Chapter 13

3320 Words
Violet POV “Hey Gigantor! How are you today?” I ask and he turns slowly, he looks tired “Hey Violet, I’m doing great thanks. You look lovely today” he says and like last night he takes my hand and kiss my knuckles. Wow, like in the movies. “I brought you some lunch, I know hospital food is not the best” I say handing him the bag “Thank you so much, this smells amazing” he says placing the bag down. Hmm sharp nose “How did you sleep?” I ask taking a seat in the chair biting into my sandwich “Oh it was fine thanks” he says looking at his hands “Liar” “No, I mean it’s just so noisy here” he says and I nod “Yeah, and they come and check up on you through the night” he nods in response “I almost thought you’re not coming” he says looking a bit shy “No, I promised. I just had a meeting that went on for longer than expected. Clients and their mind changes” I joke and he smiles “Won’t know, but I’m glad you’re here” he says and I lean forward wiping my hands with the napkin “Did you get the results back?” I ask and he nods “Yeah the doctor said he wants to see you when you get here. I’ll tell them to get him” he says and walks out the door. A few seconds later I hear giggling and he returns sitting down on the bed again “He’ll be here shortly” he says and I smile “Cool, so have you had an epiphany while I was away? Like who you are or anything?” I ask but he just shakes his head “Not yet” he says with half a smile. “It’s okay, no rushing recovery” I say, and he nods, but he still seems scared. The doctor enters with the same kind smile on his face “Good afternoon, Miss Kendrick, how are you?” he asks in a friendly tone “I’m doing well thanks doc, any news on our friend here?” I ask and he smiles at Gigantor and gestures for me to follow him. “Be right back okay, have a bite while I’m gone” I say squeezing his shoulder as I pass by him following the doctor down the corridor to an office. He steps inside and closes the door behind us, oh he’s a Neurologist, makes sense. “Miss Kendrick, I’m afraid we have more questions than answers. The good news is that there is nothing medically wrong with him, all the tests came back with good results. He is in fact very fit and healthy. No signs of any brain damage, tumors or any other medical explanation can be given for this condition, so the only other explanation is serious emotional trauma” he says and my heart clenches. What could happen that’s so traumatic that you get amnesia? “What do you recommend doctor?” I ask and he places a business card in front of me “This is one of the best occupational therapists in the state, I will refer him and maybe he can help him. He will do his own assessment, and hopefully he can determine the cause or jolt his memory in some way. I have done all I can, I’m sorry I don’t have better news” he says seeming regretful “No it’s okay doctor, we appreciate everything you’ve done. Thank you, but where do I go with him?” I ask and he seems taken aback “Is he not a friend of yours?” he asks and I chuckle shaking my head “No he’s as much a stranger to me as he is to you” I answer honestly “Well we can arrange for him to be placed in the psychiatric hospital across the city, until other arrangements can be made” he says and I nod standing “Thank you again doctor, I’m really happy he was lucky enough to have you help him” “Oh, don’t mention it” he says and I turn to leave “Oh Violet” he says and I turn back “Take my card please and update me on his progress. I feel a strange connection to him, he’s a good kid” he says and I nod smiling taking his business card “I know what you mean doc, good day” I say and exit walking to his room. I enter just as he takes the last bite of the sandwich “Hey, good news you’re getting out of here” I say closing the door behind me “Good, these woman are freaking me out” he says and I laugh “Okay you know why right?” I ask but he shakes his head “You’re like insanely handsome dude, like on a scale from 1 to 10 you’re a 15” I joke but he frowns “Okay and that’s supposed to be a compliment?” he asks and I laugh harder “Hell yeah! For you to get a girl will take like minutes, women will practically throw themselves at you” I say and he leans back “That’s a good thing?” he asks again and I sigh “Well unless you’re gay, even then the men will flirt their cute little butts off” I say leaning back “Oh, well I don’t think I’m gay. How will I know?” he asks and I get up holding out my hand, he places his hand in mine and stand up “Come on Gigantor, follow me” I say and we make our way out the door, so if looks could kill I’d probably be a pile of ash by now. Suck it bitches! We walk down to the hospital garden where people are sitting, walking and relaxing. We take a seat under a huge tree and I scan the crowd “Okay that guy is not bad” I say pointing to a guy in scrubs but he shakes his head “I uhm, if you say so. The girl with the brown hair is sexy too” he says and I burst out laughing “What?” he asks and I fold my arms “Okay so you’re not gay” I say and he relaxes a bit smiling more than before “That’s good right?” he asks and I glance up at him “It’s not bad, gay or straight doesn’t matter to me. What I like in a guy is a good heart, an old soul, a man that will give his life to protect you. A manly man so to speak, but everyone has their own preference” I say and he looks at me intently “Like me?” he asks and I choke, on air “Well yeah I mean your sexy and all” I say and he smirks “Just sexy huh?” he asks turning his body to face me. He pins me with a smoulder so intense my brain dies “So I’m not your type?” he asks in a low voice making my heart flutter “N-no you are it’s just I…” my words die in my throat when he leans closer and whispers in his husky voice “Just?” “You uhm… we don’t know each other at all” I manage to get out, he leans back and laughs. Oh dear sweet baby blue whale it’s gorgeous “Relax, I’m kidding Violet” he says while chuckling and I smile and slap his arm “Douche, you are a real tease” I say blushing and he laughs again “Hey if I had anything to offer I’d be all over you, you’re a babe” he says and immediately he blushes looking away, this made me giggle “Well thanks Gigantor, haven’t been called a babe in a long time. Now let’s get your stuff, we need to get you to the other place. They’re better equipped to help you there” I say standing up “Thanks for everything Violet, you really are a life saver” he says standing, would you believe it, he holds out his arm to me. I place my hand in the crook of his arm and as we walk back I glance at him. The way he walks, so tall and proud, his mannerisms and the way he conducts himself make me think of the gentlemen in the old movies, elegant and sophisticated. He must come from a family like that, you don’t see these kinds of gestures anymore. While he gets his backpack I confirm with reception that everything is in order and an hour later we’re sitting in his new room. This doesn’t seem like a hospital at all, this is more like a small community. The living arrangements are like apartments, each person has their own space, with staff on call. There’s a beautiful garden, fitness facilities and even a health spa. It’s going to cost me a grand total of who the hell cares, it’s like my good deed. “Thanks Violet, I’ll pay you back one day” he says as we get him settled “Oh nonsense, it’s nothing. You would’ve done the same for me” I say but he just frowns “Well, maybe I would’ve, but I have a feeling I wouldn’t” he says. I unpack the few groceries I bought, just the basics and switch on the kettle “Coffee?” I ask and he nods. We have a nice quiet coffee break and then I have to leave, I still have clients to see “Okay Gigantor, your first appointment is at 9am don’t be late, I’ll come by some time tomorrow. I have a busy day but I’ll come by okay?” I say and he nods walking me to my car “Thanks again, you’re a good person” he says grinning “We can only try, now be good and stay out of trouble. You have my number, call if you need anything” I say and turn to open the door. He reaches passed me and opens the door for me smiling “I will try, I promise” he says his eyes sparkling in the sun, I pat his cheek “Good man. See you” I say and he smiles and closes the door. He stands there and waves as I drive away and I can’t understand why but this is almost as if I was meant to find him, or he me I don’t know.   John POV “No doctor I won’t, thank you” I say as I exit his office. Nice guy, not as friendly as Doctor Woodrow but nice enough. I make my way to my room, I like it better here, it’s quiet and comfy. I get a glass of juice and take a seat in the small living area, these places aren’t designed for guys my size, but it’s better than nothing I suppose. Feeling restless I decide to go to the gym, not sure if I did this previously but the doc said I must try everything. I am very fit, so maybe I used to do this. I walk down to the gym and warm up, my muscles know what to do strangely they have more memory than I do. I warm up taking a few laps around the track, it’s not huge but it helps, I then move over to the weights and resistance training. You know this is the first time I’ve done something that feels vaguely familiar, the only other thing that feels familiar and safe is Violet. It feels as if I’ve known her, or maybe someone like her, she feels like home. Is this weird? I mean I know right from wrong; this doesn’t feel wrong, I just can’t remember. I finish my training session and walk back to my room, take a shower and now I’m standing in front of the mirror looking at myself. Like all the other people I’ve met in the past three days, this man looking back at me is a stranger. I have no idea who he is, what he likes or dislikes. His favorite food or drink, just nothing. My mind is like a deep dark hole, the only memories are from the past three days when I woke up on that road and I saw her face, from there everything is crystal clear. “Gigantor?” I hear her voice and I smile, a real happy smile. I don’t like the name, but what else is she supposed to call me? “Be right out” I call from my room and get dressed, run my fingers through my hair and exit the room. She’s placing food containers on the counter when I enter “Oh hey sleepy head, how is your day so far?” she asks without skipping a beat “I wasn’t sleeping, I took a shower after my workout” I say smirking and her eyebrows arch “Oh really? That sounds like fun. How did it go with the doctor?” she asks handing me my food and we sit down. The table is too small but I manage to cram myself in the corner “Oh it was okay. He said we’ll start with some exercises tomorrow, to see if we can’t jog my memory, sounds fun” I say and take a bite of food. She nods and takes a bite and moans a bit, her eyes closing a little and damn does she look sexy “Oh thank you take out gods for inventing Mexican” she groans and I chuckle “This is Mexican food?” I ask and she nods “Yeah, I figured we’ll try something different every day that way you can figure out what you like and don’t like” she says and I can’t help but feel special, and guilty “You don’t have to do this Violet, really you’re doing enough” I say honestly but she waves me off “Oh hush. It’s no trouble” she says taking another bite “Oh and call me Vi, it feels so formal when you call me Violet” she adds and I nod “How was your day?” I ask and I almost instantly regret it. She goes on about clients, colors, fabrics and some or other thing called an accent wall, don’t know what it is but it seems to upset her “Anyway, so getting that idea out of her head was an impossible task, but we did” she says sighing and lean back in her chair. I take the ‘plates’ and throw them away, wash the cutlery and pour each of us a glass of juice, new flavor she brought today, I like it more than the breakfast punch. “I’m glad you got it sorted out” I say sitting back down. She eyes me up and down, as if she’s contemplating something “What?” I ask looking down at my clothes “We should maybe get you some more clothes, you can’t wear the uniform or whatever that was I found you in and you only have five other sets” she says but I stop her before she can continue “No, I’m fine. I have enough really” I say but she shrugs “Okay, I’ll convince you eventually. So what do you want to do?” she asks and I sit back “I don’t know, uhm you wanna go for a walk?” I ask and she nods “Good idea, let’s go” she says and we leave. Now this is fun, I hold out my arm for her and she places her hand in the crook of my arm, we walk and chat she does most of the talking since I have literally no stories to tell but I enjoy her company so much. I see she’s hurting, she hides it very well, but I see it. “Okay so I’ll be back in two days, please don’t forget your appointments and for the love of chocolate make sure to take your clothes to the cleaners, since I’m not allowed buying you more” she pleads making me chuckle “Don’t worry I won’t forget, now go you’ll be late” I urge and she climbs in the car, not hers it’s called a taxi, they drive you around and then you pay them. “Call if you need anything okay?” she says and I nod closing the door “Be safe” I say and she nods smiling. The taxi pulls away and again I’m left standing there, not knowing what to do with myself. I already have a routine, I get up at 5am, go for my run, come back have breakfast, then go to my therapy session, hit the gym, come back have lunch, group session and then my favorite part of the day Violet comes to visit. Usually we have dinner, walk around talking, trying new foods and recently listening to music. I like most of it, and to be honest I have this burning desire to take her out dancing but I need money for that, something I’m not able to acquire as of yet so I stick around here. What will I do for two days in the time she usually comes to visit? I walk around pondering what to do when one of the staff walks up “Hey John!” he calls and I stop, they all call me John don’t know why but it’s cool “Hey Carl, do we have another session?” I ask as he comes to a stop in front of me “No, I just wanted to know if you’d like to join me and some guys for a movie night, Matrix trilogy” he says smiling and I shrug “Okay sounds fun” I say and follow him to the lounge, the staff lounge “Hey man, I’m not allowed in there” I say stopping at the door but he chuckles slapping my shoulder
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