
1482 Words
Survival unleash my full potential, and bring out the best of my abilities. And it would even be better if my omnipotent master could give me some high-grade ores. I have gotten hold of quite a few architectural designs from the Hall of Wealth, and come up with some new ideas. I believe I can build some very strong buildings!" Buildings! Ron thought of the magic towers in the City of the Academy Commonwealth. These towers were constructed by expert architects, and even a Rank-7 powerhouse would not be able to ward off ordinary attacks from the lowest level magic towers! "Cramer, in the next few days, I may need you to create the strongest magic formation that you can think of. When we arrive at The Treasure House, you can just ask for whatever you will need!" Ron said with a smile. When the three old men heard what Ron said, they could not help but start to wonder. Over the past few days, they had slowly gotten to know Ron better. Every time Ron mentioned something, it meant that he was going to do something about it. Last night, the witchcraft that Coles had casted had made them all shake with fear. Witchcraft was not a widely-used type of magic. It was insidious and evil, yet powerful. Their intelligence was mainly focused on Victory Academy for the moment, and when the news came back, they had learned that more than fifty students of the academy had died overnight. This really scared them out of their wits. They all knew that Ron was the mastermind behind the deaths of those students, but there was just no way to prove it. unleash my full potential, and bring out the best of my abilities. And it would even be better if my omnipotent master could give me some high-grade ores. I have gotten hold of quite a few architectural designs from the Hall of Wealth, and come up with some new ideas. I believe I can build some very strong buildings!" Buildings! Ron thought of the magic towers in the City of the Academy Commonwealth. These towers were constructed by expert architects, and even a Rank-7 powerhouse would not be able to ward off ordinary attacks from the lowest level magic towers! "Cramer, in the next few days, I may need you to create the strongest magic formation that you can think of. When we arrive at The Treasure House, you can just ask for whatever you will need!" Ron said with a smile. When the three old men heard what Ron said, they could not help but start to wonder. Over the past few days, they had slowly gotten to know Ron better. Every time Ron mentioned something, it meant that he was going to do something about it. Last night, the witchcraft that Coles had casted had made them all shake with fear. Witchcraft was not a widely-used type of magic. It was insidious and evil, yet powerful. Their intelligence was mainly focused on Victory Academy for the moment, andwhen the news came back, they had learned that more than fifty students of the academy had died overnight. This really scared them out of their wits. They all knew that Ron was the mastermind behind the deaths of those students, but there was just no way to prove it. Ron was the designated representative of the Goddess that they believed in. They didn't dare condescend to him, and their fear toward him intensified. They had already started to imagine what Ron was getting those incredible dead souls of his to set up next. What a fearsome Son of God! When they arrived at The Treasure House, they saw that it was still as opulent and majestic as before, but Ron, who was now living in a luxurious mansion, was no longer shocked as he was the first time he laid eyes on The Treasure House. He even felt that The Treasure House was no longer as high-class as it was before. "Hello, gentlemen. May I ask what you are here for?" The young attendant who approached them was clearly quite sensible and tactful. Seeing how Ron was accompanied by a crowd of a dozen people or so, and observing how they were all dressed in the uniforms of Victory Academy, he had immediately concluded that they were people of great wealth, so he was particularly courteous and polite when he greeted them. "I would like to see the manager of The Treasure House in this precinct." Ron smiled gently and said, "I have a long list of items to purchase, and I may need to make use of many of The Treasure House's resources." At these words, the boy's eyes lit up. He knew that this man was going to be a major customer. These days, there would not be anyone foolish enough to come to the Treasure House and make talk so mindlessly. There was also no one foolish enough to think that a customer would come and run riot in the Treasure House. Even though Ron was in a wheelchair, the young attendant still treated him with utmost respect. "Sir, please follow me to the VIP room first. I will go and get our manager right away, after you are settled down." Ron nodded. Each of the different branches of The Treasure House shared a similar layout. However, this Treasure House was more than three times bigger than the one in the City of Moonshadow. Cramer already knew his way around the place, and pushed Ron to the VIP room without difficulty. When the young attendant saw how easily Cramer was navigating his way around the building, he was even more certain that Ron was an important customer for The Treasure House, and made haste in informing the manager. The manager was a middle-aged man with a kind-looking face. With a nice smile, he said, "Sir, I heard that you have a long list of items to purchase." "Yes. I need a large batch of herbs, ores, and precious liquids with inscriptions." The precious liquids were inscribed with runic magic formations. Upon hearing this, the manager smiled and said, "May I ask what level of items you are looking to buy? Please provide us a range, and The Treasure House will prepare the items for you." Ron frowned. He had not researched much in this respect, so he looked at Cramer. Stiffly and flatly, Cramer replied to the manager, "Perfect and legendary grade for the herbs and ores. Regardless of what kinds you have, we will take everything! As for the precious liquids with inscriptions, if you have ones made from blood of legendary level magical beasts, those would be best. If not, energy liquid made from the tears of a living being will also work fine. And we will need a large amount of high-level magic crystals." Ron nodded and said, "As long as your Treasure House can provide enough of everything we asked for, the cost will not be a problem." What a massive purchase! Everything he was asking for was extremely precious. The manager of The Treasure House could not help feeling shocked by how wealthy and generous Ron was. However, he smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, I am really sorry. Our branch can only provide you with a few items out of what you have asked for. The items you are asking for are too precious. These are all rare and scarce items in our branch. We have a very big role to play in selling such precious items, and cannot give all of our supply to one customer." Ron frowned. What was the use if they could not provide him with what he needed in large quantities? These things must be extremely powerful. Then Ron remembered something. He took out a medal in the shape of a gold coin from his space ring. He handed it to the manager and said, "When I traded with another branch of The Treasure House, the manager there gave me this card. She told me that this would provide me with convenience if I were to show it to the other branches of The Treasure House." When the manager saw the medal in Ron's hands, he squinted his eyes slightly. He took the card and carefully examined it. The look in his eyes suddenly changed, becoming even more respectful, and he said, "Sir, I will send the news of your request back to our headquarters. By this time tomorrow, I will have an answer for you." "I'm very sorry, but I may not be able to make it at this time tomorrow. How about the day after tomorrow, is that okay?" Ron took a sip of the drink that The Treasure House had served him and smiled. "No problem at all. We will accommodate to your availability, Sir."
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