Chapter 25

3009 Words
Violet POV A week after the wedding we sat down and had a chat, John and I. I told him that they wanted him to join the military and what my fears were, but he decided to join anyway. That was ten months ago. Dean and I are on better grounds, dating now. It’s lonely without John here, but he’s coming home today so I went all out. We’re all here waiting for him to arrive, at my brother’s house (aka my parent’s old house) and the taxi drives up and he gets out. His hair is short, his face clean shaven and he looks even more fit than he did when he left “John!” I squeal and run up to him throwing me arms around his neck. He picks me up effortlessly spinning us around “Hey sweet cheeks, I missed my girl” he whispers into my hair and I laugh through my happy tears “And I you big guy” I say as he lets me down. Dean walks up and shakes his hand, they still don’t like each other but they’re civil. Then my brother steps up “Killian” he says smiling and John shakes his hand “Good to finally meet you, thank you for having me” he says and my brother nods smiling “Hey” a small voice says and John crouches down to Blaire’s level smiling “Hey beautiful, what’s your name?” “Blaire” “Oh well I’m pleased to meet your acquaintance princess Blaire” he says bowing his head making her giggle “Vivi, I like him” she says looking up at me smiling “I do too” I say and then Josh steps out from behind his dad “Josh” he says extending his hand “John, nice to meet you” “You too, thank you for your service” he says and John chuckles “My pleasure, although I’m still in training” “Oh, how long till you can become a soldier?” “I’m in the Marines, so I’m already a soldier. Will probably be promoted when I get back” he says and Josh nods “Good luck” he says saluting John, he stands and gives him a proper salute “Thank you, sir” he says and Josh smiles “At ease soldier” Josh instructs making me glare at him “Sorry, just kidding” he says and John laughs “No problem, wanna help me with my bag private?” he asks and Josh nods grabbing the bag, struggling to move it “Put your back into it” John says and lifts the bag helping him carry it inside. Later that night I make my way downstairs to get a glass of milk and find John sitting alone in the dark kitchen staring at a cup in his hands “Hey Vi” he says not looking up “Hey, can’t sleep?” I ask but he just shakes his head “Nope, you neither?” “No” I say sitting down next to him “You okay?” I ask studying him “Nope” “What’s up?” “I should’ve told you I joined the Marines” he says and I sigh “It’s fine John, don’t sweat it” “No, I wanted to but with training and all going on time got away from me. The short phone calls I was allowed I didn’t want to spend arguing with you” he says and finally looks at me “You look like s**t” I say and he chuckles “Still better than you” he bites back and I gasp “You flatter me sir” he laughs putting his arm around my shoulders pulling me to him “You seem happy with the ogre” he says and I slap his chest “Play nice” “What, just stating facts” he says innocently “I am, I miss you terribly though” I say and he nods, stands up holding out his hand to me “Come on” he says and leads me to the living room. We sit down on the couch and I snuggle under his arm like old times and we chat, about everything. He tells me about his training and I tell him about the business and Carl, who’s now dating one of the bouncers he worked with, Biggy. Don’t know his real name. “So Carl is gay?” he asks and I chuckle “Of course silly” I say and he hums “Wow, missed that” “Really? He flirted with you for like forever” I say and he shrugs “I feel a bit bad now, but I’m glad he’s happy” he says and I nod “Yeah, went out with me one night, they met when Biggy greeted me and well the rest is history” I say yawning “Let’s get you to bed before the guard dog comes looking for you” he says and I chuckle “Stop. He’s a good guy” I argue as we make our way upstairs and he chuckles “Whatever you say. Good night sweet cheeks” he says and closes the door and I retire too. Crawling in next to Dean, he sleepily wraps and arm around my waist as I snuggle closer “You and the brat enjoy your chat?” “Lay off Dean. He’s a good guy” “Whatever love” he says and I sigh. These two brutes are going to be the death of me. The next morning I wake up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and fresh coffee. Oh heaven smells like this I know it! I finish up quickly, expecting to find the guys there, but it’s only John “Good morning!” I say in a chirpy voice and he smiles “Hey babe, sleep well?” “Oh yes and you?” “Like a rock. You hungry? Made your favorite” he says and I clap my hands excitedly “Yum! Gimme the calories!” I demand and he laughs plates the food and sits down. He looks nervous, like he wants to say something but doesn’t know how. I’m about to ask when I hear the others entering from the back yard “Good morning sis!” Killian says and kisses my head “Oh it smells nice, thanks love” Dean says kissing my cheek “Thank John, he made it” I say and they stop “You cook too?” Killian asks and John shrugs “Is there anything the pretty boy can’t do?” Dean scoffs and I hear John grunt but don’t say anything “Dean” I say in a warning tone and he smiles sweetly “Sorry” he says plating food “Where’re the kids?” “They have a thing at school, I’ll fetch them in about two hours” Killian says and I nod “So boys, what are we doing today?” I ask and they glance at each other “We could have a barbecue” Killian says and we smile “Sounds great” I say and John gets up “I’ll be back later” he says and disappears up the stairs. Something is wrong “Dean, we can get the stuff when we pick up the kids” Killian says and Dean nods “Sure thing bro” “I’ll just clean up here, you boys play nice okay” I say kissing Killian on the cheek and giving Dean a toe-curling kiss before quickly cleaning up the kitchen and heading to our room to finish up some work. If I had only pushed the subject with John that day. If only I had sat down with him instead of shrugging it off and working. If only I had knocked later that night when I saw the glow of the light under his door, I would’ve known that he was being shipped out. I could’ve made sure that he knew that I loved him and that he must be safe. If I had only pushed him, but now it’s too late.   Hades POV “Abby please” I beg but my wife is having none of it “No. This is what you get for being a butthead” she says firmly “But dulcinea, he started it” I argue, and her furious gaze finally meets mine “I don’t care who started it Hades! Look at the f*****g place! You two idiots destroyed everything from here to who knows where!” she yells, and I cower “Tell him Abs” Ares pipes up. Wrong move brother “Don’t you encourage me you brute! You nearly destroyed my palace with your stupid fire balls! What were you thinking?!” she screams and we both wince at her tone “We’ll fix it” I say and she glares at us “You better and do it quickly. What type of example is this to the kids? Honestly, acting like spoiled brats at everyone’s expense! Clean it up now!” she commands and stomps away “Feisty little one you have there brother” Ares says and I sigh “Wait till my-“ too late “You two better have an explicitly good explanation for this mayhem” Isa commands, arms folded tapping her foot “Hey mom” “Don’t you hey mom me mister. You can thank god that no-one got hurt! All my grand-kids were here, two ancient beings acting like little pups, no worse!” she bellows and again we wince “Sorry Isa” Ares says quietly lowering his head “Don’t be sorry, be careful. I have a good mind informing Athena about this” we almost fall to our knees begging “No please, Caleb was here, she’ll kill us” we plead. Isa narrows her eyes at us “And Theseis’s great grandchildren. Now if this isn’t cleaned up and in order within the next two hours, you’ll answer to me” she says and storms away fuming “Well Hades, seems we have some work to do” Ares says and I nod looking around with my hands on my hips “Ares, I do believe we’ve come to the end of our squabble brother. As much as I’ve enjoyed it over the last 3000 years, we could’ve injured the children today. Truce?” I say extending my hand and he nods shaking it “Truce brother. Although we can always do it back home, Olympus can withstand much more” he says his dark blue eyes gleaming with joy “Very well. I’ll take the left; you take the right” I say and he nods. “Uncle Hades” Kit calls out and I smile as he falls into step next to me “Hello young prince. Did you enjoy the party?” “Oh hell yeah! That thing you did with the water was awesome!” he says making me chuckle “My brother is predictable, now if you think that was cool, watch this” I say and turn to our destruction we caused “Stay behind me Kit” I instruct and he nods “Ready brother?!” Ares calls and I nod, levitating off the ground, Kit tucked behind me and he gasps “I’m flying” he says looking around us and I nod “Ready!” I call back and the ground starts to shake, the buildings tremble as a wind picks up around us, blowing stronger with each second “Uncle Hades, what…” he trails off as a bolt of lightning shoots from Ares’s hands, intertwining with the tornado like wind “Kit!” I hear Amala’s panicked voice but I just smirk, letting my right fist rise “Calm down dear sister, he’s safe” I yell out to her, but even from up here I see her electric blue eyes blazing. I slowly open my fist and water shining like chrome flows out of my palm and mix with the lightening and wind, Ares does the same but he releases a purple flame, causing soft white bolts to shoot out of the whirlwind and wherever it strikes that which is broken is mended, the rubble disintegrates, the holes in the ground and broken and burnt trees are restored to their former beauty. “Mom are you seeing this?!” Kit yells, and his mother, bless her soul, is standing there not sure whether to run or stay and look on in wonder. Her blue eyes darting around her and up again to her son “Yes!” she yells finally, and she sounds more in awe than angry “Okay brother, pull back!” I yell and Ares slowly closes his hand, retracting the purple flame. Once the flames are gone, I do the same with my water, then he stops the lightening and I let us back down slowly, the wind reduced to a soft breeze “Hades!” Amala commands and I sigh “Yes, my dear sister?” she stomps up to me and my shoulders slump. I can’t seem to do anything right anymore “What were you thinking?!” she demands and I step back “You should’ve said it would be so awesome! I would’ve recorded it!” she squeals and wraps me up in a hug. I let out a breath wrapping my arms around her “We can do it again, and where’s my hug?” Ares says walking up and she skips to him giving him a hug “That was epic!” Kit exclaims giving me a high five “My pleasure nephew” I say and he walks away looking elated “Hey big bro” Amala says and I look down “Sorry for giving you a hard time the past few months. You did so much for us, and today was a bit of a mess but you fixed it. You have a good, kind soul. Thanks for doing that for Kit, I know he misses Leo. He would’ve done fun things with him. I don’t know how to make it better for him” she says and I pull her to me “Oh my dear, you don’t live for thousands of years and not learn to just let some things be. Thank you for being here and keeping everyone grounded like only you can. It was my pleasure, and yes he misses Leo, we all do. Maybe he should visit his grandparents for a while. They’ll keep him busy” I say and she looks up and nods “That’s a great idea. He’s been bugging me to start training, and who better to train with him than mom and Aunt Val?” she says and I nod “Can’t think of a better pair” I say and she hugs me again “Oh and one day, you must take me flying, it looked like fun!” she says waving and I laugh “Son” oh great, she comes and brightens up my day only for him to ruin it again “Hello father” I say turning around, my dad, yes my dad Zeus is standing there smiling “I’m proud of the man you’ve become. You’re a fair ruler, good father and exceptional husband. Thank you for showing an old man how to be better” he says and I roll my eyes “Really Loki? I’m not that stupid, he’d never say anything like that” I bark out and the trickster transforms into his own form laughing “Aww would you like him to?” he says and I slap him against the head “No. What do you want?” “Just came to say hi to my cousins” “Five times removed, we’re barely family” I say turning toward the palace “Loki, what did I tell you to do before visiting?” Ares says his arms folded and Loki pales “Call, or write… or was it both?” “Go home, Odin knows it was you. Hiding here or my realm is not an option” Ares commands and Loki disappears in a puff of smoke cackling like a fool “i***t. Well brother thank you for the joust and the help” I say greeting him “Fun as always, hey can I visit Adrik before leaving. I miss him so” he says his dark blue eyes shining with menace “Please do, send my regards” I say and he smiles before walking away. I survey the area, making sure all has been restored. Stuffing my hands in my pockets and turn my face to the sun. Little brother, I wish you would return. We miss you so much, especially me. Be safe monster.
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