Why Worry

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Why Worry Ron was also starting to worry about gathering the ingredients. Although he had already asked the Hall of Wealth to help collect precious ores, they were still unable to catch up with Cramer's progress. After Cramer advanced to Rank-9, his various skills had also skyrocketed. "Young man, Cruz is not a good man. You must keep your distance from him!" When Ron and company were walking out of the academy, the guard repeated his advice. He was still so warmhearted. It made Ron smile bitterly in spite of himself. Had Cruz even been paying the guard enough because he was embezzling money from the academy? When Ron arrived back at the mansion, he brought the three old men and all of his servants to The Treasure House. When it came to materials, the Treasure House was more resourceful than the Hall of Wealth. "Cramer, what quality gear are you capable of forging now?" Ron asked to Cramer. "I'm not entirely sure." Cramer shook his head and said, "The perfect level gear that I forged is the lowest quality of perfect level. The materials I work with are not good enough. Only high-grade materials can allow me to truly penetrate. Following the direction of the bloodstains, Ron found some marks caused by magic and swords. He immediately became cautious. These were warriors who had entered and fought in the forest. Eventually, they found the corpse of a man. Ron's eyes lit up. This corpse seemed to have died very recently. Ron got a skeleton to carry the corpse to him, placing his hands on the corpse. "Soul Conversion!" This time, Ron did not absorb the corpse's blood and flesh, but tried to convert it directly. However, after releasing one of his soul number and waiting for a long time, there was not the slightest conversion apparent in the corpse at all. Slowly, it simply dissipated in place. Ron frowned and looked up all the information he could find in his mind. It was a long time before more information was found, besides what he already knew of the skeletons. [Dead Soul] Ghost "Ghost?" Ron raised his eyebrows and said, "Ghost, show yourself!" Apparently, Ron's words were well-heard, for a man's figure slowly emerged in front of him. And it appeared that this was the man who had just died. Ron unconsciously shivered. This was frightening, even to him. He tried to touch the ghost, but the hand that he reached out simply went right through the figure. "What the!" Ron felt the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile. If this thing chose not to show itself physically, there was really no way anyone could see or feel it! Then he tried the ghost's skill, [Vision Sharing]. As soon as he executed it, Ron was momentarily dumbfounded. This vision sharing actually worked well for Ron; he could actually see the things that the ghost saw. This was the perfect skill for a scout. Since he was now the owner of this ghost, Ron manipulated it into helping him trace and follow the trail left by the marks he found earlier. It did not take long for the ghost to track down the person who caused all the destruction. It was a man dressed in black helmet and armor, who was holding a pair of double swords. He was down on one knee, gasping for breath, and was obviously wounded. Behind him, stood a woman, holding a magic staff and was gritting her teeth. Ron raised his brows at the sight of her through the ghost's eyes. What a coincidence! He recognized her as the woman that he had rescued from the coffin earlier. At this moment, the two people were in the midst of a confrontation with about ten others, all of whom were dressed like adventurers. "Who the hell sent you?" the man wearing the suit of armor yelled at the group of adventurers. "Hahahaha, do you want to know? Well, I'm not going to tell you!" One of the adventurers, standing right at the front of the group, said in a dark voice. One of the adventurers next to him looked at the woman, laughed lewdly, and said, "Boss, look at this lady, what a figure she's got there! Oh! And see that face of hers! Ah! Love it, love it!" At these words, the way that the leader of the group looked at the woman also became somewhat different. He said, "This girl is really quite a fetching one. How about a round of group s*x?" Hearing this dirty talk coming from the other party, the woman became so mad that she went red in the face and sputtered, "You!" Just then, a single snowflake appeared in front of Ron's eyes, and the scene before him suddenly disappeared. "This thing can even undergo power failure???" The corners of Ron's mouth twitched. It seemed that the ghost's [Vision Sharing] skill was imposed with a time limit of about two minutes. He probably had to wait till he had levelled up again before the time limit could be extended. The problem was that, without the ghost around, there was no way to strengthen it. Ron had no solution in mind at that moment, so he hesitated for a while. Finally, taking all his skeleton warriors along with him, he led the entire company to where the confrontation had taken place. When Ron arrived, he saw the ghost floating in front of him and casually waved to it as an indication to ask it to hide its visible form. Then he told his skeletons to wait in place while he took the lead and spun his wheelchair forward. What he saw was that the man in armor was already fighting with the group of adventurers. This man was quite a good fighter. Even fighting one against ten, he was still able to hold out a long period in order to protect the woman. But he was getting more and more bruises and injuries all over him, and it seemed like he was not going to be able hold out much longer. The woman was also waving her magic staff, and seemed to be casting some magic spell. However, the time she took to chant the spell was a little longer than could be considered efficient. Ron observed the strengths of both sides. The adventurers had two Rank 1 powerhouses, namely an assassin and a warrior. The man in armor, individually, was a bit stronger than the average Rank 1 powerhouse, while the woman, on the other hand, was a mage apprentice. Ron smiled and suddenly appeared next to the people engaged in the fight, saying, "Today, Moonshadow Forest is so lively and bustling with activity!" At the sound of his words, everyone was startled and hastily retreated backwards, looking towards Ron. The adventurers were instantly relieved when they saw Ron sitting in a wheelchair. "D*mn! Scared the hell out of me. Turns out to be just a cripple!" "A crippled man, what's his business in the Moonshadow Forest? Do you think that the magical beasts here are not fed enough?" "We might as well just finish off that cripple as well!" Unlike the adventurers, the duo of the man in armor and the lady mage felt that there was something strange and unusual about the situation. A man with a disability was able to shuttle his way through the Moonshadow Forest at will? And he stayed so calm when he was right next to a fight between two other parties? Something just did not seem right. The lady mage pleaded to Ron. "Sir, my name is Leah Yoo. I am the eldest daughter of the Yoo family. I was victimized by people in my family, persecuted and driven out. Please save me, and I will see to it that you are generously rewarded in due time!" Seeing how Leah was begging a disabled man, the leader of the adventurers broke out laughing. "Leah, are you out of your mind? Asking a cripple to save you? Why don't you be a good girl and have some fun with me and my brothers?" When Ron heard Leah's words of plea, he instantly empathized with her, for he had been through a similar situation. Both he and Leah had been tragically persecuted by people from their own clan. 'D*mn it! I was made a cripple by those bastards of the clan that I originally came from!' Ron thought. Without any change in expression, he asked Leah, "What can you repay me with?" Leah said most earnestly, "The Yoo family is one of the four most influential families in the City of Moonshadow. If I survive, I will become the head of the Yoo family in just a few days! If you will come to my rescue, sir, you will be our family's benefactor and will receive the sincerest friendship we can give!"
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