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Fighting "You…" Cruz released Harrington's collar with mixed feelings in his heart. He did not doubt the truth in Harrington's words. His mind simply went blank. For a moment, he was actually rendered speechless, and could only find himself fighting back tears. Seeing that the two had fallen into silence, Ron reached out and took Cruz's hand in his, saying, "Sir, you have already sold your life to me. What difference does a philosopher's stone make? Just give it to me." Cruz let out a bitter laugh and said with guilt in his eyes, "No way! I can give you my life, but not the philosopher's stone." He took out a white stone and looked at Harrington, whose head was lowered. "The philosopher's stone is nothing more than a legend in words. Take it and save your family." "Mr. Cruz, you…" Harrington looked at Cruz with disbelief. His eyes were filled with gratitude. "What about me? When you were still a young fellow at Rank-1, I helped your teacher in educating you. It has been five hundred years, and you still don't know me well! You should just told me whatever was on your mind!" Cruz slapped Harrington on the head reproachfully, his eyes slightly reddened. Harrington took the philosopher's stone from Cruz with his head still bowed. There were tears welling in his eyes. "You both seem to have forgotten my existence," Ron said coldly. "If I say I want the philosopher's stone, then I will get it." "Cramer, Ghorst. The Chiziere family's lair is straight ahead. The whole place is monitored by a magic formation." Jarrett Chaos was standing on a hill under a sky full of stars as he gazed at the piece of land belonging to the Chiziere family. It looked like a small city. There was light everywhere. Jarrett turned to the two undead and asked, "Are you sure you can do it?" "Cramer would never let Master down." "I … I don't think I can. Erm, Mr. Cramer, should we wait and make a more meticulous plan?" Cramer looked at Ghorst coldly, "Cowardice will make you full of sin. Do you want to know what will happen to a sinful soul?" Ghorst looked at the cold-eyed Cramer, and a shudder ran through it. It shook its head quickly. "Jarrett, please go back to our Master and protect him," Cramer said to Jarett. He then gave Ghorst a pat on the shoulder. Ghorst gave him a bitter smile and put Cramer in the space ring. Then, he disappeared. Jarrett looked at the Chiziere family's residence, worry filling his eyes. He rose into the sky and left. *** Not far away, Cruz was constructing an interspace magic formation. "You i***t! How can you get the Son of God into such trouble?!" Jarrett grabbed Cruz by his collar, as he had done a thousand times. "Jarrett, don't you know what the Son of God is like?" Cruz put his hands in the air, surrendering."I had already decided to give the stone to the Chiziere family, but the Son of God turned out to be too greedy!" He was, in fact. Ron had seized the philosopher's stone through force and bribery, and Cruz couldn't even do anything about it! The most puzzling thing was that Ron had set his mind on antagonizing the Chiziere family. If the gods went into war with mankind, the whole world would plummet into chaos! Jarrett grew anxious as well. "If you guys weren't fighting over the philosopher's stone, this wouldn't have happened!" Cruz smiled wryly. "Let's just hope that the Son of God can come up with a good solution." Hearing that, Jarrett sighed. He couldn't stop Ron when things had already come this far. Mira's reaction when he told her about the incident had also been a surprise. She had simply let out an "oh," and said nothing else after that! *** Meanwhile, Ron was enjoying some tea in his room. Cramer had already constructed a magic formation that would isolate his aura while Ron was in his residence. Dracula was releasing dead bodies from the space ring one by one so that they could be turned into undead by Ron. Then, he would return the undead to the space ring. Ron's hands started to feel a little numb from all the work, so he decided to take a break and said, "Dracula, is the Realm of Undead interesting?" When Dracula heard Ron mention the Realm Undead, its eyes gleamed with excitement. "Very interesting! Thank you, my generous Master, for letting me kill in that realm. I now know what real happiness is like!" "Tell me about that realm." "The Realm of Undead is vast. We landed in a place called the Jungle of Skeletons, where skeletons roam about. There are skeletons with different kinds of powers. Skeleton kings are the most powerful of them all; they are all Level-9 Powerhouses. With a little more effort, they will eventually become Legendary Beings…" As Dracula described what he had seen in the Real of Undead, Ron became more and more interested. The undead could kill without having to hold back in the Realm of Undead. There were too many restrictions in the human world. The Pantheon of Brightness alone was already annoying enough, making Ron feel smothered. However, Ron needed to stay in the humans' world for the potions that would improve his strength, or else, he would love to go to the Realm of Undead and have a look himself. "Dracula, the upcoming battle will be much harder than what you went through in the Realm of Undead. You need to be prepared." Ron smiled. He knew that the upcoming battle would not be a bed of roses, but he would not show his concern. "I believe that Master has that under his control. You have not lost a battle yet, have you?" Dracula looked forward to the upcoming battle very much; he was always ready to fight. "Meow!" The lightning cat meowed as it jumped onto Ron's lap. It clawed at Ron's shirt as it climbed on him, then licked Ron's hand.. "It looks like Frosty wants to be a part of the battle, too." Ron's lips quirked in amusement. "What? What does Master want me to do?" In a space filled with the aura of death, Tilia stood up tall when he saw his visitor. His eyes gleamed with excitement. His biggest wish was to have all of Hoslistor's knowledge so he would be able to become a Ron's disciple, as he admired Ron very much. Now, Kieran had graced Tilia's place with his presence, bearing Ron's order. How could Tilia not be excited? He felt that he was one step closer to Ron, whom he considered to be a god. "It is not a difficult task. Come with me, Sir ordered me to bring you back to help him. We are going to spread the terror of the necromancers throughout the whole world once again!" Kieran's lips twisted into a mirthless smile. He admired Ron Lewis's wisdom and courage more and more. "The terror of the necromancers! Everyone will be enveloped by the aura of death! The darkness of the necromancers will enshroud the world!" Tilia yelled in a frenzy. The Magic of Dead Souls was the most powerful magic in the world, in Tilia's opinion. He would do anything for the brilliance of necromancers to shine upon the world once again! Kieran started to laugh madly as well, and the space ring on his finger flickered. He brought Tilia away from Holistor's ruins and wrapped Tilia's body with a black cape. He laid a tool that would hide the aura on Tilia's body.
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