouble for you. This will definitely be a severe blow for you, especially when you are already in a very disadvantageous position!" The student took the glass bottle away from Cruz, earning himself a scornful glare. "Who says I am at a disadvantage?" Cruz snatched his potion back and said, "I've lived for a thousand years! From a loser with a mere 40 points in magic talent, I've become a powerhouse that's only a hairsbreadth away from becoming an epic level mage! I have never lost in my entire life! That brat Harrington is coveting what's mine. It's totally impossible for him to take anything from me!" Though he vowed to keep what was his with such great ardor and commitment, Cruz still created a spatial rift in front of him and put his potion back inside as he said, "Still, I am quite curious to find out what the hell that unpredictable little fox is trying to do." *** Ron returned to the classroom the next day. There were only about ten students inside. They were all sons from noble families, with reputable status within their respective countries. When they saw Ron coming in, they all greeted him subserviently, their eyes lowered. "Hello, Mr. Lewis!" "Sir, you're really early!" "Have you taken breakfast? I can prepare a sumptuous breakfast for you and your companions!" They had to be respectful. Ron was an extremely impressive person! It was only after they had returned to the dormitory when school ended that they dared to talk about what had happened earlier in the day. They all realized, with increasing awareness, that Ron and his company were really a terrifying bunch. The more they knew, the more deferential and intimidated they were. There were many sons and daughters of noble families studying in Victory Academy, and all of them had high societal status, but none of them dared to show disrespect to their teachers. To show anger to a teacher, or to pressurize someone like the Deputy Dean was unthinkable. Those who could become nobility were definitely people with deep insight. It did not take much for them to realize that if they wanted to live a better life, they should never get into Ron's bad books! Ron halfheartedly responded to their greetings, then returned to his seat where he closed his eyes to rest. Dade slumped down on her desk and fell asleep right away. After quite some time, the classroom started to fill up slowly with students. When these students entered the Ron glanced at the visitors, then closed his eyes and continued to rest. It seemed like the students of this academy had formed a self-initiated law enforcement troop. It was not worth his attention. The students in the classroom, on the other hand, were taken aback by these people and looked at one another. "Answer me! Which of you is Ron? And Dade?" When the visitor saw that no one was answering him, the expression on his face became unpleasant, and he went on to say, "These two have killed someone in the academy. They have committed a most heinous crime! They cannot be spared from execution!" At these words, all the students in the classroom looked over in Ron's direction, only to see that Ron was still resting with his eyes closed. Leah and the others were also ignoring the newcomers, as if they had not heard anything. After all, they had three legendary powerhouses in their company, and had even come face-to-face with holy spirits who were wanted nothing more than to leech off of them. These people might seem aggressive and threatening, but so what? Ron's group was not arrogant; it was just that they had seen and experienced much more in the outside world, so they had much broader  horizons. "It's them! They are the ones who killed Peters!" someone from the Formidable Society rushed out from the crowd and pointed at Ron and company. His overwhelming indignation was clearly palpable. With wide eyes, the captain of the law enforcement troop walked toward Ron, raising his right hand high. He was about to slam it down on Ron's desk as he shouted, "You killed someone in the academy! Do you still think you can act ignorant?" His hand was still in mid-air when Dade, who was sitting next to Ron, opened her eyes in a daze. She grabbed the captain's wrist right away, and said, "Dade is sleeping, and you are disturbing Dade. It's really boring to kill a weak and frail being." The captain felt himself seething with anger when his wrist was seized. What was the world coming to? This person had killed a man, but still dared to resist with such defiance! After a few failed attempts to free himself from the grip of Dade's slender hand, he came to realize that he was struggling pointlessly. He broke out into a cold sweat. He was a Rank-5 warrior! For someone to be able to grip his wrist so firmly that he was unable to move at all meant that they were a person who should not be messed with. Besides, they had dared to kill someone in the academy and were still so calm; if he provoked them, who knew what would become of him!. requested with a bitter laugh. He really was beyond his means in that regard. Ron smiled and said, "Dade!" Hearing Ron call out her name, Dade responded with a curt "Oh," released her grip, and went back to sleep. The captain rubbed his wrist, where a red circle had formed from Dade's tight grip. He looked at Ron and said, "I have been a student of this academy for four years, and have never seen a student like you. My name is Ogutu. Please, could you tell me why you killed someone on the premises of the academy? I am genuinely asking out of curiosity." Ron shook his head at Ogutu and said nothing. "I do not believe that you are someone who kills indiscriminately. For you to still remain so calm after doing such a thing, you must have some reason and purpose,right?" At his words, Ron felt himself becoming interested in this person. Ogutu was a smart man! "Ogutu, you have caught my attention." Ron smiled. His eyes were sparkling as he said, "I would like to ask a favor from you, which you may not agree to now. But after this matter of my killing someone is over, you will come to understand that you cannot refuse me at all."
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