Ancient Battlefield

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Ancient Battlefield Ancient battlefield! There is no way we can unlock the gate to the ancient battlefield! Even I can't do it! The philosopher's stone is something that is worthy of our admiration. It is a divine artifact that serves only one purpose." Mira looked toward Ron with interest and went on to say, "It drains a living creature of everything in an instant, and ushers in the most splendid moment of his life for him. But this might not be suitable for you, right?" Ron understood what Mira meant. The stone was a vicious object. First, it would drain a living creature of everything within an instant, then it would explode! "Goddess, I think it might actually be pretty useful for me!" Ron smiled thoughtfully. "Oh?" Shaking her head, Mira did not really concern herself with what Ron actually meant. There were, in fact, not many things that the holy spirits actually cared about. Ron also asked about the way to use the philosopher's stone. Mira, of course, told him everything she knew. *** After the meal, Mira returned to the heavenly realm as she usually did. Ron, however, paid another visit to Cruz's research lab. Along the way to the academy, there were many magicians wearing pointed hats. From the information he recently received, he knew that these people were from the Mages Mutual Association. "They are here to find out the truth about the student's death?" Ron snorted. "What a waste of time." "There are no visible traces to follow when the power of a curse is concerned. There is nothing to worry about, Master," Coles said indifferently. "Even if there are trackable traces, it would still be futile." Ron shook his head. He never liked it when things spiraled out of his control. When he reached outside Cruz's research lab, he heard an argument going on inside. "Am I trying to rob you of your place? All these years, you have been taking and gaining without giving or contributing anything at all!" "What contribution? The position of Dean is mine! You are stripping me of all my dignity, making me lose face in front of everyone! I have dedicated my life to researching these potions. Without me, Victory Academy would not have such a wealthy pool of resources and profound knowledge in apothecary!" "Mr. Cruz, just listen to me. Hand over the deanship and the philosopher's stone to me. This way, all your troubles will be gone. You just have to trust me this once, can't you?" "Harrington, time has whetted your appetite. You have become much greedier than before! I have no idea where the philosopher's stone is. Just give it up, all right?" Ron slowly pushed open the door of the research lab. Because it had not been maintained for a long time, the door creaked loudly when it was pushed. Both Cruz and Harrington were caught up in a heated argument with flushed faces, but they looked toward the door warily the moment it creaked open. "Have I caught you both at a bad time?" Ron said with a faint smile. The expression on Harrington's face was even more awful than before. Ron had threatened him earlier and asked him about the philosopher's stone, leaving him with no other choice but to directly ask Cruz for it. He had definitely not expected to run into Ron here. Cruz was still in a rage. He did not know anything about the philosopher's stone. The only thing he knew was that the disciple of his close friend was coveting his position as dean, and now he had just learned that this despicable brat was actually after the philosopher's stone! "Seems like I'm not very welcome here. I think I have indeed imposed on the two of you." Ron's lips curled into a smile. To Cruz, he said, "Dean Cruz, regarding the philosopher's stone, I want it too!" "What?!" Cruz and Harrington exclaimed in surprise at the same time. Harrington sounded somewhat angry, while Cruz sounded more puzzled. Ron smiled and said, "Give me the philosopher's stone and I can promise that the both of you will be freed from all trouble. It's more of a liability for you anyway, isn't it?" To Harrington, he smiled and said, "Dean Harrington, are you really not going to explain to Dean Cruz about the Chiziere family's involvement in this matter? Actually, you should explain many things; if there is mutual communication, there won't be too many conflicts." At that, Harrington gritted his teeth and turned his face away sharply with a displeased expression. Cruz's anger was yet to be fully abated, but he did seem slightly appeased, nonetheless. He asked, "What do you mean?" Ron looked at Harrington with interest. "Dean Harrington has been scheming and plotting to lay his hands on the philosopher's stone for decades. Have you ever wondered what the philosopher's stone really means to him? Old man, have you never doubted his intentions at all?" When Cruz heard what Ron said, he itrembled involuntarily. "It did cross my mind that this brat was up to no good. He was always getting involved in inhumane things!" Ron's lips twitched as he thought to himself, 'Nasty old man! How can he think so terribly of other people!" "In fact, Dean Harrington approached me a while ago," Ron said. "At that time, he was still clueless about my identity as the Son of God. He asked me not to meddle in the dispute of the deans, for it would not do either of us any good. At that time, I had someone to look into the affairs of Victory Academy, and I found out that the Chiziere family is involved in many things. I think that Mr. Harrington is actually being coerced." With that said, Ron looked at Harrington with a smile on his face to see Harrington lowering his head in dismay. "The Chiziere family?" Cruz was no fool. Hearing what Ron said, he instantly grasped the situation. He pulled Harrington up by the collar and said, "You brat, what did the Chizieres force you to do? Tell me right now! The Chizere family means nothing to me!" Seeing how he could no longer keep the truth under wraps, Harrington smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, the Chizere family has a legendary prop, the Book of Space Locking. Your space magic will not work at all where the Book of Space Locking is concerned. The Chizere family is looking for your weakness now. They are threatening me with your life, as well as the lives of my family. Given your character, if you knew about these things, there would be no way that you would ever surrender! You can't win against my family. They are much too powerful. I had no choice."
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