When Things Fall Apart

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Chapter 6 When Things Fall Apart things fall apart! You should believe me when I say that I can get the 500 million gold coins back from you at anytime!" Seeing how Ron spoke with such indifference, Cruz swallowed thickly. Ron was really worthy of admiration. Cruz believed everything that he said. Even if he spent all of the 500 million gold coins, the Hall of Wealth would still have the means to recover the entire amount. One Victory Academy was enough was enough to pay it back! With a bitter smile, Cruz said, "Young Ron, there's no need to rush! The biggest obstacle you will get is some added trouble. But you are a very smart man, so you will always find a way to do damage control and manage the trouble, won't you? Anyway, the outcome will still turn out to be the same, so you could just do me this favor, right?" Ron merely looked at Cruz with indifference, saying nothing. "Old man, you are not only annoying, but you have also deceived your master." Dade's eyes were filled with coldness, which was a rare sight indeed. Coles's face was expressionless as it rested its hand on the frame of its glasses. Seeing this, Cruz shook his head and smiled bitterly as he said, "Forget it, you win!" He took out a bottle of potion from a spatial rift and tossed it over to Ron, who was now feeling wary of him. To Ron, he said, "This is the latest potion that I have concocted based on my research. There is only one bottle of this. You can try it first and see how effective it is!" A small smile played on Ron's lips. He got Ghorst to try the potion first. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the potion, he swallowed it all in one gulp. In the next instant, all the magic spirits within a mile of Ron were surging into his body. "What's going on? I felt like I was suffocating for a moment!" "I could not detect the presence of magic spirits just now!" "It seems like they were all gathering in that direction! Eh? Isn't that the greedy dean?" A large number of magic spirits were drawn into Ron in one fell swoop, causing quite a commotion. Ron himself was totally unaware of the hubbub. He only knew that his experience was increasing by leaps and bounds! "Old man, it seems like you have hidden a lot of good stuff, haven't you? Do you have more hidden away somewhere?" Ron's eyes narrowed as he looked toward Cruz. It was as if nothing had happened earlier. This was an apothecary who had created an Intoxicating Potion and had lived for more than a thousand years. He was truly someone exceptional! "Do you know why I want so many gold coins? Do you know why I am spending my coins like water?" Cruz asked Ron. He was used to Ron's peculiarities by now, and with a bitter smile, he said, "In truth, my talent in magic is considered to be mediocre at best. But hundreds of years ago, I was able to surpass Jarrett Chaos, who is way more talented that I am. Why is that so? It is because of potions! I am now researching and working on a kind of potion that can allow me to step up the ranks and become an epic-level powerhouse!" There was a tenacious perseverance in Cruz's words. Ron could not help but believe that what Cruz said was true. He was impressed; Cruz was a legendary space mage who relied on his potions to build his experience. He was even thinking of entering the rank of epic-level with his potions, and gaining an even longer life. Ron smiled and said, "I don't care what your goal is. I do have faith in your worth now. But this is not enough." There was a sharp look in his eyes as he went on to say, "I want to learn your space magic!" Space magic was the most powerful and unstoppable magic in terms of attack power. Ron had had his eyes on this type magic after he first saw Cruz using it. When Cruz heard Ron's request, a strange, unreadable expression appeared on his face. He said, "What a sly little fox. You've set your mind on acquiring my magic skill, right? And you just found the perfect opportunity to ask for it!" Ron did not bother hiding his true intention either and nodded. Surprisingly, Cruz was not angry at all when he saw Ron's reaction. He laughed out loud and said, "You're very smart, just like me when I was young! Only a young man like yourself is qualified to be my disciple!" Cruz did not bother keeping his volume down, so the news of him taking a disciple under his wing was heard loud and clear by the students in the surroundings. The corners of Ron's mouth twitched as he thought to himself, "What a narrow-minded old man!" Ron was just messing around with him earlier on, but now he had actually found a chance for retaliation! "Heard that? That greedy dean is taking in students!" "Aren't they just over there? It seems one of them is a cripple; he's in a wheelchair! Who knows where that money-grabbing dean managed to find this fool!" "Quick! Spread the word! This is big news! The money-grabbing dean has taken a cripple for a disciple!" "Did you guys notice that they have two extremely gorgeous ladies in their company?" As he listened to the voices of people engaged in their indiscreet discussion, Ron's face darkened. Fiercely, he reached out his hand to Cruz and said, "Give it to me! Or else, I will get the three old men at the Hall of Wealth to come looking for you!" Cruz was secretly relishing the moment, the telltale sign being the slight twitching at the corners of his mouth. He fumbled about in the spatial rift, feeling about for a while, then tossed two bottles of Spiritual Energy Potion to Ron. This young fellow really would not allow anyone to take advantage of him. Under the astonished and contemptuous eyes of students passing by, Cruz brought Ron into a splendid and magnificent classroom. It was just like a small villa. There were more than thirty students inside, and they were all engaged in conversation. It was obvious that they were also new to the academy and were getting to know each other. A portly middle-aged man, with a face that looked shiny because of his oily skin, was seated right in the middle of a circular desk, sipping a grayish beverage. "Clayton, I brought you some students. Four of them. Go make the arrangements." Cruz walked into the room, going to the middle-aged man's desk. It was only then that Clayton realized Cruz had arrived. He looked up in surprise and said, "Dean, you're here? I was so preoccupied thinking about how I should conduct my first lesson for the kids that I didn't notice you. I'm really sorry!"
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