Chapter 26

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Dean POV She’s heartbroken and I don’t like the fool, but he’s her best friend. Since that morning Killian handed her the note, she’s not been herself. I know she blames herself for not asking him, even I could see he was bothered about something. He was very quiet the whole weekend except when he interacted with the kids. He didn’t even engage in our casual bickering, I shrugged it off thinking he might just be tired. When we greeted him at the airport he told me to look after her, I said I would and he gave me half a grin an walked to departures. “Hey love” I whisper crouching down next to the bed with some toast “Hey” she whispers her eyes still closed “I brought you some toast” I say and she buries her face deeper under the covers “I’m not hungry, thanks” “Violet please, you haven’t eaten in two days” I beg and she sighs “Dean please” she whispers, and I sit next to her “He’ll be fine” I say but she doesn’t respond “Guys like him are strong, they learn to adapt and survive, you’ll see” “It’s been four months. What if he’s… if he’s…” she chokes on her words “No, you can’t think like that. You need to be strong, for him” I wanna puke “He’ll come back. They always come back” I try my best to encourage her “Dean, honey I love you but please just let me be. I’ll be okay in a while” she says in a tired voice “Love, you said that last week, I’m worried about you. Killian is going insane, Duncan has texted me like a thousand times today already” I say and for the first time in weeks she chuckles “He can’t type that fast” she says and my heart leaps “Oh really? Look at this” I take my phone out of my pocket as she slowly sits up. Oh baby look at you. Her eyes are puffy, her face is red and her nose raw from the constant blowing and wiping. “That’s like eight hon” she says handing the phone back and I frown “No there were more” I say she chuckles again “It might just feel like it because you haven’t had so many text in your life” she says taking the coffee. Finally “Oh yeah? Well miss I-get-hundreds-of-texts-per-day, what do you say about this?” I ask her in a cocky tone and show her my call register “Wow okay you weren’t kidding about Killian. Okay let me take a shower and we can watch a movie okay?” she says getting up but grabs her head falling back down “Violet” I grab her looking at her with worry on my face “Just got up too fast, I’m okay” she says and I help her to the bathroom. She smiles closing the door and I grunt “I just want her to be better” I mumble taking out some clothes for her placing it on the bed “You suck John” I groan plumping down on the bed. A little while later she exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, her wet hair hanging in strands covering the right side of her face. She takes a piece of toast, holding it between her teeth and grabs the clothes next to me “Thanks hon, be right out” she says and gives me sincere smile “Hurry up” I say as she closes the door. Seems to be working, she needs to get better. She hasn’t neglected her job at all, but I can see she’s like on auto pilot. She doesn’t argue with clients, and that is a bad thing. “So I was thinking, we could watch one of those blood-guts and gore flicks you like so much” she says exiting the bathroom combing her hair and I smile standing “Or we could watch one of those mushy ones you like” I say and she smiles “Okay compromise” “Give it to me” “We find one that’s action packed and romantic” “Few and far in between love” “We’ll find something, where’s my phone?” “You had it this morning” I say turning the covers over “Oh here” she says pulling out from under her pillow. She opens her phone taps a few times and then her face lights up “This one” she says and I nod “The Matrix it is then” “The trilogy” “Cool” we get settled on the couch and put on the movie, she’s silent throughout the whole thing, sometimes silently crying other times smiling with a look of contentment. I know why she picked this, he loves these movies, she told me about his identity thing. I don’t blame her, I’m a bit jealous sure but whatever gets her back to her old self, I’m willing to try anything. “Dean” “Yeah” “Make love to me” my heart starts to race as I glance down at her. She doesn’t look at me, her hand just moves to my crotch and against my better judgment I stop her “No Vi” “Why not?” “Not like this” she sits up and looks at me, her eyes holding sorrow but I can see the rejection on her face “I want this” she says but I shake my head “No, you want a distraction. Come here” I say and she gets into my lap and I wrap her up in a hug “I would like nothing more than to make love to you, but like this. It’ll be like taking advantage” I say and she jolts as a sob escapes her “I want you to be you, the happy you when I make love to you. Be mad at me for it, it’s fine. But I love you too much to make you regret something later” I whisper into her hair as she cries harder. And we sit like that until it’s late into the night. She falls asleep on my lap and I get up taking her to bed. I gently remove her bra and shorts so that she’s more comfortable and take a shower before crawling in next to her, holding her close to me. You better be alive asshole.   Belmont POV “Amore, he’ll be fine stop fussing” I say pulling her away from the room “He’s still young mi todo, what if he gets hurt?” “He’s fine, come on” I urge and she relents letting me guide her away. We walk down the stairs heading to the training grounds “I’m so nervous” she says as we take our seats “It’s for his own good” I say taking her hand and nod at the announcer “Let the games begin!” he yells and the crowd cheers. He comes walking in, confident and sharp “He’s so handsome” some of the girls in the crowd whispers and I smile proudly “The prince!” and the crowd goes wild jumping to their feet. The first warrior steps up as we sit and wait in anticipation for the fight to begin, the tension building as the crowd goes silent watching their every move. The warrior has a helmet on I’ve not seen before but I pay him no mind. He raises his sword and leaps toward him and their swords clash. They fight hard, his strokes fluent and precise but then the warrior brings his left hand up, a glint of a small blade catches my eye and I jump up but it’s too late. He gasps, look down at the warriors hand and fall on his back, the warrior turns to us and removes his helmet “Sorry brother, but I had to have one” Barin says and I scream running to him, cradling his head in my hands “Leo!” “Belmont” her voice drifts to my ears and the whole scene dissolves into nothing “Belmont wake up” the sparks running up my arm cements the fact that it was just a dream, a horrible dream “Oh mi todo you were screaming” she says wiping my face with a towel “Sorry amore” I rasp out and reach for the glass of water gulping it down “You saw him?” she asks “Yes” I say and her face pales “Is he… did he…?” she asks shutting her eyes “Yes” and she topples over clutching her chest sobbing “It doesn’t mean he’s gone; it just means our bond is getting weaker” I say soothingly “But if he does you won’t feel it” she says and I gulp “No we won’t” I say and she lets out a painful cry “My boy… oh please let him come back” she pleads and I pull her to me holding her “He’s still there amore, he’s still alive” I say through tears rocking her back and forth. With Cayden it was different, he’s not my biological son but Duke could feel Nima. I haven’t told her that Ryker has been gone for more than a year, she won’t take that well at all. The only thing connecting me to him is our blood bond, it’s like my mate bond with Isa, but this is getting weaker. I’ve never felt so powerless in my life, I thought I did when she was shot, but this is much worse. I want to protect him, although he’s a grown man he’s still my son, and my only biological child. I’m linked to all my other children, yes either by their Lycan or wolves, or through the link but no-one’s is as strong as Leo’s. “Just tell me… the moment it happens” she says and I guide her eyes to meet mine “You’ll know amore, believe me you’ll feel it” I say. She nods and continues crying “Amore, I wish I could take this from you. I’m sorry amore” I say swallowing down the lump in my throat “It’s not your fault mi todo. You’re hurting too” she says and my resolve comes undone. I know what it feels like to lose everyone, this is worse.   Violet POV I’m adjusting to life without John. It’s not been easy, but I endure. Dean has been nothing but supportive through everything, even though he doesn’t like John, he’s done all he can to make sure I’m loved and that I know he’s there. But it’s in times like this, when he’s out on a hunt that it’s almost too much to handle. Now I have two people I’m scared for, for the same reason doing completely opposite things. I just wish I could hear his voice, know that he’s alive at least. The only upside with Dean is I can phone him any time I want, with John, I don’t even know where he is. It’s been almost a year since he left, a year since I read that awful note “Sweet cheeks, I’m being shipped out on Monday at 04:00 I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you face to face. I couldn’t bear seeing you cry. Please look after yourself and the ogre I’ll be back, and if it is my time thank you for being you. Gigantor xxxx P.S. I  love you babe, remember me” Some of the ink had smeared and I knew he cried writing it. It was one of the worst days of my life. At first I was angry as hell at him, then I thought maybe he was pulling a prank on me but after a month I realized that it was indeed the truth and that I had no way of knowing where he was. Yes I tried getting information but all they told me is that it was classified. How do people married to military people do this? There are families out there who has to endure this for generations. Then the bargaining came, I would tell myself everyday driving home from work that today is the day, he’s back, and when he wasn’t I’d joke about it telling Dean he was hiding because of him. I eventually felt like sleeping, all the time, because when you sleep you don’t feel, the reality is gone for a while. But a few months back I accepted the fact that he might never come back, that he indeed might be dead and I never told him how much I cared and loved him. But that’s all in the past, if there’s anything I learned the last few years is that the past is what it is. I had the privilege to know a man so kind and gentle, while being strong and courageous. A man so sincere and pure at heart, he made a saint look bad. A man with integrity, strong will and honesty that could move mountains. And for that I am eternally grateful, he graciously stepped aside letting Dean into my life. I still think that’s why he went to the military, he in some way couldn’t accept the fact that Dean had my heart. But what he doesn’t know is that he could’ve had it, and in a big way he did… he still has. I love him deeply and sincerely, without prejudice or expectation. I would’ve gotten up earlier or went to sleep later for him, he showed me true unwavering love, all of that while being nothing more than a friend. Thank you John “Hey love” Dean’s deep voice calls from the door and I smile spinning around “Hey hon!” I say throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him deeply “Oh wow, I should go away more” he says in a flirtatious voice and I laugh “Don’t you dare. Did you get it?” “Some of them yes, damn werewolves. The only thing worse hunting is a vampire” he says throwing his bag on the ground plopping down in a chair “I wouldn’t know. Just glad you’re safe” I say handing him a beer “How has my girl been?” he asks pulling me to him stopping between his legs “Oh so relaxed” I say and he raises an eyebrow “Really? How so?” he asks and I lean back a bit “Having the house all to myself, no-one nagging me to feel better or trying to get me up. It. Was. Heaven.” I whisper leaning into him and kissing him with a blazing passion. He groans and tilts my head deepening the kiss making me moan. “Wow, sounds good to me, I’ve been thinking about you naked for two whole days” he says nibbling on my neck “Oh hon, great minds do think alike” I say my voice thick “You mind if I take you here and now?” he asks his thumbs grazing my breasts and I gasp “Please” I beg and he groans lifting me onto the counter in a swift motion. He pulls off his shirt, his ripped muscles making my mouth water, before ridding me of my shirt “f**k baby, so beautiful” he says unclasping my bra letting it fall to the floor. He slowly pulls my shorts down and grin when he sees I’m not wearing underwear “Oh you waited for me I see” he says his eyes hungry “For weeks” I breathe out and he captures my lips in a bruising kiss. Our breathing is hard as the heat builds between us. I fondle with his belt, finally letting it drop to the floor followed by his boxers. He glides a finger over my folds, positions himself and thrusts inside me. The pain is quickly replaced by the most intense pleasure and I moan “f**k Violet, say it” he commands and I look at him “I love you” I say and he groans locking his lips onto mine, thrusting deeper and a little harder each time. The kitchen fills with my moans of pleasure and the slapping noise our bodies make. I spread my legs even more, he angles his hips slightly and hits that spot “Oh s**t babe yes” “Say it Vi” “I’m yours” “Say it again” I’m so close “I’m yours Dean!” I cry out as the orgasm rips through me making my body shudder in pleasure “I’m yours” he growls into my neck as he fills me up. I ley back on the cold countertop catching my breath and he kisses my stomach “I love you Violet Kendrick” he says and I smile looking down at him, planting kisses all over my exposed skin, still burning with desire “And I love you Dean Colt” I whisper smiling running my hands through his hair. Later that night we’re lying in bed my finger lazily tracing his tattoos. I got the protection tattoo as well, he insisted on it. Did I mention Jess is expecting a baby? Yeah we’re all overjoyed about it. I think I cried harder than she did. “I’m glad you’re back to your old self” he says “Me too” I say and snuggle up against him. I don’t have nightmares anymore, it stopped when Dean moved in, the only other time was when John was with me. But I’m grateful they’re gone, obviously, but I mean they started getting worse, more graphic and violent. To this day I refuse to watch a horror where ghosts are involved or those slasher flicks. When you lived it, believe me you’ve had enough.
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