Chapter 12

3005 Words
Violet POV “Violet goddammit answer me!” which snaps my attention back to the call “I’m calling the police, talk later Killy” I say and cut the call. Oh he’s going to go through the roof. I dial 911, give them directions and switch on my emergency lights. The operator is asking all kinds of questions and this prompts me to exit the car hesitantly, she tells me to keep a safe distance and I do. I glance up into the direction he came, trying to see if I can make out any movement but it’s only darkness. I cautiously step around my car, phone in hand, moving closer to the figure. In the flashing lights I can make out some of his features. He’s tall, seems to be well built. “Ma’am do you see any injuries?” she asks “N-no, I don’t but he has dark colored clothing on so I’m not sure” I whisper “Okay ma’am, they’re on their way. Please get back in your vehicle and wait for the response to get there okay?” she says in a calm voice “O-okay” I whisper and turn but then he groans softly “Oh he’s alive” I say and then I hear her speaking to someone else. I crouch down a few feet away and speak softly “H-hey” I say in a shaky voice, he groans again his hand moving slowly “Hey sir” I say a bit louder and his eyes open slowly “He’s waking up” I say a little too excited “Ma’am, please keep a safe distance, can you hear the sirens yet?” she asks and I listen “Not yet” I say “Ma’am, please get back in your vehicle” she says but I move a bit closer “Hey sir, are you hurt?” I ask and he slowly turns his head toward me, his eyes locking on mine “Where am I?” he asks in groggy voice “You’re on a highway sir, you fell from up there” I say pointing in the direction he fell. He moves to get up but I’m quicker placing my hand on his shoulder “No keep still okay? The ambulance is on its way” I say soothingly and he nods stilling again “Ma’am, is he responsive?” the operator asks “Yes, I think so” I say and she types again “Ma’am, do you hear the sirens yet?” she asks and this time I do “Yes I hear them” “Okay ma’am, I’ll stay on the line until they get there okay?” “Okay” “Is he still awake?” “Yes, he’s just laying here, uhm looking at me” I say looking down at him. He has some small cuts and bruises on his face but that’s all I can see “Ma’am are they there yet?” “Yes a car is pulling up” “Okay ma’am I’ll let you go now” “Okay thank you” “Good night ma’am” “Good night” I end the call and look down at the guy. He seems confused and scared “Hey what’s your name?” I ask and he frowns “I- I don’t know” he says and I smile “It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. I’m Violet, now these people are here to help you, don’t panic okay?” I say and the police and paramedics rush toward us. I step back as the policeman asks me questions while the paramedics assess him for injuries. He seems even more confused now but doesn’t protest, well until they want to load him in the ambulance “No! I don’t want to go with you!” he screams and knocks one of the paramedics down. The police intervene and try and restrain him but when his eyes meet mine my heart clenches, he looks terrified “Violet please help!” he yells and for some unknown reason I do. I push through them and grab his hand speaking in a soft voice “Hey it’s okay, I’m here. They’re going to take you to hospital to get you checked out, I’ll be right behind you okay?” I say, why well I have no idea, I just have this weird feeling that I must help him. “O-okay, don’t leave me” he pleads and I smile softly guiding him back down “No, I’ll be right behind you in my car” I say and he nods “Okay” he says and yeah here I go, again on my way to the hospital. They take him to the hospital in the city I stay in so this helps. I park in front of the hospital and rush to the door, just as they wheel him in “Violet!” he yells and I grab his hand “I’m here, deep breaths big guy” when we enter the emergency room they stop me. “Okay big guy, I’m waiting here, calm deep breaths, see you soon” I say as he slowly nods inhaling deeply “That’s it, they won’t hurt you” I say and let his hand go. He’s as big as a giant but at the same time he’s like a child. Crap maybe he has some kind of disorder, poor guy. I take out my phone and text my brother, he’s furious, just letting him know everything is fine and the guy was taken to hospital. The police have finished ‘interrogating’ me and now we’re waiting for the feedback from the doctor, after what feels like forever I glance up and see the doctor walking towards us. “Violet?” he asks and I nod “He would like to see you” he says and turns to leave but the policemen stop him. They ask to speak to him but what the doctor says next makes me feel even worse for him “I’m sorry to inform you officer, but my patient is suffering from dissociative amnesia, he has no recollection of anything, not even his name” he says firmly. They argue for a while but the doctor stays firm, not letting them near him, well for now. The police reluctantly leave and the doctor turns to me “Well let’s go see our new friend shall we?” he says with a kind smile, his eyes wrinkling at the corners “Let’s go, lead the way doctor” I say gesturing for him to walk ahead. When I walk into the room I feel this immense feeling of protectiveness come over me. He’s sitting on the bed looking bewildered and scared but the moment his eyes fall on me he seems to relax “Violet” he breathes out, as if I’m the only person in the world that makes sense to him. I walk over and hand him a bagel and soft drink. “Hey you, how are you feeling?” I ask and he grips my hand “Better now” he says in a soft voice. He’s about 6’6’’, muscular, tanned but his eyes, never in all my life have I seen such amazing eyes. “Miss uhm… Sorry I didn’t catch your last name” the doctor says and I smile “Kendrick” “Ah, pleasure to meet you, I’m doctor Woodrow” “Pleasure to meet you doctor” “Your friend has some superficial wounds here and there but he seems to be fine. We believe he might have suffered some kind of significant trauma which caused the dissociative amnesia. We have done all the relevant tests and will know more in the morning” he says and I nod “Will he get his memories back?” I ask and this time the doctor seems genuinely sad “We don’t know, with any type of amnesia it’s hard to tell. We’ll know more once all the test results are back. We will keep him here for the night, see you later big guy” the doctor pats him on the shoulder and leaves. He just sits there and stares at our hands frowning “Hey its okay, this kind of thing happens all the time” I say encouragingly and his gaze snaps to mine “Really?” he asks sounding a bit relieved “Yeah, well I don’t know really but I’ve heard of it” I say, his face falls again “How many times?” he asks and I shrug “Oh I don’t know, like uhm, maybe once every 2 years or something. Anyway we’ll figure it out” I say and he gives me a small smile “Yeah, okay” he says and I glance down at his clothes. It looks like some type of uniform, but none I’ve ever seen before. “Are you hungry or tired?” I ask not knowing what else to do “No I’m fine thanks” he says and I nod “Well I better get home, I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” he seems as if he wants to cry “C-can you stay a little longer please? I uhm, I just don’t want to be alone” he says and I sit down on the bed “Only for a little while, I still need to go unpack” I say and he seems to perk up a bit “You were coming back from somewhere when you found me?” he asks and I chuckle “Yup, from home” I say and he frowns “But you just said you need to go home?” he says and I smile “My childhood home, we’re busy with renovations there, but I live here in the city” I say and he nods “Oh that’s good. What uhm, what do you do?” he asks and I tell him about my job, he listens intently, like a sponge soaking up any type of information. I need to tell Doctor Moore this, maybe she can help him. “Interesting, don’t think I’ve met any interior designers before. But then again, I think this is the first time I’ve seen the inside of a hospital too” he says looking around and then I get an idea “Hey you know this is like an adventure, you have the chance to start over or at least until you regain your memories” I say and he tilts his head to the side “What do you mean?” “I mean, you have the opportunity to experience everything anew, like life is a whole new adventure” I say and he smiles, oh good gracious mother of our green earth he’s drop dead gorgeous when he smiles. I glance down at his hands, yes I’m looking for a ring, or a marking of one, none I can see. “You’re right, this could be fun I guess” he says and I smile sitting up straight “You guess, no need to guess anything, it’s true” I say happily “Yeah, you’re right. This could be fun” he says sitting up more “It’ll be a blast!” I say and I see his eyes cloud over, with sadness or regret or both “I just wish I could remember my name” he says then I remember “Oh I picked up a backpack; it was near my car, quite heavy actually. I’ll fetch it real quick” I say and he nods. I grab my handbag and rush to my car, just as I open the trunk I glance around. I don’t want the police to take the little stuff he has, I don’t know if it’s legal but I mean come on. I grab the backpack and rush back inside. “Here we go” I say as I step inside placing the backpack down on the bed next to him. He looks at me expectantly “Well, open it” I instruct, and he takes it and opens it. He pulls out about 5 sets of clothes, neatly packed, a multitool type thing, a torch, a canister of water and a booklet, that’s it. I look at the different items spread out on the bed “That’s all?” I ask and he digs around and takes out a note “What’s this?” I ask and he unfolds it “It’s a note” “Yes I can see that, what does it say?” I ask and he hands it over “Life is what you make it” I turn it over and back, frowning at him “Okay does this make sense to you?” I ask but he just frowns “I… I don’t know” he says looking at the other items. I look at the items and then I put the picture together “Hey you know what, let’s not try and overdo it tonight. A good night’s rest will do us both good, so I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” I say standing he doesn’t even look up and I have this strange urge to hug him, but I don’t. “Hey Gigantor, I’m talking to you” I joke and he looks up, oh crap is he going to cry. Please don’t cry, that’s like my one weakness “Sorry what?” he asks his voice low and unsure “I said I’ll see you tomorrow, rest now. We’ll figure this out later” I say and he nods “You’ll be back?” he asks and again I see that little scared kid “I will” “Promise?” “I promise Gigantor” I say and I ruffle his hair like I do with Josh “Gigantor” he says giving me a half smile with a raised eyebrow “Yup, that’s what I’m calling you, until you remember your name” I say giving him my best smile. The next moment he gets up and bows, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles “Thank you, Violet Kendrick, I owe you my life” he says and I blush like an idiot “No, you don’t. Now get some sleep” I say stepping closer to the door. He sits on the bed and watches me as I retreat through the doorway still blushing and smiling like a fool. As I walk back to my car I have a brilliant idea. “I’ll call him tomorrow, he’ll know what to do” I whisper as I get in my car and drive home. The next morning I wake up with a smile, I get up and for the first time in months I take my morning jog, I’m used to doing 5 miles, today I did less than half. Crap I’m dying, I think I’m having a heart attack. Breathing heavily I stumble into my house falling on the cold tile floor struggling to catch my breath. Okay that’s it, I’m unfit. Eventually I get up and get ready for my meeting, after that I’m going to the hospital. The client nearly squeezed the life out of me when she saw me, poor thing thought I’d never come back. The meeting lasts much longer than I wanted so by the time I walk into the hospital it’s passed lunch time. I buy us something to eat from the cafeteria and make my way to his room, the door is closed so I knock, no answer. I push the door open but it’s empty “Sorry nurse, the gentleman that was in this room, where did they move him to?” I ask and she smiles “The psychiatric wing, down that way, up one level then left” she says and I thank her making my way to the elevators. I ask at reception, not needing to give an extensive explanation to the nurses, they know immediately who I’m looking for. Some of the younger ones seem to give me disgusted glares as I pass walking to his room. They probably think I’m his girlfriend or something, ha-ha girls. Won’t mind it actually. No Vi, gross you know how this end with strangers. I scold myself as I enter his room. I knock and greet him in my friendliest tone.
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